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"Mrs. Morel...", he called.
No one is answering.
"Wait here.", he says, and lets go of my hand.
I flinch and gaze to my hand.
I'm scared of being alone in this place, but is being with him safer? No, It's better to be alone.
I don't listen him walking away, but I feel like he's not with me anymore, or is he?
I stare at the floor in silence, the more I stare the darker it looks, so I moved my sight more to the right, not too much. And there!
I can see the faint silhouette of my silver shoes.
I look at my shoes again, but I could only see black.
So my eyes are getting used to it... But if I want to see something I can't look at it directly or I'll see nothing, I have to look near the object I want to see.
I blink many times, trying to restart the process.
This time with my hand.

Yes... I can see something.
I wiggle my hand.
I can see it moving.
I smile.
"What are you doing?", Mr. Vernon asks
His voice sounds not too far.
I think about what to say.
"There was something on my hand, like a mosquito or some-"
An ice cold hand touched the back of my neck.
Eekk! I managed to not gasp or look scared.
Calm down... Calm down.
That was so sudden!
"Mr. Vernon?", I said smiling.
I am nervous and freaked out. But I have to make this man happy, so I can't be rude. That'll be the opposite of my intentions.
He didn't pull nor push my neck, he just had his hand resting there.
This is awkward and weird! Let go!
"Your skin is soft.", he said, a pair of his fingers slightly moving on my neck, fondling...
"Thank you for the compliment.", I said right away.
I can barely feel them moving. It's because they are very cold that I figured he's actually moving his fingers.
If I had to guess, I had say it's his thumb and his middle finger moving.
I had goosebumps all over my body.
I wish I could make them disappear, if he notices, it won't be good.
He continue doing the weird thing he was doing, and I felt uncomfortable with the touch silence.
"Mr. Vernon, did you find Ms. Morel?"
"Yes.", he said with an annoyed tone.
He doesn't wants me to talk.
I won't talk.
It tickles... But I can't laugh or shove, it'll be disrespectful. And I have to behave.

This went for around two minutes more.
I almost forgot that he was there. He has no presence at all. He reminds me of a ghost... A very scary, weird... ghost. And yet, he's in front of me, he's here.
Centimeters away.
"Mrs. Vernon?"
I widen my eyes, he's talking again.
"Yes?", I said almost happy.
"I'm your husband, right?", he said.
I wanted to frown and ask "What?", but again, I can't.
"Say it", he said almost cutting me off.
"Mr. Vernon is my husband."
I said smiling.
I didn't want to smile.
Saying it out loud just made me want to cry desperately.
I really am married. This isn't a bad dream. Nor a tv show, or just a story you hear from your neighbor.
This is me. This is my life. This is happening. I'm... Stucked, with this man I don't know in this dark place, in the middle of nowhere. Forever.
I want to run away, I'm still so young... There was so much I wanted to do.
My life has definitely end. Right now, it's ending, because I'm really married to Mr. Vernon."
"We're married.", he said again. "It feels unreal... That a pretty girl like you is my wife."
I smile.
"This is a good birthday present. I will properly thank my father.", he lets go of my neck and walks away.
Eh? What? Where is he going? Should I follow him...? Should I stay here?
I need him to tell me what to do.
I feel a hand touch my shoulder.
"Mrs. Vernon...", Mrs. Morel said. "This way.", she dragged me to who knows where.
"Where are we going?", I dared to ask.
I don't mean to be cocky... But I'm married to the her master, I can ask her questions without feeling so scared, right?
She didn't answer.
Oh... I guess marrying the ghost has no privileges at all.
I'm just the guest...
She stopped walking.
"There's a chair. Please sit."
I nodded and then remembered she can't see me, well I know they can but... It's disrespectful to assume.
"Thank you.", I said.
"I'll be back.", she said.
I sat on the chair and touched what felt like the dge of a table.
Then I sat with my hands on my legs, my posture elegant as always.
I might as well relax if no one is around...
Just kidding. A lady is always graceful.
Even in this situations.
Just then, I saw a light.
A yellow light... Coming my way.
I opened my eyes happily.
A candle!
Mrs. Morel stepped out of the place she was coming from.
And walked to the chair I was.
With her candle, she lighted the **, that decorated the big table. I could see the rug... It had an antique design, with purple and black. The table was decorated very nicely with flowers And... There was a chair besides mine. It was the chair at the end of the table. Where the master eats, right?
I'll see him...
I'll see his face.
He's going to eat with me now.
I felt incredibly nervous and tried nonstop to imagine him.
But failed. I had no idea how he looked.
He must be older than me... Maybe he's thirty something... Maybe he's sick as well. His hand is skinny and weak and he walks slow.
Mrs. Morel appeared with a small plate.
It was sup.
The last thing I feel is hunger. I just feel so drained.
"Thank you... Uhm, where's my husband?", I asked blushing by my words.
I just expected to make her remember who I was married to, and perhaps this time get answers to my questions.
"The master will not join you today."
I felt an incredible amount of disappointment. I should've known... He's that mysterious, right?
Well, I got my hopes up as well. I wanted to know how he looked...
"Is Mrs. Vernon not feeling well?", she asked annoyed.
Oh, she saw my face. I let my guard down.
"Did he eat?", I asked changing the topic.
"The master eats on his room."
"Also, the Master told us that Mrs. Vernon shall eat and then head to sleep."
Sleep? What?
"What time is it...?", I asked
"6:36 pm."
They sleep so early.
Also, time flies in this cursed house.
Wait... Sleep...
I stiffened.
"Please enjoy your food.", she said walking away.
I looked at the food.
I hope it doesn't has anything weird...
I started drinking the mushroom sup.
Too salty. But it is edible.
... Sleep. I suppose I'm sleeping with Mr. Vernon. We're married. Married.
I was mentally prepared for what comes along with marriage. I'm fine... I'm just a little scared.
I finished the sup.
Whatever happens, I can go through it.
I have to.
"Mrs. Morel, I finished."
She walked to where I was sitting. I guess that place is the kitchen, and she eats there.
"I'll accompany you to your room."
My room?

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