Bora Bora: Part Two

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"And it's not like I didn't want to get along with his family, but they're just so uptight and strained. I swear, sometimes I wonder how Ben's related to them," Leo was ranting, pacing my room. Angel was in Ben and Leo's room; he'd went in to see if they had any shampoo, resulting in a full blown therapy session for both Ben and Leo, with Angel and I, respectively. It was like the Bermuda Triangle — once you went in, you never came out.

It had been this way for the past three days, only four days of our trip remaining. It was getting ridiculous. Even when we'd go to the beach, or go on a walk, or out for dinner, or go anywhere really, they'd either be arguing with each other or complaining about each other to Angel and I, making it difficult for me to actually see my own boyfriend.


"And he's just so stubborn about everything, everything has to be his way or no way, you know?" Ben asked. I'd learned over the past few days that when one of them was ranting, they didn't really want an answer and their questions were usually rhetorical.

Once Sage and I had realized that there would be no end to the arguing, we'd worked out a system. I listened to Ben and Sage listened to Leo, because Sage would have an easier time getting through to Leo than I would.

"Plus, he's always complaining about how my family doesn't accept him, and doesn't accept us being together. He says he can tell, and that they were just being nice because he was around. Can you believe that?" I blinked. I just came in here for the shampoo.

"Do they accept it?" I asked, finally able to get a word in, and he paused.

"Yeah," he answered slowly, though I was unconvinced.

"Are you sure?" He looked directly at me, eyes uncertain.

"No..." He trailed off, head hanging low.

"So why don't you ask them?"

"I don't know..."

"You're afraid of the answer." He made circles on the floor with his feet. "Well—"

"But it's not my entire family that acts like that. My sister, for example. Josie's bisexual, so I know she's fine with it. She's skeptical when I'm dating anyone. She's always been like that. It doesn't mean she doesn't like him, she just wants to make sure I'm not going to get hurt, like any sister would. Same thing with my other sisters, but no, he can never see that. He's so distrusting of everyone and it's so frustrating sometimes, and God, I could just scream."

I could scream.

When he finally finished ranting, he took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands.

"Alright, well, I know you guys'll work it out." I stood slowly, inching towards the door, shampoo in my hands. I scurried out of the room and went back to mine, where Leo and Sage were.

Sage caught my eye, his own pleading for help.

"Sage, can you come help me in the bathroom? I can't get the shower on." He brightened.

"Sure. Let's go." Leo rolled his eyes and brushed past me, back into his room.

"We'd better run before they blow up." Sage grinned as we hurried into the bathroom, and I twisted the shower on as Sage removed his shirt.


"Hey," I began after Angel and I were both dressed. He hummed in response. "Want to get out of here?" He turned to me, a smile teasing his lips.

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