Hotels & Admission

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*The Party*

I ran back inside, frustrated as I looked around everywhere for him. He was nowhere to be found. I decided to ask Carlos. I pushed my way through the crowd, finding Carlos and Terry dancing together. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked at me, confused.

"I thought you left with Angel?" I shrugged.

"I can't find him. I was hoping you knew where he was." He shook his head.

"Maybe he went out in the hall looking for you," he suggested. I nodded, heading for the door. I opened it, peering out. Just as I did, I caught a glimpse of Angel walking into an elevator.

"Angel!" I called, but he didn't turn around. I sighed.

I stumbled my way down the hall, to the elevator. I pressed the arrow that was pointing down, waiting. When the doors finally slid open, I stepped in, hitting the second floor. I figured if Angel was looking for me, he'd go to my apartment first.

To my dismay, the elevator was only increasing my already present nausea and when I stepped out, I was even dizzier than before. I stumbled to my door, knocking rapidly. Ben opened it, confusion spreading on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"Ben, I think I'm going to be sick," I told him, clamping a hand over my mouth. His eyes widened and he quickly rushed me in, kicking the door shut. He lead me to the bathroom, and the second I got there, I leaned over the toilet, throwing everything up. Ben rubbed my back until I was finished. I sighed, flushing the toilet as I plopped down on the floor.

Ben stood me up, helping me rinse my mouth out with water, then mouthwash. He guided me to my room, sitting me on my bed.

"Angel was here," he told me as he lifted my shirt off. I laughed sleepily, shaking my head.

"There are no angels here, silly. Angels are up in the sky." Ben sighed, directing me to take off my jeans. I did, and he tucked me in before turning off the lights.


I tried to blink the tears away as I ran down the hall, heading towards the elevator. I heard someone call my name, but I didn't bother to turn around, stepping into the elevator and going down to the second floor. I couldn't will the tears away anymore, as they were already spilling over. I covered my eyes, taking a deep breath.

I wiped my face and hoped I looked normal as I knocked on Sage's front door. Footsteps sounded before Ben came to the door and smiled at me. His smile fell quickly, though, when he saw my face, probably tear stained and flushed.

"Hey, Ben." I tried to appear as happy as possible, conjuring up the most convincing smile I could, though it didn't seem to work, Ben's gaze soft and worried.

"Angel what's wro—"

"I just wanted to come by and tell you that Sage is up at Jonah's party. It's on the fourth floor, room 402. He's pretty wasted, so he might need someone to walk him down." As I attempted to turn away, Ben grabbed a gentle hold of my arm and stopped me. I looked up at him.

"Angel, did something happen?" I plastered on another smile.

"No, nothing happened. Thanks, Ben. I'll see you around." I quickly pulled out of his grip as my voice shook and walked as fast as I could down the hall to the other elevator, riding down to the lobby.

I sent a quick text to Carlos, letting him know where I was going before hurrying to my dorm and putting a few clothes into a duffel bag. I ran into the bathroom and put my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and deodorant into the bag and going back to my bed. I slid the bag over my shoulder and grabbed my coat and keys. I looked over my room for a moment before sighing and jogging outside.

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