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I was gawking. Sage and I were in his room one morning, and I was smiling fondly at the way he looked. He had on a grey sweatshirt, and matching sweatpants with his knees pulled up on the chair as he highlighted pages in his textbook. It was adorable.

"Hello? Earth to Angel?" His voice snapped me out of my daze, and he laughed when I zoned back in.

"Huh?" He smiled softly.

"I said do you want to start planning?"

"Planning for... what?"

"The wedding." This rough vibration pulsed through my chest as my heart pounded. The wedding.

"Already?" He shrugged.

"Only if you want." I pondered the thought and suddenly brightened.

"Can we plan the honeymoon?"

"Whatever you want," he answered, a lazy grin resting on his face. I smiled back as he crawled beside me on his bed, and I pushed my books to the side.

"Where should we go?" I asked. He smiled.

"We could go to Hawaii," he started, and I hummed. "Or Mexico."

"Or Paris..." I scanned his face, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes.

"Or Italy." He turned to kiss the palm of my hand and I smiled fondly at him, padding my thumb over the apple of his cheek.

"I like Mexico." My voice was quiet as I gazed at him.




Sage and I left his bedroom later that morning, hungry and in search of food.

"You want me to make you some pancakes?" He asked, and I grinned, nodding happily. He chuckled, kissing my cheek before heading into the kitchen.

I ended up padding behind him, deciding to help, and we got out the ingredients and started mixing the batter together.

I paused after a few minutes.

"You know what... I don't know if this is such a good idea," I sighed. He glanced at me.

"What? Making pancakes?" I nodded. "Why not?"

"Well... last time I tried to have pancakes here, you got it all over your kitchen." His expression softened.

"Actually, you got it all over my kitchen," he corrected. I tutted.

"Well, you scared me." He laughed. "And then I did something like this." I dipped my hand in the pancake batter, and before he could react, I ran my palm down the side of his face.

I was just barely containing my laughter, trying hard not to smile.

But then he smiled.

"But I think I said something like... 'You're gonna get it now.'" My gaze widened.

"And then I think I ran." He nodded and that was my cue.

I sprinted out of the kitchen, dropped the plastic bowl of pancake mix on the floor, and laughed as he chased me to the living room.

He tackled me onto the couch, tickling me everywhere relentlessly. I laughed hysterically until I had tears in my eyes, pleading for him to stop.

"Sage!" I yelped between laughs, and he finally came to a stop. I gasped, panting.

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