Marshalls POV: Whatever it Takes

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"You know she has a point." I glare at Blake as he speaks, my blood boiling. First she ignores me running to the bedroom, locks me out so i cant talk to her, then struts down here in a fitted dress leaving little to the imagination, and she makes sure we know shes planning something we aren't involved in. I snarled at Blake and stood up.
"That's it. She's not doing this, I've had enough." I shot up and started marching to the conference room right as the door opens and Felicity struts out.
"Hello boys." Nope. Not Felicity.
"Yaz?" We said in unison.
"Don't forget it. Come in, we need to speak. Oh and Marshall, quit being a dumb ass. You marked me and your wolfs a chatter box. Your lucky I haven't told Felicity what your up too." She pointed at me like she was scolding me. We walked into the conference room and everyone has snarky smiles on there faces.
"Whats going on?" I ask as Yazmin goes up to the podium.
"Okay first order of business, after this meeting I'm going down and killing Mitchell. We burn the body and BAMB, cant come back to life if you have no body." I stare at her shocked. We thought we were getting somewhere with him.
"What did you find out?" Blake spoke.
"Nothing actually, but we don't need anything." She makes eye contact with me. "As of right now, we are getting married in two months time." My jaw hitting the floor.
"Excuse me?" I sputter out.
"You heard me right, but this isnt a real wedding. We are going to pretend it is, sending invited all over the world, but calling the people they are going to and explaining whats going on. One of the invited is bound to get intercepted by the enemy, there fore we set a trap."
Thats it, shes lost her goddamned mind. I heard Lee in my head.
Wait, this could work.
Blake, whose side are you on?
Face it we aren't getting anywhere with Mitchell, and between Galvin and Yaz, there's no talking them out of it. He's already chosen his side and I dont have a choice.
You're wolfs name is Galvin? Lee chuckles causing me to hold back a laugh.
"Does anyone have any questions?" She finishes with a sweet and innocent smile. Hiding back her CRAZY.
"Yeah, what happens if this falls through?" Blake asked smirking at me. I shot him a glare.
"Ah well then I guess they get married." She laughed.
"And what if i say no?" I ask, crossing my arms. Her face goes from happy go lucky to angry in a millisecond..
"Then I tell Felicity what you've been doing behind her back, and the fact that you put her brother up to it so if she found out, she would take it out on him instead of you like a CHILD." She seethed and all three of us flinched.
"I'm in on one condition," Blake states standing up, "Marshall gets to be the bride." Every one started laughing and he took off running as I went to choke him. Yazmin even laughed, thats a first. I sighed.
"I'm not being the bride and this meeting is over."  I stood up and walked out of the room, heading to my bedroom.

I laid down on the bed stared at the ceiling. Something wasn't right between Felicity and me. Ive never felt this much tension between us before, and i cant figure out why. I know why shes angry, but there is absolutely no reason for her to still be angry with me. I sat up and held my hand in my hands trying to figure things out, when I heard a faint knock on my door.
"What." It opened as my dad stood there looking down at me. "Decided to come back i see?" I laid back down on the bed.
"Max said you and Felicity have been fighting non-stop and I figured you may need me." He shrugged and sat next to me. "Whats going on son." I rolled my eyes as i looked at him.
"Cause you come baring all the words of wisdom?" I chuckled looking him in the eyes confused.
"Hey, your mother and I several arguments in our days together. I know you dont like it, but Marsha and I do too. I could be of help." I sighed and sat back up.
"She's being unreasonable. Literally before the pack meeting, everything I said was setting her off, she argued with me over whether it was going to rain or not the other day! I was watching the goddamned weather channel and she screamed at me and said it wasn't going to rain, then stormed off when it did. Last week i started getting upset at the latest meeting, nothing was working to break Mitchell. So i called everyone into the office and we discussed measures on what to do with him. Personally I didnt know why they haven't killed the guy already. We dont keep prisoners here to begin with. And she argued with me over it, which Blake backed her up on for good reasons, and then no one else had anything to say. I felt my wolf seconds away from taking over so i kissed her forehead and left to blow off steam. Then she over heard me talking to Lee about how I didn't feel i shouldn't be the one apologizing because I don't even know why she is angry, and that she was going to apologize first. I haven't slept in my own bed in a week. She hasn't spoken to me, touched me, or even looked at me since then. I'm going to lose my damned mind." I groaned rubbing the bridge of my nose.
"Then talk to her." I looked at him with 'an are you serious?' expression. "Look, you don't have to apologize, so dont get your ego all in a bunch. Just go talk to her about it. Tell her whats going on in your mind and work it out. Relationships are a two way street, whether your mates or not. You have to work on it." I hate it when he's right.
"And if that doesn't work?" I ask looking back at him.
"Then give her time and space, eventually she will give into the bond and find you. You can only do so much. However talking it out an being honest with her is definitely the way to go." He patted my shoulder and left the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts, tomorrow I will go talk to her.

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