Felicity's POV: Escaping the After

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* photo of Marie *

Everything was so beautiful. I stand in the middle of a field down the road from my house, I've never seen the view from here before. The hill looks down on the whole south side of town. I stood there breathing in the fresh air, smells of the wilderness. I was so lost, but so at peace. Nothing effected me I felt amazing, calm, serene.
"It's a lovely view isn't it?" A small petite woman walked up to me in the field, "I once brought my kids here for picnics every Saturday when they were little." She smiled "what are you doing here darling?" I stood there for a moment until my thoughts snapped back to me, looking at her. She was beautiful.
"I'm not sure to be honestly. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is..."
"Felicity, I know who you are. I've been waiting a very long time for you." She smiled kindly at me as I cocked my head to the side. "I'm Marie"
"Nice to meet you. How do you know me?"
"The moon goddess used to talk to me about you. You are so special and you don't even know it. You are so strong, so brave, so kind, and so very loving." Suddenly, my heart started to hurt a little. The first pain I felt since I came to this field.
"I need to go home." I spoke as I started to walk away from her. I walked down the rode and she followed in suit.
"Where are you going?" I asked as she caught up with me.
"With you." No way, really? I thought to myself. "I'm supposed to protect you and show you the way back." She sighed chuckling at the look on my face.
"My way back, my house is right here." I said as we got to the door. It was locked, I mumbled under my breath. I shook the handle and then banged on the door. No answer. I saw my car and Lee's car so I knew he was here.
"Ugh LEE OPEN THE DOOR FOR GODS SAKE IVE BEEN KNOCKING FOR AGES." I yelled at him through the door.
"They can't hear you sweetie." I stopped mid bang and Looked at her.
"What? Why ant they hear me?"
"Because this isn't real. I mean it is real but you aren't." My eyes widened at her words as I started to recall everything that happened. I jumped and gasped as everything hit me. Being taken, the abuse, the torture. Then being stabbed. I stumbled back.
"Am- am- am I d-d-dead?" I stuttered looking at her.
"No, not yet. Your dying. Your wolfs doing everything she can to keep you going but she's getting tired my sweet." She caressed my face like a loving mother would.
"My goodness you are very lovely and I'm so glad I got to meet you." She smiled and then hugged me.
"Who are you." I was shocked at everything happening.
"I'm Marie, your my sons mate Felicity. I'm Marshall's mom." She stepped back giving me space. Marshall. I hurt him so bad. I started crying.
"He doesn't deserve me. I'm so sorry."
"Sweet, he deserves no one but you. Relationships are a two way street my wild flower. You have to learn how to compromise and listen." She tucked some hair behind me ear.
"I don't have a chance now. I'm dying." I sniffled and started wailing again.
"Wild flower, you dying is your choice. Your wolf is ready for you to be there with her. You need to accept you and all you are. Including my son." She smiled. "He's not the brightest when it comes to women, or people in general, but he's loving, caring, and will never stop protecting you. He sits next to you every single day holding your hand as you sleep. Watching, waiting, praying, I'm here to give you the strength to go to him." I smiled at her and wiped away the tears that had fallen.
"Okay so what do I do?" She looked at me and took my hand.
"When you get back, go to my husband, have him take you to our bedroom. There's a family portrait on the wall for my family, take it down and you will find a combination. In it there are files, three boxes neatly wrapped and named. And a letter to my dear sweet Matthew. Make sure you get them to my family. The file is very important." I looked into her eyes as they started to glow. Turning yellow and sucking me in, everything around me started darkening.
"Mam! Mam! Can you here me? Nurse get doctor Roswell in here stat! You come here and help me get her off the ventilator. I closed my eyes everything's so bright.
Bout time you came back. I've been working day and night to keep you here. I was exhausted.
"Where am I?" I croaked out after they took the tube out.
"Your at the pack hospital. Doctor Roswell is on his way to check everything out. Honey your a miracle." The nurse smiled as she walked out of the room.
"Oh, Marie!" I whispered to myself. I have to get out of here now. I stand up as I move the IV stand with me. Then going to the bathroom as I stretched my legs. I close the curtain to the door and pull all the cords and needles out of my skin. I found a bag under one of the chairs. It smelled just like Marshall. I opened it grabbing a baggy shirt and sweat pants. There was also a ball cap. I folded my hair over my head quashing the hat on top. I looked almost like a dude. I opened the curtain scouting around for people coming my way. Coast was clear. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked out the room down a hallway. I saw the nurse from earlier with a man in a white coat, must be the doctors. Crap!
They took off in a fast walk towards the room and I made a run for it avoiding as many people as possible. I got outside the doors to the outside when I heard an alarm go off for a missing patient. I took off full force to the woods letting Yasmin take over as I shift mid sprint.

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