Marshall POV: Awkward and Steamy

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*Pack house*
Hey man, my cousins cheer squad is in the gym, practicing for a competition, I'm trying to get a little crowd of people in here to watch them do there dress rehearsal. You in?
I groaned. If my mate would not have been in there i would definitely be skipping.
Fine. On my way.
I filled the paperwork I was doing and headed to the gym. I walk in and am greeted to a sight of women being tossed around left and right, locking eyes on Felicity. I did not like the idea of Allen's hands all over her, but knowing he is definitely mated calmed my nerves so I didn't feel the need to kill him. She glowed out there, I've never seen a more gorgeous smile, and damn she looked good in that uniform. The song ended and we made eye contact, I could drown in her beautiful eyes. I smiled causing her to blush, what is this woman doing to me. I thought she was getting ready to leave when she hugged mark and changed into a dress and began dancing with him. A low grumble started to form in the pit of my stomachs as he held you uncomfortably close spinning her round and dancing. Once I calmed down, I felt the emotion she felt during the song. My heart ached from her pain. She finished and grabbed her stuff leaving. I stood there for a second contemplating if I should follow her. Aw fuck it. I turned and made my way to her, striking up conversation. I needed to hear her voice. Conversation slowed as I said goodbye turning around and walking away.
"Hey wait," I turned meeting her eyes, "I don't know if your busy or not, but I'm starving and don't wanna eat alone. Care to join me?" I smiled. Did she just ask me out? Must be my lucky day.
"Of course."
"Cool, I'm driving if you don't mind." I shrugged and followed her out to her SUV climbing into the passenger seat. As I buckled myself in I glanced up seeing a car seat base. Curiously I decided to ask.
"This is a nice car, do you nanny?" She clammed up as her face flushed. It was silent for a moment like she was having a mental argument with herself.
"that's my sons." To way I was shocked is an understatement. My wolf growled beneath me as I stared at her. She's supposed have OUR pups. My wolf grumbled as I pushed him away. "Look usually I'd come up with a lie, sleep with you and move on but I started a new chapter in my life. If you can't handle me having a son, then sorry bud you can't handle me" Oh no she thinks I'm running. God what do I say. Say something you idiot. I smiled at her.
"No I think your probably an amazing mother." She smiled blushing and looking down.

We went to a little dinner about 8 minutes away from the pack house. Talking to her boosted my mood immensely.
Yo man, where did you go? Your fathers looking for the pack paperwork on the alliance with Alpha Zayden and Marie. Apparently they had a child and he needs to update it.
Lee I'm kind of busy man. Can you grab it? It's in the bottom drawer of the red filing cabinet. File named Zayden. Tell him it's also in the database online and show him how to access it too.
I cut the mind link as our food finally came.
"So what do you do? I mean Lee said he recently switch to full time at your business and quit the security job. But he didn't go into detail."
"Well, we own a business just west of here. It's just financial accounting and stuff. Nothing spectacular. But my dads also chief of police so we do a lot with law enforcement too. Lee is in the middle of training on the weekends to become an officer with my dad."
"I see. That sounds exciting. I'm actually getting my forensics degree as we speak. I'm applying to be a crime scene analysis tech this summer. Specializing in profiling." She grinned excitedly.
"Interesting. I can talk to my dad if you want and see about getting you a job there if you'd like." I smiled
"No thanks, I am very independent. I can find one myself I'm sure." She shout back with a smirk.
"Feisty I see," I smirked right back. She giggled. "So profiler right? Profile me." I smiled. She looked at me taking in everything. Suddenly her eyes widened she gasped and shot under the table. What the fuck. I peaked under very confused.
"I didn't think I was that scary." She swatted me back away shushing me.
"Stop tAlking to me and pretend your on the phone. My ex is here. I've been hiding from him for weeks, if he finds me if won't be good." My wolf growled at how afraid she was. "Phone now!" She command causing me to jump. I pulled my phone out And called Levi. Voicemail. Of course.
"Hey bud, just wanted to let you know I'm going to be out of the office for a while longer. Call me back and explain how my dads computer filing went," I saw a y'all red head walk straight by our tables and around the corner to a table out of sight. "Talk to you later. Okay coast is clear you can come up." She shot up, through thirty dollars on the table grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the restaurant running to the car. I climbed in and looked at her with her head in her arms on the steering wheel.
"You okay?" She looked over with tears brimming her eyes.
"Do I look okay?" She shot back. Yikes. Her face relaxed "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap. I just didn't have a good relationship with that man. Let's just say we were together since I was 18, I broke up with him at 19, and didn't officially get away until three weeks ago. He alway gets what he wants and for some reason, I'm on that list." She said as she broke down. I was beyond pissed, I pulled her into me arms and ran my hand through her hair. I wiped her tears.
"I know we aren't anything really, and note I would really love to make something out of this. I really like you. You're beautiful, strong, funny, feisty. My ideal woman. And I promise you I will never treat you that way. If you want out, I may try and talk you out of it because I care, but I will never stop you." I lifted her chin so her eyes met mine. Her green eyes closed from the tears, so beautiful. "I will never, ever, lay a hand on you, or your beautiful son." I smiled at she stared deeply into my eyes. This woman's going to be the death of me with those big beautiful eyes. Before I could say something else her lips hit mine. She leaned into it with all her power, her lips felt heavenly connected to mine. She intertwined her hand in to my hair, I grazed her lip with my tongue asking for access. She greedily accepted. Our kiss turning into a very heated make out session. Next thing I new she was in my lap straddling me as my hands explored every inch of her. The smell of her arousal intoxicating me as I held on to my control.  She started leaning the seat back when her phone rang. Fuck you have got to be kidding me. She pulled away collecting herself before answering.
"Hello? Mom! Okay okay I'll be there in 10 minutes." She jumped into the driver seat starting the car again. I never noticed she shut it off. "So sorry I need to get to the ER. My son fell and split his head open. I can call Lee to come get you."
"No that's fine, I want to make sure you are okay." She smiled Before speeding off to the hospital.

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