Marshalls POV: Dead Inside

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Four months. It's been four months since Felicity was kidnapped. I visited the hospital every day. I set up a mini office in one of the seats just to be with her. Her body was almost fully healed from her attack, even having slight improvements in her brain activity much to the doctors surprise. I started at her, as the Ventilator pumped air into her lungs, her chest rising and falling with every pump.
"Babygirl," I whispered as tears swelled in my eyes. "Please don't leave me. I'm nothing without you." I brought her hand to me, placing several kisses as I let my emotions unravel and the tears fall. It killed me more and more everyday I sat here watching. Waiting. Praying. For a sign, an improvement, something telling me she's still in there. Fighting.
"Marshall dear, go get some rest."  I blinked quickly wiping my face as Harper spoke.
"I'll stay here over night, you need to go your father needs you. If anything happens I'll call you I promise." She smiles sweetly as you quickly guided me out of the hospital pushing me along.

There had been several attacks on nearby towns. We suspect it has something to do with Felix's clan. We killed around 8 that night, but there was no telling how many were in his clan. From his smell, he was definitely not a rogue the question was who did he belong too and how long until they find out he's dead. My father CSI team quickly h@d the crime scene collected and cleaned up,  burning the house down so the media would fall for the old "Fatal fire kills drunken frat boys" news report to reduce panic.
"Any luck on pack research?" My father asked me as I typed and clicked at rapid speeds through the database. As long as Felicity was here, even comatose, my father agreed to proceed in the Alpha ceremony. Also since max was no where to be found. If he was even still alive, he was completely off the radar.
"I have seven possible hits with reports of missing pack members, however their is still so many grey areas. We have no idea if they posted that they were missing. We have no idea if any of those seven packs match the time line of when the attack took place. We have nothing other then these leads too look into and I've never heard of some of these packs. Two are on the other side of the earth in Romania." I groaned throwing my head back as I felt the migraine starting to set in from all the stress. Just then Lee walked into the office.
"Marshall! I have great news!" I shot up looking at him as he spoke.
"Margo just got released, everything's okay, and she remembers something she over heard the guys saying, she is on her way here now." About thirty minutes later, Margo waddled in supporting her newly forming baby bump. She decided in the hospital she wasn't going to find out the gender until Felicity woke up and could be here for it.
"Hi Marshall," she greeted me shyly looking to the floor with a pained expression on her face. She ate herself up over what happened to Felicity every single day. I pulled her into my embrace as She sniffled.
"Okay sweet pea, what do you know?" I used a probably identifiably fake happy voice to try and cheer her up. Her face turning forms sweet and innocent to business.
"Okay. The guy who was in command under Felix was talking one night. To the other three guarding me. I was beaten pretty badly and so I pretended to be asleep so they would let off. I remember hearing them say something about an Alpha Micheal and something about the plan being to tear down the packs one by one. Recruiting all of them from specific packs. Bribing and using past history to pluck off some of the strongest people from every pack. Most of them still belonging in there previous packs until they attack and take down the pack from the inside out. They hold the alphas hostage and keep the mates to themselves."  She said shuddering at the last part. "He is evil. He only cares about hunting every alpha down, torturing them, doing there mates in front of them, finally killing the mates so they lose all will to live. He turns them into monsters. He's building an army of monsters, and you were supposed to be his most prized soldier."
I grabbed my laptop looking into the wolf database. Micheal. No results found.
"Do you know anything else about Micheal?" She paused as Lee wrapped his arms around her, resting them on her small bump.
"He's the son of a very weird situation. Something with a night dweller. I can't remember if his mate is one or one of his parents is. I don't even know what a night dweller is." She sighed "I'm honestly not even sure if that's any help. I was very tired when this part came around." I thanked her as Lee took her back to there house to rest. They had been living at Felicity's house and caring for Grayson while she was in the hospital. I would watch Grayson while I could. Her parents and I spending most of our time at the hospital.

Two weeks have passed and I still haven't found anything on an Alpha Micheal or any packs around the world who belong to an alpha Micheal.
"Hey son, we found something new in the case." My father came in bringing me a folder marked Evidence.
"What's this?"
"Everything we have on the kidnapping of those girls. This is going to be hard but I need you to push your emotions to the side for a moment before I tell you this." He looked at me and I took a deep breath in and nodded. "Okay, we ran test after test on the rape kits. Margo's was negative for intercourse, but we found numerous people's DNA on the bite marks and various locations else where."
"Yeah we already know this, I went over this with you last week dad."
"No that's not what I'm getting to, it's Felicity. Her rape kit was positive for intercourse." I pressed my eyes together as tightly as I could trying to keep my composure from putting another hole in the wall. "Here's where it gets interesting, we know it belonged to Felix, however someone else's DNA was found after I had them reanalyze it!" He handed the photos to me of the DNA patterns. I grabbed them and scanned them into the computer before uploading them to the database to try and find a match. I clicked scan and the computer started rapidly spinning through the DNA samples throughout all the packs.
"Why is this taking so long?" I groaned as my dad sat eating a sandwich, it had been fifteen minutes and still hadn't found anything.
"There are millions of wolves around the world. It's not going to instantly find something. Even then it isn't guaranteed we get a match. There are wolves out there that are off the grid."
Just then the computer stopped rolling falling one a sample from twenty years ago.
Mitchell Van Granté
"Who the hell is this? He is like forty. Whereabouts: unknown Age: unknown. Hell they don't even know the species he is." I grumbled feeling defeated, I look over to my dad who has a look of disbelief on his face.
"That's because he doesn't exist. He was a myth, a legend, a night terror people told at parties. He's not real." My dad shuddered after pulling up the very little information that was shown in the file. "He can't exist. Even if he did he should be dead. He was born in the 1800's and it's now 2018." That's impossible. No wolf could live that long.
"Alpha," My father and I both looking towards the door as Jake entered. "There's someone here, his names Gabriel he's from Alpha Zander's pack."
"Great send him in." Jake nodded bowing as he left. Three minutes later a man a tad shorter then I was but about as muscular came in.
"Alpha," he bowed looking at us "I'm looking for a felicity? Her parents contacted me about the accident, I was in battle over seas and just now got back." I growled as my face turned stern.
"Why do you need to know?" I crossed by arms as he looked at me and smirked.
"Because, I'm Graysons father." I stood dumbfounded, along with the rest of the people in my office.
"Felix was Graysons father, and he's dead." My father spoke.
"Actually, that is incorrect. Ya see before they broke up she was pregnant. They broke up after she was about a month along. He beat the shit out of her for leaving before they new. I met her at a bar and we hit things off, two weeks in basically living together when she had a miscarriage unknowingly. I didn't tell her and I thought she knew, but two weeks later I smelled the pregnancy on her. My own scent. I had her take a pregnancy test and it was positive of course. She was happy but there was something off about her. I had to go away for pack issues leaving her home for three weeks, when I got back, she was with Felix. She told me we had to be over because she was carrying his child. I tried to tell her she wasn't but she blew it off. Two months later she came back, Felix found out it wasn't his and nearly beat her to death. I was with her until Grayson was born and signed the certificate. Test him if you need, he's my son."

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