Kiss or Miss

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"Terry, help!" Not even two seconds went by and she was busting the door open, panting.

"What? What's wrong?" I sighed.

"Can you button these?" I motioned to the buttons on the back of my shoes that I couldn't get a good grip on and Terry stared at me, breaths still shallow.

"Are you kidding me?" I blinked.

"No. I can't reach them." She was silent for a while before abruptly smacking me on the head. "Ow, Terry!" She tutted.

"Serves you right! I thought you were hurt!"

"You worry too much," I told her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, buttoning my shoes for me. "How do I look?" She looked me up and down.

"Hideous," she deadpanned, and my expression fell.

"What? Really?"

"Kidding! You look perfect, doll."

"Don't do that to me!"

"Payback's a bitch." With that, she exited the bathroom and I looked myself over once more. I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a slightly cropped navy blue sweater. I completed the look with white Adidas sneakers and a necklace Terry had bought me for my birthday the previous year.

When I was finally satisfied with my appearance, I ran a hand through my curls, took a deep breath and returned to my room.

I cleared my throat loudly. Carlos, who'd been tickling Terry, halted and Terry gasped in relief, flicking Carlos' arm. He smiled cheekily at her before they both turned to me. I did a spin for them, facing them again.

"Well?" I asked.

"You look... dressed," Carlos replied, looking me up and down. My eyes lowered.

"I look dressed," I echoed, unimpressed. "So much help." He shrugged. "Seriously, is it too much, too little?"

"Neither," Terry answered. "It's perfect. But we all know why you're dressing up like this." Showtime. I put on my best clueless expression, furrowing my eyebrows, crossing my arms and jutting my hip out a bit.

"What are you talking about?" Carlos sighed.

"Come on, Angel. You know Sage is going, and you want to look good for him." I clicked my tongue.

"Not true. He said he doesn't know if he's going." Terry narrowed her eyes skeptically and I took her silence as a chance to change the subject, clapping my hands together. "Alright, let's go, let's go." They climbed out of Carlos' bed, already ready, and the three of us headed across the street. Jonah's apartment was in the same building as Sage's, furthering my hope that Sage would show up.

When we got into the building, we took the elevator up to the fourth floor and made our way to Jonah's place. Inside, lights were flashing all over the place and the music was blasting so loud that my ears were ringing. It was packed, most people in the living room, which had been transformed into a makeshift dance floor.

When my gaze landed on Jonah approaching, I grinned, bringing him in for a hug.

"Happy birthday, Jonah." He smiled warmly as we parted.

"Thank you."

"How are you?"

"I'm good, really good. Thanks for coming." I waved him off.

"Please, I wouldn't miss this." He smiled. When he, Carlos and Terry began chatting, I roamed around, looking to see if Sage was there. Unable to find him, I sighed, a bit disappointed. I wandered to the kitchen, pulling a drink from the cooler.

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