Chapter 28

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I know I said its the ending but its not, its just something to clear things up....

Yoongi POV

Oh? Its, January 21? Already? That was fast.... Its that day again... Yet I haven't gotten over it yet.

I started trembling and the next thing I knew, I was crying... "A-Appa, Eo-Eomma, J-Jihoon..." I said to myself... "Hey Yoong-" I saw Jimin and he immediately hugged me

"What's wrong?" He asked "Its the day Jimin..." I said and he hugged me tighter. "Wanna maybe talk about it?" He asked "Ah I-I want you to know wh-what happened" I said and broke the hug.

"What do you mean?" He asked "Jihoon, was 1 year old when I was 4...  Mom and Dad didn't even consider taking the both of us... So we-" I said and tried to breathe...

He pat my back "Its okay if you don't wanna tell me" He said. I kissed his cheek "No, I want my man who I will marry to know my past" I said and ruffled his hair

"We got left out. They left the house, I tried taking care of Jihoon when we still had left over food and stuff. Dad returned, with a women and an alcohol bottle. I was young so I didn't know what kind of alcohol that was but you know what I mean" I said and he nodded.

"He asked me who I was and who was Jihoon, I tried telling him who we are but he tried hitting me with the alcohol bottle, good thing the woman saved me" I said


"Who are you miss?" I asked "Your dad's um new girlfriend. But I didn't know he had children" She said "Who are you little boy?" She asked "I am Yoongi, my parents divorced..." I said

"Well Yoongi, you are not safe anymore, you should run away now with your baby sister or brother" She said "Run away from this place and never come back" She said and gently pushed me.

I ran away when I saw my dad.  I arrived at the park and Jihoon started to cry "Shh shh, Jihoon, please" I said and he must be hungry.

I couldn't take care of him anymore... I don't have food nor money.

I walked towards a house. "I can't live properly anymore, but you deserve a better life. Take care of yourself Jihoon... Your hung will miss you so much" I said to Jihoon and kissed his forehead.

I placed Jihoon on the welcome mat and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps so I ran towards a nearby bush and the door opened.

I saw a guy that is probably at his mid-30s.
"Honey! Someone left a baby here" He said and a girl went towards him. They carried Jihoon "What a blessing.... We have a child now" She said happily and hugged her husband.

They were a happy family. The door closed and I walked away too. That family doesn't need a burden, they can take care of Jihoon, I am happy with just that.

I decided taking jobs and when I was getting older I got enough money to buy a house. I had 5 jobs but when I found out that my friend Namjoon got a job and wanted me to get the job too, I stopped working for all 5 of them since I had enough money.

Then the roller coaster ride started.

*End of Flashback*

"Oh Yoongi" Jimin said and hugged me while sobbing. "I hope Jihoon is okay, and I am so happy that you got over all of that. I-I don't know what to feel anymore" He said and cried.

"Shh baby, I'm okay now, I'm not sure if Jihoon is okay though, but life is great now, we shouldn't focus on the past anymore" I said "I just get sad whenever January 21 comes. The day that I tried living for myself" I said

"At a very young age you survived all that" Jimin said "And graduated" I said happily "What? You go to school even though you worked?" He said "Yeah, the guys and girls I worked for provided me with enough money to go to school and stuff" He said

"Your bosses are so nice" He said "Yeah, but I can't help but wonder where Jihoon is now, if he is eating well or sleeping well." I said.

"Someday, we can try to find him. We can go to that park you said, and probably just maybe visit your family" I said

"Uh sure, if that is what you want baby" I said and hugged him.

*Next Day*

"Wake up daddyyy" Jimin said and I opened my eyes. "Daddy?" I said and I felt my junior got hard a little bit. "Never knew you were kinky daddy" He said and I got out of bed before he could hold my junior.

"No we ain't going like that for now.... The author didn't even want that happening" I said "Uh hyungie, the fourth wall?" He said "The fourth wall is gone by now" I smirked and walked towards the bathroom.

*They got ready*

"Are you sure that you are okay visiting Jihoon?" Jimin asked "Yeah I am, I am ready Jimin, I needed to face them someday and that day came" I said.

We are going to Daegu, where I was born.

We rode the train, and held Jimin's hand. "We can sleep if you want" Jimin said and I just smiled. "Yeah, I love you Jimin" I said and he looked at me with a blush on his face

"T-That's random, but I love you too Yoongi" He said "I will always be here for you, whatever comes our way" He said and I pinched his cheeks.

"You cutie, I will be here for you too, because I love you" I said pecked his lips "Hyungieeee, we are in a public trainnnn" He whined "So what? They deserve to see how cute we are" I said and placed my forehead on his.

"Besides, ARMY, the real ones and the ARMYs here would be watching us with tea and popcorn anyway... Since almost all of them are shippers" I said and he laughed.

"Aish hyung, let's just sleep" He said and put his head on my shoulder. We slept.


The author is too lazy to write the Jihoon part so just the past will be fine for now. The next chapter will be about the Min Family.

I never wrote about them so here. I'm extending the story a little bit more and I didn't even thought I made the right decision that Yoongi will be 4 years old when the parents divorced in the story.

I didn't even know Woozi and Yoongi had a 3 year age gap.... So I won't be editing yayyy

I'll put the next chapter on a random day this week cause why not.

After the ending, there will be special chapters.

Taekook, Namjin, Yoonmin, CheonsaXJhope (let's say its an award for most supportive lmao), And a mystery chapter.

Its either Taekook or Namjin for a valentines day update, please comment what you want for a valentines day update.

Yoonmin will be on March 9 for little meow meow's birthday.... And Cheonsa X Jhope will be on...... Comment when too and I meant you 0613CafeLaTAE

Ya'll need an explanation chapter too? Dw, I'll work on that too.

It takes a few more chapters till I set this book to 'Completed' I honestly will miss this.

But for the official end, I am so glad it reached exact 30 😊😂

Have a great day/night! Stay Awesome and Happy! Good bye


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