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happy birthday jahseh, u triangle built bitch😤💙 i miss you and i love you

its an hour away but oh well. idk how to not publish something as soon as i finish it bc im a dumb bitch. proofreading who?


it was jahseh's 18th birthday, and instead of the aura amongst the group being one of happiness and celebration, it was one of sadness and longing.

why was that, you ask? because jahseh was returning to the underworld today. for good.

he had already told everyone that he was leaving beforehand - so it wouldn't be a shock once he disappears after his birthday and everyone is wondering where he went, but it didn't make it any less sad to anyone - especially stokeley.

stokeley was a wreck. why wouldn't he be? he just learned that the love of his life, his soulmate, was going to be disappearing never to return, and he didn't even really understand why. jahseh said it was because his "work here is done", whatever that means, and that he was sent here to spread positivity and now he can go back, but where does that leave stokeley? alone. without his boyfriend.

stokeley couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't shower - well, he never did much of that in the first place, but at least he would attempt to shower before. now he doesn't even try, because what's the point?

what's the point of anything anymore if the love of his life was about to disappear into thin air?

ever since jahseh announced that he was leaving, stokeley has been spending every moment he could with him. they did everything together. he was with jahseh when he slept, when he ate, he even went to the bathroom with him and watched him take a shit. it was to the point where cleo had to make stokeley leave, because he was trying to make these last little moments with jahseh last and he wouldn't leave his side no matter what.

and now the day was here. january 23rd. jahseh's 18th birthday. the last chance that stokeley - or anyone - would have to see him or talk to him until he fades away into the abyss.

so today was not only his birthday party, but his going away party as well. jahseh invited everyone to come over to his house to see him for one last time before he left for good.

the mood was somber, with everybody discussing with themselves about how much they would miss jahseh. how could they not? he was a big part of all of their lives, and now he was just...leaving.

jahseh was oblivious to it all, as he walked into the backyard to see frowns and downtrodden expressions. "hey, why are y'all so sad. cheer up y'all, it's my birthday!" he exclaimed as he jumped up into the air.

"we're sad because you're fucking leaving jahseh," michael spoke up with a teary eyed expression. "you mean so much to all of us and you're just going to leave us. we need you jah."

michael should have been the least affected - after all, he was a demon too, and he could visit jahseh whenever he wanted, but it was just the principle of the whole ordeal that got to him. he didn't want to go through the whole process of switching realms just to see his best friend when he could just stay here.

"jahseh please don't leave," gazzy spoke up next. "it's bad enough that everybody is leaving me behind after y'all go to college but the fact that you're leaving now is too much. who else is going to be as nice to me as you are and let me play with your swords?"

"gaz i'm sorry, i'm really sorry. one day i can take you to hell and we can all have a sword fight with always wanted to meet symere," jahseh reassured him. "and you're not alone. you still have omar, right?"

sus ✧ multiWhere stories live. Discover now