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We went to a restaurant while the clean service cleaned our room.

She didn't break anything too expensive.

"Are you going to press charges?"
"She... didn't do anything too serious..."
"That's right.", I said.
He looked me in the eye. I turned the other way, drinking the wine.
"It's okay, I want you to look at me."
I blushed.
Alright... I got used to looking away.
I looked at him, and his expression softened.
He always looks so peaceful and calm. But what kind of storm is going on behind his eyes.
"Follow me.", he said demanding.
I remark the 'looks peaceful', he is not. He is complicated.
I stood up and he grabbed my hand.
I faked a smile.
Yeah, I'm a little scared but I've been since the moment I meet him.
I'm getting used to it.
That thought made me sad.
Nobody should get used to being scared or sad... Anxious.
"Young couples look so cute", someone whispered as we walked.
And the smile I was faking, became a little real.
So we look cute?
"You heard?", he asked.
"I think so too.", he said.
I glance at him. He was wearing his serious expression.
Mm... Ignore him. He doesn't mean it.
Well... I don't mean anything that I say either. I can't judge.
We arrived at a balcony.
"It should... be prettier at night.", he said taking a look at the city.
It was only two in the afternoon.
"It still is pretty," I told him.
"Do you like Selina?", I asked.
He didn't reply.
I looked back to the city.
I can remember myself walking through these streets, and entering those buildings with my friends.
I had friends... Archita, she must be having fun.
"Loretta is my older sister." He said.
I thought so...
"I see."
I wanted to ask him many things and wanted to say other things, but I just can't... It's none of my business.
«Don't give your opinion unless you have to»
He added then: "We will move."
I paused.

"But not to Selina anymore", he said. 

Where? I'm guessing somewhere very far based on what he said today. No. Wait. No! Nicholas... He... He won't know where to find me... 

Oh my... What now...
Oh, wait, answer him, Margo!
"Alright, as you please, Salomon.", I smiled.
Back to my torturing thoughts:
Does this means, I'll have to be with him... Longer?
What if...
No. It's okay Margo, you'll find another opportunity to divorce. It's okay. Don't think about the chance in which you never leave.
He got closer to me and touched my neck, delicately.
There he goes doing his weird thing.

"Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Vernon."
"You are fired.", I said opening the door by myself.
"I'm sorry about earlier, Mrs. But it was Mr. Vernon who hired us in the first place."
"She fired you. Please leave.", he said calmly.
"Mr. Vernon, I must ask-".
"I said. Leave.", he repeated.
What a mood swing...
He is unpredictable, is he not?
"Please come in Salomon.", I said.
He walked in, untying his navy blue tie that matched his handsome suit.
"Have a good evening", I said. "And thanks for the phone gentlemen.", I whispered and closed the door.
"Oh, the room looks good.", I said.
"You told her... Right?", Salomon said.
I turned around and saw him talking on the phone.
"Of course not.", he said angrily. "What do you even know?"
He was arguing with Lancelot, I guess.
I took my high heels off, and walked to the room I hid the phone in.
I find it and turn it on.
I know I said I won't do it again, and I feel awful doing this, but I have to. This is the last time.
I heard a crash, like glass breaking.
I gasp.
He is not talking.
I shut my eyes, scared, and nervous.
Think. Think. Think.
Uh! I'm sorry!
I ran as fast as I could and closed the door, locked.
I ran again to the opposite side of the room.
I dialed Nicholas' number.
"Don't come anymore. I won't be there. I'll contact you when I can. Trust me. I'll be fine.", I said taking my dress in a rush.
"Bye.", I said heartbroken.
I took the battery and memory card off the phone. I opened the window. The strong, cool air kissed my skin.
The window was big enough for me. So I carefully took my arm out and smashed the phone against the outside wall.
The little pieces fell to a lonely street, as Salomon chose a very isolated hotel.
I didn't want to hit a person passing by.
I lastly dropped it.
I closed the window and hid the battery and card in my upper underwear.
"Why is this door closed? Margo, are you inside?", he said knocking on the door.
"Just a sec.", I said not moving, waiting until he became impatient.
This was all part of my plan.
He would knock and question why I locked myself, and I'll pretend I was undressing and about to shower and open the door half naked. And as simple men's mind is. He'll forget what he was even asking in the first place, and I might even get an apology.
All this to hide the fact that I contacted Nicholas again.
I hope he buys it.
"Margo? What is it that you're doing?", he said.
He doesn't sound impatient... But, I think it's time.
I untied the braid of my hair and opened the door acting as if I was in a rush.
I only showed my head, "hiding" my body behind the door.
"What is it, Solomon?"
He looked at me shocked. knowing I was probably naked. My golden, now curly hair, touched my pale porcelain skin.
"You look like a Sandro Botticelli painting."
"You mean Birth Of Venus?", I said blushing.
He approached his hand and caressed my shoulder, and took one strand of hair.
"Your hair looks like a river... Of gold."
"Thank you..."
He stared into my eyes.
No, no, no.
"Uhm... I was about to shower-"
He smiled.
I opened my eyes like windows.
"You are cute when you lie."
"What were you doing?", he leaned closer. "I trusted you, didn't I?"
"I was undressing.", I said firmly.
With my other hand, I took the battery and the sim card out of my chest.
"Then... Let me in.", he said.
"Wait!", I Whimpered loudly so I could toss the things and hide the noise they would make when they fell on the floor.
"I... I want our... Wedding night to be special, you understand that, Right? You know... Some girls have those thoughts. Haha."
He paused.
"I think... You got something wrong, Margo."
Uh, this will be very embarrassing! Why do you have to be so persistent!
"I don't mind having sex with you right now, but I'm in front of your bedroom for other reasons. We can do that some other night. Now, let me through, please."
This man...
His logic isn't human.
"Ah, hahaha... Right. Then, let me get a robe, alright?", I smiled.
I closed the door. And ran to the closet, I wore a robe and hid the things inside a shoe.
"You may come in.", I said wrapping myself.
He opened it and started walking around, he searched under the bed and inside the closet.
"Seems fine.", he said.
This is a bunch of nonsense.
"What did you expect to find?", I asked.
I immediately regret asking.
What are you doing, Margo!?
You need to be quiet and obey.
I... Was just feeling how unfair he is.
This treatment is unfair and silly.
"I don't know. That's why I entered.", he said walking towards the window.
He pushed it and it clicked.
Oh my... I didn't close it correctly.
"You opened it?", he asked looking outside.
"Yes.", I said nervously.
"Be careful. This window is ridiculously huge."
"I will be. Thanks for your concern. Are you going to sleep now?", I asked changing the topic.
"Yes... In the end, I couldn't have my oatmeal."
"I can prepare some for you."
"No.", he walked to the door. "We leave tomorrow at five. Goodnight."
"Okay. Have a pleasant sleep, Salomon."
"You too... Venus."
I smiled.
Oh. I smiled.
I closed the door.
Weird indeed.

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