A Run In

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I woke to my roommate spreading the curtains and letting the too bright sun in, causing my pounding headache to intensify.

"Carlos, are you trying to kill me?" I complained from underneath the blankets that I had just yanked over my head. He scoffed and pulled the blankets off of me.

"It's almost one o'clock," he informed me, and my eyes widened.

"Wait, what day is it again?" Please tell me I'm not late for class...

"Saturday." I sighed in relief.

I wasn't big on parties, or drinking, but Carlos and Terry were always dragging me to the biggest parties they could find, so I figured I'd actually have fun at one of them for once. Besides, they were always telling me to 'get out more.'

I sighed as my thoughts overwhelmed me and I tried to piece the night before together. I remembered dancing with Terry and Carlos, and I remembered drinking... a lot. And it was as if Carlos was reading my mind, because he reappeared from the bathroom and yanked me out of my thoughts.

"How much did you drink last night?" He wondered as he handed me a glass of water and two Advil.

"Thanks," I muttered, popping them into my mouth and washing them down. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I think I lost count after the, um... fifth shot?" Carlos chuckled.

"I've got to get to work, but I'll see you later tonight, yeah?" I nodded and smiled warmly at my friend. Carlos and I had been roommates since freshman year, so we'd gotten pretty close. When I came out to my parents, he was there for me after the fallout. I hadn't spoken to them since, and it was really hard on me, but Carlos was there every step of the way. Even when I was angry and lashed out at him, he always understood. He was like a brother to me, and my other friend/his girlfriend Terry was there for me, as well. They both brought me food so I didn't have to leave my room, and brought me the information from each of my classes so I that I was as caught up as possible after missing a week of classes.

Pulling myself out of my head, I jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom where I got in the shower to wash off my hangover as much as possible. I was planning on going to get lunch somewhere to try and remember the night before as much as possible. I washed my hair and body, and when I got out, I brushed my teeth and fixed up my hair. I went back out to the room and got dressed, pulling on a black hoodie and a matching pair of sweatpants with socks and black Nike slides, having no desire to wear anything uncomfortable.

I grabbed my phone, wallet and room key, pulled on my coat and headed towards the door. Paying no attention as I pulled it open, I was too close and it smacked me right in the forehead, causing me to let go of the knob and let it click shut. I cradled my head and sighed, more frustrated than in pain, but it did increase my headache that had just started to fade a little.

To make it even better, I got out into the hall, collided with someone and dropped my wallet. I leaned down to pick it up, and the guy I'd ran into leaned down at the same time, causing us to headbutt each other in the exact same spot that the door had hit me, neither one of us getting to the wallet.

So not helping my headache, which was turning into a migraine.

I groaned out in pain and quickly sheltered my head in my hands, trying to make the throbbing go away.

"Jesus, Angel, are you alright?" The boy in front of me asked. I nodded silently, a pained expression on my face. When the pain began to subside, I looked up at the boy I'd ran into, wondering how he knew my name.

Sage West.

"Sorry, Sage, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologized. His black hair framed his face, a strand dangling above his eyebrows. His green eyes were soft and intense all at once, standing out against his golden skin, and the fact was almost making me dizzy.

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