They Were Endless

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I sighed, trying to concentrate on the words that my eyes were scanning over, but I couldn't. My mind was so crowded with thoughts about Sage, and I couldn't help it. I just wanted to understand.

I looked up from my book to knocking on my hotel room's door.

I sat up and took my reading glasses off, rubbing my eyes as the knocking persisted.

"Coming!" I snapped, standing up and heading to the door. When I looked through the peephole, I gasped softly.


On one hand, I could've ignored it. I could've tried to push away all the feelings I had and essentially fall out of love with him. On the other hand, I could've answered the door, finally admitted how I felt and ruined any chances of ever speaking to him again.

I didn't have the heart to ignore him.

Instead, I ran my fingers through my hair in attempt to fix it and slowly opened the door. Sage gazed at me, a look in his eyes that I'd never seen.

"Hey... What are you—" He cut me off by walking in and past me.

"I'm sorry," he began.

"Sorry for what?"

"For making you think I kissed Ashley back." My face fell, a tight sensation in my heart.


"Ben told me you stopped by." I lowered my head, eyes on my feet now. "I didn't kiss her, Angel. She kissed me and I pushed her off." I couldn't bring myself to look up. "Angel..." His voice was soft, so soft that it was like it could cover me while I slept. "Angel, look at me." I slowly rose my gaze, eyes landing on the green-eyed boy in front of me, so gentle and careful. "I just—" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I quirked an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He opened his eyes, staring directly into mine.

"I love you, Angel. I'm in love with you." In that moment, with those words, the world around me fell mute and it was just me and him, standing there. He stared at me, worry flickering in his eyes, and for the first time, I knew what he was feeling: he was nervous; I knew because I was, too.

He loves me.

I didn't think as I pulled him in, crushing our lips together, and life seemed to move in slow motion. He placed his hands on my hips, tugging me closer, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting him as close as I could get him.

I was kissing Sage. My mind was exploding. I melted into him, he melted into me, until we were one.

I pulled back to catch my breath and the two of us were simply taking deep breaths, foreheads rested against one another.

Everything fell into place in that moment as I met his eyes.

"I love you, too." His eyes fell shut and he smiled, lowering his hands so that they were laced in mine. I looked at our fingers, linked like chains, sighing.

"Let's go home."

We had to drive separately, and the entire car ride, I couldn't get my smile to go away. And I didn't want to; everything felt perfect now.

When we got back to the campus, I floated — yes, floated — into my dorm, Carlos staring at me with amused eyes.

"He loves me," I said simply before leaving the room and heading across the street to Sage's apartment where he'd told me to meet him.

When Leo answered, he smiled at me, and I knew he knew so I smiled back. My cheeks were sore and my teeth were aching but none of that mattered.

"Hello, lovebird number two," he greeted. I flushed.

"Lovebird?" Sage appeared in the foyer then, a warm smile on his lips.

"Did he call you that, too?" I nodded, blushing harder and suddenly at a loss for words. He reached down and took hold of my hand, and butterflies.

When we walked into the living room, Ben was there on the couch, eyes falling to our hands immediately.

"So I see it went well then?"

"Very well." Good God, I could not stop blushing.

"We're glad," Leo told me, squeezing my shoulder before seating himself beside Ben and wrapping his arms around his waist. Ben wrapped his arms around him, kissing him on the head.

After deciding to watch a movie, the four of us sat in the living room, eyes on the TV. And each time I thought my chest couldn't expand anymore than it already had, I took one look at Sage and there it went.

This felt like heaven. We lay there, in each other's arms, and it fit. We fit. And it felt endless.

Sage was endless.

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