Bora Bora: Part One

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I woke to Sage's arms around me and a bright sun spilling through the windows. I smiled to myself as memories of the night before presented themselves to me.

I yawned before glancing at the clock, my smile quickly vanishing when I saw that it was 10:50.

"Shit, shit, shit," I whisper-shouted, squirming out of Sage's grip. He woke from the sudden movement, confused.

"What's the matter?" He croaked, rubbing his eyes adorably.

"It's almost eleven!" I rushed out.  His eyebrows furrowed before it clicked and his eyes widened. We had to be at the airport at twelve, it was a thirty minute drive, and we still had to pack, shower and get ready.

"Damn it." He shot out of bed and we packed all of our belongings in the matter of twenty minutes before we headed into the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll brush my teeth while you shower, and then we can switch," I suggested. Sage smiled lovingly. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how much faster it'd be if we just got in together." My cheeks reddened and he laughed softly. tugging on the bottom of my shirt. I lifted my arms, letting him remove it. I proceeded to take his off, and he pecked my lips sweetly.

Once we finished showering, we quickly got dressed, pulling on basketball shorts and tees.

When we padded into the kitchen, Tommy was up and ready, my eyes widening at him.

"Tommy! Why didn't you wake us up earlier?"

"Well, I came in to wake you, but you two looked... intimate." Sage snorted behind me, triggering Tommy's laugh. My face burned. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything, I could just tell." I covered my red cheeks with my hands and groaned.

"Sorry about that, Tommy," Sage spoke softly, resting his chin on the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"No problem... I'll just have to wash those—"

"Oh my God, okay! Let's just go," I interrupted, squeezing my eyes shut. Sage and Tommy chuckled as I scurried out the front door, waiting for them outside. Once they joined me, I shoved my suitcase into the trunk, followed by Sage's. I climbed into the passenger seat, Sage in the back while Tommy drove.

When we arrived at the airport, it was 12:07 and our flight's scheduled takeoff was at 1:10. It wasn't until we were just about to say goodbye to Tommy that I realized I never got his groceries.

"Oh, Tommy, I forgot to get your food." I placed a hand against my forehead.

"Food? For what?"

"Just to pay you back." He shook his head quickly.

"That's not necessary." I pouted, glancing at Sage with a look that said, Help. He met Tommy's eyes.

"How about we just give you some money to get groceries or whatever you want? It's the least we can do." I peered up at Tommy pleadingly, earning a sigh.

"Fine. But no more than thirty dollars." I snorted, handing him sixty. Sage handed him forty and Tommy shook his head.

"Unnecessary," he mumbled, then sighed with a sad smile. "Alright guys, you'd better get going."

"Yeah... I'm going to miss you. You should visit us at school soon, I miss having you around." He smiled warmly, nodding.

"I will. I promise." I took a soft breath.

"Okay... I'll see you soon," I promised, and he pulled me in securely. I squeezed him back. When we parted, Tommy patted Sage's shoulder, then brought him in for a hug.

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