Felicity POV: Stayin Alive Part 1

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I finish getting the women, children, and elders set up in the safe house. Marshall and I spend fourteen hours getting the cave by the falls turned into a safe house. Once we made sure there was enough food and blankets for everyone, i grabbed Marshalls hand and pulled him in front of everyone as I spoke.
"Pack members, I hope we could make this as comfortable as possible for everyone. I am placing an enchantment on this cave you will not be able to leave and if you try the enchantment will burn you a bit. Please for your safety just stay put an await our signal. Once the threat has been eliminated, I will personally come and collect you once its safe. We are about to go to war with an extremely evil man. He wants to destroy our entire species and I will not allow this. There are three pack doctors locates in the back of the cave, several coolers located all over. If you have anything, any questions, my friend Margo here has direct contact with me. She is in charge of all of you while me and her mate are out fighting. Please be careful and stay put." I finished as Marshal gripped my hand in assurance. We attack in less then three hours and my nerves were on edge. Yes
"They will be okay my love. There scent is gone, the cave is invisible. And its as if its been filled in with rocks on the outside. No proof of any cave ever existing. I'm so proud of you, we make a pretty great team." I chuckled as he pulled me into his embrace. "I love you princess." He kissed my forehead as i placed a light kiss on his lips.

We arrived in the conference room thirty minutes until midnight.
"Alpha Zander, are all of your men accounted for? Did you take your women children and elders to the caves?"
"Yes Felicity."
"And my brother?"
"He's in the hospital ward as we speak." I turned to him extremely confused.
"What do you mean ."
"He was injured in a fight, he's missing his arm. I thought you new this?"
"Does this look like the face of someone who knows." I hissed pushing passed his ignorance heading to the hospital ward.

I turn the corner entering the room nurses stated as being my brothers.
"Hey baby sis." I look up seeing a tall guy, around 6 ft 2 with short spikes brown hair and bright green eyes.
"How, How, How," I stutter. This man looked exactly like me. "How old are you?" He tilted his head in confusion.
"I'm twenty two, Ill be twenty three on..."
"April 24th." We said in unison. "How's this possible. We're twins?!"
"Well yeah, i thought you knew this."
"I remember you being bigger then me, and always over protective. I remember you pushing down all the boys that even looked at me." He chuckled "I thought you were older then me. Mom said you died along side of dad."
"They thought I had died. I was pretty beat up but once they killed dad, i covered myself in blood making them believe i had died." I wonder through the forest on the bring of death when Zander's men found me and brought me to there pack. Luna talked Zander into adopting me. I'm next in line ya know? Until this happened." He lifted up his numb laughing. I shook my head stepping closer to him I pressed my fingers against his forehead as his eyes close putting him to sleep. I grab his nub, thinking about what it would look like if his arm was there. I laid a kiss on his forehead as he started groaning, starting to sweat from discomfort as his arm started growing back, replacing the nub he once had with an arm. He came back through, wiggling his fingers and bending his arm.
"Okay, you have got to teach me that."
"In all do time, right now we have a monster to kill."

We were running through the woods. I took Lee with me and sent Blake with  Marshall.
Princess, we are getting close, where do you suggest sending people?
I opened the mind link so all of the warriors could hear me.
I want everyone to always remain in pairs, Marshall you and your group surround the west side, Lee you and your group stay with me, Zander you and yours take the outer region, pick off anyone who manages to escape through us. I have put a dampener up so no one can mind link except us. Its not very strong so i suggest we move.
I lock eyes with Lee who nods at me.
We all push through as quietly as possible, within five minutes we had all of the warriors dead surrounding the inside places. Zander and Alec's troops stormed the tents and wishing fifteen minutes we picked off everyone int the small campsite.
Okay, Blake you stay with me, Mitchell will be at the camp near the falls, Marshall you and lee take two thirds of the troops and destroy the other base. Meet at the pack house in two hours. Do NOT blow your cover and do NOT come for us.
I stared Marshall and Lee straight in the eye as I commanded them. Marshall looked at me wearily before him and the troops took off in the opposite direction. Blake and i half shifted back to human form. By half shifted i meant we were human, but we were in control of our wolves, just cant use magic in wolf form. We hopped on the backs of two of the back members and put up protective shields over the slim amount of troops we were taking.

