Pancakes & Boxers

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As my eyes fluttered open, the smell of bacon and sausage flooded my senses. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned and ran my fingers through my hair. I climbed out of bed, trudged into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and splashed my face with warm water. After patting my skin dry, I returned to my room to find an empty bed. Has Angel been out of bed this whole time? I hadn't noticed.

Heading towards the kitchen, I rounded the corner to find Angel with headphones in, swaying his hips to whatever was playing in his ears as he whisked a bowl of pancake mix. Smiling to myself, I sat on a stool at the island. Not even seconds later, Angel spun around, eyes widening when they landed on me. He yelped in surprise, his arms flying up and sending the batter flying out. It landed on the floor in small drops, like rain, hitting the kitchen tile with a plop.

His eyes were wide as they raked over the mess and I laughed loudly, sliding off the stool and joining his side.

"You scared me!" He scolded, flushing red.

"I'm sorry. You just looked a little occupied," I teased, grinning. He narrowed his eyes, an eyebrow quirking.

Dipping his hand into the bowl, he coated his hand in the batter's remains, giving me no time to process before he was sliding that same hand down the side of my face. My mouth fell open, batter dripping onto my tongue.

"Now you'll be occupied cleaning that off." He was biting back a smile as I stared at him. Dunking my hand into the bowl, I smiled sardonically.

"I'd run if I were you," I warned. Eyes widening, he squealed and sprinted away, out of the kitchen, bowl falling to the floor. I ran after him to the living room where he jumped over the back of the couch and screamed, running from me.

I eventually caught him by his squirming hand as he tried to get out of my grasp. I ran the pancake mix down his cheek and he gasped loudly. We laughed so hard we were fumbling around like fools. I tripped over a pillow on the floor, robbing the balance from beneath our feet as we collapsed onto the couch. I landed above Angel with a grunt and he groaned, laughing softly.

Catching my breath and slowly bringing it back to normal, I panted and met Angel's already-on-me gaze, his big brown eyes glistening now. I glanced at his lips for a fraction of a second, quickly bringing my eyes back to his. His long eyelashes were almost covering his hooded gaze as he scanned my face. My throat ran dry.

I sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation in my chest, like it was contracting and expanding at once. It gave me goosebumps.

"Ahem." Flinching, I looked up to see Ben and Leo standing side by side, staring at us with raised eyebrows. I scrambled from above Angel, clearing my throat while he sat up slowly, cheeks burning red.

"Good morning."

"More like wood morning," Leo mumbled. Ben stifled a laugh, trying to play it off as a cough. I quirked an eyebrow and Angel's eyes trailed down my torso and to my waist and his eyes widened. Sage, you'd better not have a— I followed his gaze and my heart sank at the sight in front of me. Yep. There it is. Fantastic.

Angel's eyes were wide as ever as I shifted the weight on my feet. Get out of here. Now!Hurrying to my bedroom, I slammed the door behind me. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and covered my face with my hands, humiliated.

"What happened in here?" Ben called from the kitchen when I'd returned to the living room. Angel was seated on a bar stool at the island, glancing at me. I flushed and turned away.

"Sorry, Ben, that was me and Sage. We were just messing around and... it got kind of messy," Angel apologized.  Ben eyed me from the kitchen and I squeezed my eyes shut,
plopping down on the couch. Leo was seated across from me, simply smiling smug.

"You handled that quite fast, huh?"

"Ugh," I buried my face in my hands again, groaning in frustration. He laughed, clearly entertained.

When Terry and Carlos wandered out of Leo's bedroom, I exited the living room and went to the kitchen, passing Ben on my way in. He quirked an eyebrow, opening his mouth to speak.

"Don't," I said quickly. "Please." He smiled softly and shook his head, continuing out of the kitchen. I found Angel in front of the counter, making more batter. "Hey," I said softly, to which he jumped.

"You need a bell." He met my eyes playfully and I smiled weakly. After glancing at my waist, he returned to my eyes and I bit my lip. "All taken care of?" I nodded, face aflame, keeping my eyes on his. He held the gaze a moment longer before blinking, continuing to whisk. "Anyways, I'm making pancakes."

"You don't have to make breakfast." He smiled.

"I know. It's just... I don't know, a thank you to you guys. You were there for me when you didn't need to be, and I appreciate that," he acknowledged. I smiled warmly.

"You're welcome." He smiled back, starting the pouring of the batter.

After offering to help, he shooed me away and I sighed. I had a choice between the living room with my taunting friends, sitting in my room alone and bored, or sitting at the island and talking to Angel.

I chose Angel.

"Hey, I was thinking," I began while he was flipping pancakes. "We never got to have our movie night last night. Do you want to have it tonight?"

"What, like a redo?" He asked.

"Exactly like a redo." After a beat of silence, he smiled.

"I'd love to have a redo." I grinned.



A few hours later, Ben and Leo were at the store and Terry and Carlos were at Angel and Carlos' dorm, getting cleaned up.

"Hey, Angel?"


"You know we have to report that professor, right?" He looked down at his now fiddling hands and nodded sadly. My heart clenched for him, wanting to make it better somehow.

"Will you come with me?" His eyes were so soft that it made me weak in my knees. I nodded.

"Of course I will." He smiled gratefully at me. "Do you want to do it tomorrow morning? You can just stay here again tonight," I offered. He propped his head up on his hand, gazing at me.

"Thank you, Sage. You've been... just thanks." I chuckled.

"I'll be there for you when you need me," I promised.

That night, while setting up the couches for the movie, Terry appeared beside me with speculative eyes. I waited for her to speak, but she didn't say a word. She just looked me over, like she was sizing me up.

"What's up, Terry?" I broke the silence.

"Do you like Angel?" She finally asked. I raised my eyebrows. "I don't want him getting hurt." I was stunned into silence; each time I opened my mouth to speak, my tongue failed me.

"I—"Angel entered the living room before I could get a word out.

"So, what are we watching?" He asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Um..." I started slowly. "Something scary?" He shrugged as way of agreement and helped me finish the couches. Soon after, everyone came into the living room, Leo and Ben in one corner, Terry and Carlos in the other and Angel and I in the middle.

We decided on Halloween, the 1978 horror movie.

I found myself more comfortable than I anticipated I'd be, Angel falling asleep on my shoulder halfway through the movie.

My chest spread with warmth, my eyes sparkling as I glanced at his peaceful expression.

Oh, I am so screwed.

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