A Visit

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*Present Day; November of Senior Year*

"I also remember how excited you were when Ben made you help me with my groceries." At Angel's words, I looked down at my hands shyly. Before I could respond, Ben and Leo walked in unannounced.

"What did I do?" Ben asked, climbing on my bed beside Angel while Leo sat on the arm of the chair I was in.

"Remember freshman year when I ran into you guys at the grocery store?" Ben and Leo both nodded at Angel. "Well, I was talking about how annoyed Sage was when he had to help me with my bags," Angel chuckled, and Ben and Leo laughed. I groaned. Here we go.

"I remember that! Sage didn't talk to either of us for a few days after that," Leo exclaimed. Angel's smiled faded, a confused frown replacing it.

"Because he had to help me with my groceries?" Ben shook his head.

"No, it was because I told him it seemed like he liked you and he got all pissy." Angel met my eyes, eyebrows furrowed.

"Really?" I nodded sheepishly, picking at my nails. "Why are you getting shy, love?" I huffed and covered my reddening face with my hands.

"Because, this is embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing how?"

"Because we knew about him before he knew about him," Leo teased. I snapped my eyes up to his, glaring.

"You did not."

"Well, we addressed it first," Ben corrected.

"Whatever," I grumbled, annoyed. "Angel and I were talking, so if you don't mind..." I motioned towards the door and Ben and Leo snickered, exiting and shutting the door behind themselves.

Angel smiled softly, closing his book and moving to me. He climbed into my lap while I covered my reddened face. He gently moved my hands, cupping my face.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said softly, kissing the tip of my nose. "I think it's cute that you had a crush on me all that time." I turned away, frustrated. He sighed, pouting a little. "How can I make it better?" He almost sounded desperate.

I shrugged.

"You can't." In my peripheral vision, he raised his eyebrows.

"No?" I shook my head. He turned my head to meet his eyes. "Not even if I kiss you?"

"Nope." He kissed my lips sweetly a few times.

"Nothing?" I shook my head. He pouted again. He tilted my chin up, kissing along my jaw, sending shivers down my spine. "How about now?"

"A little better," I answered softly. He smiled against my neck. His lips descended, and he ever so gently grazed his teeth against my skin, causing my breath to hitch. He lifted his head, his lips brushing against my ear.

"And now?" He whispered.

"Closer." He kissed my neck firmer, searching for my sweet spot. I looked up, giving him easier access, and gasped lightly when he found what he was looking for. As he gently tugged the skin between his lips and teeth, my eyes fluttered shut, my breaths shallow. He kissed the now reddened skin, meeting my eyes again.

"All better?" He asked, his big brown eyes staring into mine.

"All better," I repeated, and he kissed my lips for a long moment before retreating to the bed and reopening his textbook.

Angel and I had been so good the past few months. Nothing interesting had happened, which was relieving after we'd gone through months of nonstop chaos and stress.

Our one year was nearing in a few months, and even though there was still a ways to go, I was excited and wanted to do something special for Angel. His birthday was also approaching in the coming weeks, my plans for him set in stone.

I was lost in my thoughts when Angel's voice pulled me out of them.

"You know, we never really go out anywhere." I spun around in my chair to face him, closing my book.

"What do you mean?"

"We always get the whole group together and watch movies here. Don't get me wrong, I love our movie nights, but you and I never really go out, just us." I was quiet for a bit, just thinking. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Sorry, that was stupid, never mind." He shook his head at himself, looking down. I stood, gently pulling his book from his lap as I sat down in front of him on the bed. I stared at him for a few moments, admiring his face.

"You want to do something, just us?" He nodded silently. "Done." He grinned.

"Yeah?" I nodded.

"Anything you want," I smiled back and he pulled me in.

"We should go skiing!" He exclaimed, and I lit up.

"I love skiing." We spent a while planning out different things we could do, and I had opened my mouth to throw out another idea when I was interrupted by a knock on the front door. I clamped my mouth shut like a goldfish and chuckled before rising to my feet. "I'll be right back." Angel nodded, eyes returning to his textbook. Just about to open the front door, I realized I didn't have a shirt on. I considered going to put one on, but I was already at the door, so I just opened it anyway. I assumed it to be Carlos or Terry.

I was wrong.

I opened the door to a man and a woman, appearing to be in their mid-to-late forties. I didn't recognize them, and I definitely regretted not putting a shirt on as I looked at the older woman, her eyes flickering with disdain.

"Um... hi. Can I help you?" I asked, discomfort lacing my voice. I looked behind the door on the coat rack, one of Ben's sweatshirts hanging by its hood. I let out a breath of relief, hurriedly pulling it on.

"Yes, is Angel here?" The woman asked. I paused, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked as politely as possible. She quirked an eyebrow. Her hair was light brown, resting just below her shoulders, and the expression she was wearing — the one of utter disapproval — made her appear older than I assumed she was, her blue eyes harder than they were when I opened the door.

"Who are you?" The man asked sharply. My eyes shifted to him, and I was surprised by his sudden voice and tone. The black and white in his salt and pepper hair blended smoothly, his soft brown eyes tired and frustrated.

"I'm the guy who lives here." My patience was wearing thin and irritation was taking its place at a rapid pace.

The woman seemed to ignore my statement as she said, "Where's Angel? We want to see him."

"I don't know who you are, so I can't answer your question." I quirked an eyebrow as the woman's frown deepened, if that was possible.

"I don't appreciate your tone," she snapped.

"You came to my apartment making demands without informing me of who you are. So, you know, I don't really appreciate your attitude, either."

She straightened up, her expression softening. The man sighed, his brash persona seeming to fade. "We're Angel's parents."

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