Bad Professor

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It seemed as if all the color had drained from Angel's face as he stood there, frozen with his eyes glued to Mr. Hensley.

Mr. Hensley's eyes were light brown, but in this lighting, they looked black. His formerly slightly graying hair was now completely gray, and disheveled. His used-to-be well built body was now weak, and less toned; he wasn't in the best shape. His skin was paler now, his eyes sunken in.

"Sit down, Angel... I just want to chat with you," the former professor said, motioning towards my couch. Angel slowly made his way to the cushions, his eyes darting to mine. I nodded softly, silently assuring him that we were going to be okay.

His eyes were flooded with tears, and he flinched when Mr. Hensley neared me. He roughly spun the chair around, facing me towards the couch. The pit of my stomach had this dull ache as he sat beside Angel.

"Mr. Hensley... why are you doing this?" As Angel spoke, his eyes repeatedly glanced at the gun in his hand. Mr. Hensley laughed hoarsely, looking at me as if I'd laugh with him.

"Why? You want to know why?" Angel flinched at his rising volume. "You took my job, my money, my whole life! You ruined everything I had!" He was shouting, and Angel was cowering away, jumping with every few words.

I tugged in my chair, trying to speak, but the tape was hindering that. Hensley sent daggers my way with those dark, lifeless eyes, shutting me up immediately.

"So... what are you going to do now...?" Angel asked hesitantly, meeting my eyes for a split second before his own returned to Mr. Hensley. That's when a sick, slow smile formed on his lips as he glanced at me mischievously.

I stared back at him with wide eyes, praying he wasn't going to say what I knew he was going to say.

"Well, Angel... I figured I'd just finish what I started before, before you so rudely left me in my classroom all alone," he said evilly, and Angel's eyes almost popped out of his head, they were so large.

"Mr. Hensley—"

"Calm down, Angel. Just relax." His words came out in a taunting murmur as he inched closer to Angel. The latter was attempting to back away, but Mr. Hensley slipped his arm securely around Angel's waist, preventing him from moving any further.

I thrashed in my seat, trying to get free, but the tape was too tight.

Mr. Hensley's eyes shot up and met mine, and he swiftly brought the gun up, pointing it directly at me so I was staring down the barrel.

"You shut the hell up, or all that thrashing'll be the last thing you do," he threatened. Angel's eyes widened.

"No, no, please. Please, stop, I'll... I'll do whatever you want, just please put the gun down," he pleaded, and I shouted a million protests, all of them muffled and incoherent.

Hensley hesitated, but soon listened to Angel's request, placing the gun on the coffee table. He stood abruptly, holding a hand out for Angel.

"Come with me," he demanded, and Angel grimaced, doing as he was told. Mr. Hensley lead Angel to the hall where the bedrooms were. "Take me to his room," he directed, and Angel glanced back at me, tears welled up in his eyes. My heart ached as he mouthed a soft, 'I love you,' before they disappeared around the corner.

As soon as I heard the door click shut, I was kicking as hard as possible, freezing when I heard the tape on my feet rip, just a little. I continued to kick, desperate to free myself.


Mr. Hensley slammed the door behind him, earning a jump and a soft gasp from me.

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