Happy Birthday

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*One month later*

"...Happy birthday to you," Angel finished singing, handing me a cupcake with a candle sticking out of it. "Okay, make a wish," he grinned.

"I wish you'd kiss me," I answered, blowing out the candle. He grinned, bringing me in for a long kiss. When we pulled apart, I took a bite of the cupcake and he just stared at me for a moment. "What, do I have frosting on my face?" I wiped around my mouth and he giggled and shook his head.

"No, no, no. It's just... I don't know, nothing." I narrowed my eyes and pulled him closer by his belt loops.

"Tell me." He shrugged.

"I'm just lucky to have you, that's all." I smiled as he flushed. He always got shy when he said things like that. Setting my cupcake down on my nightstand, I grabbed one of his hands and used my free hand to tilt his chin up.

"Thank you for the cupcake and the song. But you are my favorite birthday gift. I couldn't ask for anything better." He scanned my face, as if searching for deception before throwing his arms around my shoulders and pressing his lips to mine, this time harder and flooded with passion.

"Happy birthday." He placed one last kiss on my lips before wiggling out of my arms and moving towards the door. I pouted.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to get something," he winked.

"Oh no; I know that look." He laughed, disappearing from the room. A few moments later, he returned.

"Okay, close your eyes," he directed, and I obeyed. "I'm going to blindfold you." I raised my eyebrows while keeping my eyes closed.

"Is this some kink you're revealing?" He smacked my arm playfully.

"Very funny." I heard rustling around my room, then footsteps before it fell quiet.


"I'm here." His hands rested on my face for a moment's time and he pecked my lips quickly before removing the blindfold. "Keep your eyes closed." I nodded quietly. "One, two, three. Open!" My eyes fluttered open and stood before me was my sister. Ben and Leo were now in the room, as well, smiling warmly.

Skylar squealed and tackled me to the bed, hugging me while I laughed, squeezing her back. When she climbed to sit beside me, Angel simply watched us, eyes full of content.

"I know you said you were really missing her and you were upset about not being able to see your family on your birthday, so I brought the family to you. Well, part of the family," he added, with an almost sad smile on his face. I tilted my head to the side.

"Is that a sympathy smile I see?" I teased, pulling him closer by his waist.

"I just feel bad. I wish I could've brought them, too, without risking a problem."

"Hey, you got my sister here. This is a perfect gift," I assured him, and his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, it's not your fault," Skylar added.

Angel smiled, optimistic. "We still don't know how they'll react. They might be okay with it." He ran his hands through his hair as Skylar and I exchanged a glance.

I shook my head softly and pulled him back in for another hug. After letting go, I turned to Ben and Leo.

"We didn't get you a family member, but we did get you a pretty good gift," Leo spoke. I smiled while Ben ran out of the room, re-emerging seconds later with a wrapped gift in hand.

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