Angel Day

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"Today's the day, Angel Cole! Today is the day," Terry paraded when I opened the door and was greeted by her. She held a tray of Starbucks coffees, one for me, one for her and one for Carlos. She greeted her boyfriend with a kiss, then turned to me.

"What, no kiss for me?" I teased, fake pouting. She scrunched her face up before placing a kiss on my cheek. Carlos laughed, and I grinned triumphantly. "Thank you."

"Carlos, tell me you boys got everything ready for the party?" He nodded and smiled. The 'boys' Terry was referring to were Carlos, Ben, Leo and Sage. I tried to help, seeing as it was my birthday party, but they refused, claiming they had a huge surprise for me and they couldn't ruin it. After plenty of protests and whining, I finally shut up and left it alone. "What else is there to do?" Terry continued.

"Just the thing," Carlos said.

"What thing?" Carlos widened his eyes, to no avail to Terry.

"The thing," he repeated through gritted teeth, glancing at me. It was like a light bulb went off in Terry's head.

"Oh! The thing!"

"Yes. The thing."

"So, after the thing, is that everything?"

"Yes, that's everything."

"Good. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for the thing—"

"Oh, screw you guys!" I snapped, yanking my coat on and storming out. I blew them both a kiss, only to let them know I wasn't really angry. They grinned as I trotted down the hall.

Outside, I nearly missed the trail of roses that spelled out my name just a few feet outside the big metal doors. I gaped as my eyes followed the trail of rose petals leading across the street, disbelieving of how they didn't fly away.

It's not very windy today, anyway.

The flowers stopped when they reached the road, only to continue on the other side where the sidewalk went on. I followed the trail, finding myself riding the elevator up to my boyfriend's apartment.

I was greeted by Ben and Leo, whom I grinned at as they pulled me in for a hug and wished me a happy birthday.

"Thanks, guys. Do you know where Sage is?" They smiled between each other.

"We were directed to tell you to follow the petal road," Ben said, grinning at me. I smiled, unable to hold it back. I did as told, following the red silky petals all the way to Sage's bedroom. Upon opening the door, the sight before my eyes was almost enough to bring tears to my eyes. I willed them away, though, smiling instead.

The floor, the bed, even the dresser and Sage's desk were all covered in rose petals. Sage was seated on his bed, dressed in a white t-shirt and black jeans. Even in something so simple, he looked amazing.

I grinned at him, moving closer. He met me halfway, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I slid my under and around his shoulders.

"Thank you for being born," he whispered, staring straight into my eyes. "And thank you for being you." I pushed closer to him, pressing a long kiss to his lips. "Happy birthday," he mumbled against my lips and I grinned against him, cupping his cheek with one hand when we parted.

"This is going to take you forever to clean up." He laughed, kissing my lips once more before we went to the living room where Ben and Leo were sitting on the couch, mischievous grins on their faces.

"What's going on in here?" I asked speculatively, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Oh, nothing," Leo spoke. The two of them stood in unison, and my eyes widened as they dropped to the blindfold in Ben's hands.

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