Marshalls POV: The Video

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"Is there anywhere else we haven't looked?" I paced my office as my dad got off the phone with Alpha Zander from our neighboring pack on the east.
"I dont know son, Zander went through his hospital ward for Jane does and he has even went through his prisoners. No one matches Felicity. They have a male in there hospital ward they think is related to her though. He's been in there care since he was young. Recently losing a limb in a battle." I sit in a chair on the opposite side of the room.
"Okay we need a new plan. I'm gonna gather up all of the pack out searching. Meet me in the conference room in twenty minutes." I walked out of my room down into the kitchen and grab a sandwich from the cook. Sitting and contemplating what our next move is going to be.

I walked into the conference room and fifty eyes were staring at me. Lee and my dad standing at the end of the room.
"I thought you said twenty minutes? We have been sitting here for forever." Lee rolled his eyes at me and my father laughed.
"I like this beta of yours. He's got spunk." Rolled my eyes ignoring the comment.
"Okay so we have searched every crevice and nook from surrounding packs to inside the town. Does anyone have anything to go off of?"
"Yeah I do." All eyes go to the door of the conference room as Max and Felicity stand there.
"We have a problem." She spoke and come to the front of the room holding a bunch of packages and a file. She walked passed all of us and straight to the projector system. She plugged in a flash drive and stared at me, max and my father.
"I have to warn you guys. This is going to hurt. You are going to be out for blood." She spoke with a sincerity that put questioning looks on all our faces especially Max's
"You haven't left my side how could you know what is on there?"
"I'm a witch. I have ways." She chuckled opening the file as my mother filled the screen our faces turning white.
"Pack mates. If you are seeing this, I'm sorry for leaving you. I didn't have a choice. Mitchell is ruthless and in order to appease him, a sacrifice was to be made and I'm deeply sorry for the pain i caused you.  But you can grieve later right now we have a threat to take care of. If your watching this, then Ms. Felicity has come back from off the grid. Her and her brother are the only white lighters left in existence. The only people who can stop Mitchell. He's powerful beyond belief intertwining himself in dark magic taught to him by one of the seven elders back in the 1800's before the elders disbanded. He's on a spree killing everything. Every monster, every creature, every non human being. Once the last of a species is destroyed, a memory spell is distributed across the nation wiping them from our memories. Creating a block from the moon goddess to create more of the dying species without her praise, she cannot create more for the species. Felicity, the only choice you have is to find your brother and unlock your full potential. Blake has been staying with Zander from the Stone moon pack. You have two full moons left before the attack Mitchell has planned. Two full moons from the time you wake up." How the hell does she know all this. "Marshall, take care of her.  She's more special then you know. Matthew, my love, grieve already you are going to kill yourself. I love you. Max, get that special Andrew moved back home for goddess sake. Matthew i don't want you to say a word for it. I love you all." The video ended as the pack started talking to each other, tension filling the room from the slight panic that is filling in the room. We stand dumb founded. My wolf scratching at the door wanting me to wrap felicity into my arms. Every thing is filling my mind so fast.
"When did you get back? Why did you leave to begin with." I look at my brother pain in my voice as we both look like we are on the verge of tears.
"Its a story for another time. Since mother dearest sort of outed me in that damn video, I I-feel like you are smart enough to put the pieces together. Big bro." He rolled his eyes and left the room dragging Felicity with him. She stopped before leaving and turned towards the crowd.
"Listen up." She commanded with a force to make the entire room go silent. "There is absolutely no reason for this. You are the strongest pack across the nation. Lucky for you, I'm here. Not because of my powers, or my wolf. To be honest, shes a bitch." She chuckle as her eyes flickered. Her wolf definitely didn't appreciate the comment. "You guys, before i wiped my memory, I had been on the hunt for this man. He killed my parents and i thought he killed my brother. When i wiped my memory, it sent out a false message that my species was gone. My brother never activated his powers putting him off the radar. He was a few years older then I but i vaguely remember my parents talking about how white lighters were only females. They didn't even know my brothers potential. Well besides having two of us, my brother has a high rank in Zander's pack, being adopted by there Beta we will have there full cooperation in this war. Not to mention, in high school the alpha for a large pack in Russia stayed with me for two months after getting hurt in a boating accident and not being aloud to fly. Lets leave it with he owes me a favor." She smiled as a few people laughed. She was glorious, I cant take my eyes off of her. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes hit mine and sparks fly. Our wolves disappearing in our minds to be together. I got lost in those beautiful green eyes. I would die for this woman. I would kill for this woman. I don't even know her favorite color and I'm willing to give everything up to make sure she survives. She brakes the eye contact and leaves the room as everyone stands up to leave.
"Wait, Felicity." It was so crowded as all fifty some warriors try and leave the room all at once. By the time i worked my way out of the room she was gone, but her smell wasn't. The first time ever, the smell of mint chocolate chip fills my nose sending sparks throughout my body. I follow it through the house and into the back yard and into the forest. Probably looking like a lost puppy, I just need to see her. To feel her.

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