As we came to the clearing we surrounded he base. Picking off each of the outer guards as we came up to it. We hopped off there backs and continued on our way with one destination.
"Blake," I whispered as we came to the front of the largest tent. Everything around us quiet as we picked them off one by one. "Whatever happens, stay alive. Promise me." He nods and we sneak to the opening to the tent.
"I can feel you. You aren't as discreet as you thought." A large man, probably mid to late 50's with salt and pepper colored hair has his back toward the opening of the tent. "Its a shame really, i thought for sure i had been so careful with my planning. If only Felix hadn't been stupid enough to let you live. But no he had to be stupid enough to let you live and have a child with you."
"You have no right to talk about my son." I entered the tent seething with rage, Blake keeping close by. The man turned around eying Blake and I as we stood in the entrance.
"How did you survive?" He glared at us up and down. Enough talking. I felt a surge of energy and pinned him up against the wall Blake guarding the door behind.
"Your gonna regret this." He stuttered between breaths while i choked him out.
"I'm going to regret this am I?" I chuckled as his eyes began to roll.
"I'm not the guy your looking for." I released his throat as he gasps for life.
"Do continue."
"I'm not a monster I'm just trying to cleanse this world. Someone's hidden in it. She is the one destroying everything. The mass chaos thats surrounding my name is because we wiped out the armies she was building." I looked at Blake as he shrugged.
How do we know if he speaks the truth?
Not sure, we could always wipe out his army and put him in the cellars of the pack house. Between us, no one is getting out or in there to get him.
He has a point. I focused my magic on his wrists and ankles cuffing them together.
"Blake check the perimeter, let me know if you find anything." Blake walked out and left me with Mitchell. He chuckled,
"Didn't your parents teach you never to talk to strangers?" He cocked his head to the side as I tightened my grip on his wrists causing him to squeal.
"You may speak when i say you can."
Everyone's gone. Safe to head back.
Great, come back and help me escort the prisoner. I want to keep him inside Marshalls cellar.

   We walked onto the border of pack territory. I used a spell to put Mitchell unconscious so he would shut the hell up.
Blake locked the cellar behind us as we locked him into the cell. Him being the only prisoner in the entire block.

"I thought we weren't keeping any prisoners. Especially him?!" Alpha Matthew spoke rage in his voice.
"We weren't. but he's not alone and I'm going to find out who, where, and why."
"So you decide to lock him up here? Out of all prisons you pick here?" He snarled at me as I glared back at him.
"Yea i chose here. The strongest prison in the entire world. Keeping him here is the only way we can figure out what the hell is going on and what we are supposed to do to fix it." I shot back at him as he blinked at me shocked. I looked around at everyone staring at us. "No one is to go in there unless I say otherwise. Blake or myself will be on guard when needed. Other then that only authorized personnel will be there." Everyone nodded and bowed. I looked around feeling an unsettling feeling deep inside. I guess not a feeling, more of feeling that should be here but isn't.
"Where's Marshall?" Everyone murmured to each other no one giving me a clean answer. "WHERE THE HELL IS MARSHALL?" I screamed as everyone cowered.
"He went back for you," Matthew stated as panic filled me inside and out. I closed my eyes and concentrated trying to connect to his mind.
Marshall baby, where are you?
No response.
Please, Marshall answer me. Tell me your okay?
No response. Shit.
I take off switching back into my wolf form and begin raking the forest for Marshall.
Any luck? Lee popped into my head. I knew he was searching the woods along with me on the opposite side.
Nothing you?
Nope. Wait! I got his scent, over by the creek.
I halted in my tracks turning a complete 180 heading back towards Lee

I arrive at his side as he stands over a body. I turn around looking away. He squats down.
"Lee. Who is it?" I couldn't smell him, but tears streaked my face from anticipation.
"He's alive! His pulse is week we need to get him back now Felicity," He started to pick him up.
"NO," i felt pain as i walked over to his side, Marshalls limp body turning cold under us. "He isn't going to make it back, someone broke his spine."
Blake, I need you here now.
"You rang sis?" Lee practically jumping out of his shorts as Blake spoke.
"I need you to help me heal him." Without a second thought Blake was by my side as we placed our hands on his forehead, pulling his bones back together and the life that had escaped back into his body. He opened his eyes coughing.
"Hey hey, calm down baby its me." I brushed his shaggy hair back and pulled my lips to his as tears streamed down my face i pulled away from his lips as he pulled me into his embrace.
"Marry me."  I pulled away shocked at the words that came out of his mouth.
"Felicity Ann, Marry me."

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