The End of an Era

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"Babe, where's my, um, my blue thing that goes with the—" Sage walked in with the neck piece intended to rest over my gown. "Thank you, baby." He bowed playfully, smiling as he stood back up.

His dark, black hair had grown a bit since his last trim, and it was just below his chin. He had combed it back, but a piece had gotten loose and fell just above his eyebrow, like it used to.

Beneath his gown, he was wearing a fitted black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of slim black dress pants. He also wore black dress shoes, with the silver watch that I'd bought him for his twenty-second birthday.

I, however, was wearing a dark blue button down shirt, with the same pants and shoes as Sage.

"You're welcome, my dear." I grinned, kissing him quickly before running back into the bathroom. "We have to leave in ten minutes," he added, and I called back an, 'Okay!' while finishing up my hair. I let my hair fall beside my face, scanning my brown eyes nervously.

"You can do this," I whispered. I nodded decisively at my reflection, exiting the bathroom while tugging on my graduation gown. I held the cap in my hand and trailed out of the room to Sage's living room. My friends were standing throughout the room, chatting amongst one another.

I smiled sadly and looked down at my feet, an ache in my chest.

"You alright?" Terry asked softly, resting her hand on my shoulder. I met her deep brown eyes and nodded softly. Her eyes softened and she took my hands, intertwining our fingers reassuringly.

"I'm so nervous," I admitted quietly. She smiled warmly.

"Me, too. This is it," she said, cupping my cheeks. I exhaled slowly, pulling her in by her waist and embracing her. She squeezed me back, and my eyes fell shut for a moment. Upon parting, I caught glimpse of Carlos approaching the two of us, and he smiled in that gentle way he always did.

Ever the quiet one, he wrapped his arms around me, silently letting me know that he understood. I couldn't help but think back on Ben's words — when he'd said it used to be just the three of them — and I'd never understood a feeling so well.

"What would I do without you?" I muttered into Carlos' shoulder. He gave me a light squeeze before pulling away, but held me in place by my shoulders as he met my eyes.

"Live in misery." I blinked at him before laughing, and he grinned down at me, patting my shoulders. Terry giggled and wrapped her arms around Carlo's torso, and he returned her embrace.

"Alright," Ben said then, clasping his hands together. "We all set to go?" A 'yes' emitted from everyone's lips, and we all started for the door.

"Angel, do you have the camera?" Sage asked while looking around the apartment, scanning for it.

"Uh-huh." I held it up and he gnawed on his lip. I took his hand and the two of us joined the rest of our friends in the hall, Sage shutting and locking the door behind us.

Outside, we climbed into Leo's car and he started the engine.

"Here we go," he breathed heavily, a grin forming on his lips. From the backseat, I noticed Ben reaching over the center console, hand colliding with Leo's, and I sighed softly, resting my head against Sage's shoulder.

"They're going to be beautiful together," I whispered in his ear. He followed my gaze, then glanced at me, and I nudged my nose against his, before resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Aren't they?" He replied softly. I hummed.

"So are we," I added. He smiled above me and I pressed my lips to his neck momentarily, my eyelashes brushing against his skin as I closed my eyes.

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