Marshalls POV: Rewrite The Stars

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We walk into the pack house. Everything feels so right. So perfect, and yet here we are, newly marked couple, preparing for war against a monster trying to wipe out our entire existence from this earth. Before we walk into the conference room where our highest ranking warriors await for a plan, i pull her to me pressing my lips against hers one more time.
"Relax baby. Even if this doesn't work, you go I go. Us against the world until the end. I love you Marshall." Her words pain me a little. She's so strong and brave stating her life is at equal to mine.
"I love you most princess." She smiled at me before her face terned stir as she walked into the office.
"Commanders and Generals" She stated the amount of intensity her powers are putting off on her almost pushes me back a step. Even with my alpha gene, its nothing compare to hers.
"Luna," they stood bowing there heads as she walked to the podium. The commanders, beta's along with Alpha Zander and Alpha Aleckzander from The WildFire pack in Russia where here.
"As you all know we have a common enemy on there way to destroy all of us from existence. We cannot allow that. Mitchell dies, his army dies, everyone who has aided in his treachery but pay for there crimes against the people and creatures of this world."
"Yes Luna." They all agreed in unison. Hot damn shes so fucking hot right now.
"As of now, I am charging Mitchell Van Grante against his crimes, punishable by death along with all who follow him. I have word that he intends on attacking our pack on our territory," the commanders started mermering and tension filled the room.
"Silence! My Luna is speaking." I commanded, the alphas rolling there eyes but there company cowering through with my command. Damn maybe i should just leave the tough love to my love. Suddenly my loves eyes started glowing the green and yellow i recognize from last night, instead or lust anger took over her as her voice changed when she spoke.
"Well well well, this is who we have to work with. Pity, i was hoping for a b ginger outcome." She chuckled as the alphas growled at her remark. What is she doing?! "Pardon me where are my manners, Hello,  I'm Yazmin, Queen of the white lighters. Or as she likes to call me, her bitch of a wolf." She smirked. "Now if you all want to live, i suggest you listen to me, and listen well., the pack is under an enchantment, no one can smell us or enter beyond the edge of the Forrest, also means no one can leave without my permission, this pack is on lock down. Don't worry i took care of the surrounding packs too just not as hard. My brother should be on his way soon. We attack in two days, they will be setting camps up on the east wing of territory near the creeks, the west wing near the redwood trees, and the north wing near the falls. Two major camps being the creek and the falls, the middle is where they are setting up there medical center and the pack care takers. That is where we will attack first. Without health care or food, there warriors will weaken, forced to feed in wolf form. This will give us the advantage as everyone knows wolves dont take in as much energy as you do while in human form." Everyone got wide eyed as they looked at her, "huh so you didn't know that. Well now you do. Anyways we will infiltrate the middle wing tomorrow after midnight while the other warriors go back to the surrounding packs, we will take in only us. I will create a mind link channel and that is the only form of communication we use, you wait for my signal, you go on my signal, you retreat on my signal, and nobody dies. If you so much as step out of line and get yourself noticed you will bring death to our entire species. Go rest up and meet me in this room in twenty four hours. Any questions?"
"How did you find all of this out?" I asked as all eyes turned on me.
"Ah yes mate, how did i know you would be the one to ask me. Ya see, as you know I'm half witch half werewolf. I can see into different futures. I infiltrated Mitchells right hand mans head without him even realizing. See he has been preparing for this as i have for him my King. He had his men taking spells to block me out, well I may have found his mate and mesmerized her to distract him so he didnt take his potion. Now i know everything they are up too." Damn, her wolf is one step down from being a monster. She's feisty and its such a turn on.
"Dismissed." I stated my eyes not leaving hers as the room cleared out. Lee passed me before pulling a condom out of his wallet and setting it on the table and leaving shaking his head.
"Don't fuck up, cover it dude. Trust me, pregnant wolves, not a fun time." I sigh walking up to my mate, surrounding her small body with my own. Her eyes going back to normal.
"There she is, do you know how amazing you are?" She giggled burying her head into my chest. I was head over heels for this girl.
"Yaz is a lot to handle. And you marked her so you are stuck with us. She has no filter, she can be a monster." I laughed at her statement as i leaned into her neck trailing kisses down it.
"So can I," I whispered into her ear, nibbling her earlobe as she gasped.
"Marshall, as much as I would love to be wrapped up with you right now, I have been awake almost a week and haven't seen my son or my parents. I really need to go home." I whimpered even though i knew she was right.
"Move in with me." She stated abruptly.
"What?!" I exclaimed utterly shocked with her statement.
"You heard me Marshall move in with me."
"Darling, you know we have to stay here at the pack house."
"No Marshall we don't. We have to work here yes, and we can have a room here designated for over night stays. But Lee doesn't live here and is doing it just fine. Think about it, we leave work here and have home life at home. Never crossing paths." Damn, she has good points.
"Okay." I smiled at her as she now held the confused look.
"Yes, Ill grab some clothes and have the rest of my things moved in tomorrow. Although, since my dad owns it, I'm going to buy it from him and add on to it. Turn the garage into a guest house since no one ever actually uses the garage, just the room in it. And then add a couple more rooms to our house." Her eyes were glistening as i spoke about our future together. I planted one soft Kiss on her forehead before walking her out of the room to get read and leave.

"Marshall are you hungry?" Felicity asks making her way to the kitchen. She spent the last four hours hugging her parents and playing with her son, who has since her coma turned a year old and began walking. We put him to bed and had Gabriel set up in the living room.
"Famished." I pulled her into my grasp and began kissing her neck as she giggled and squirmed.
"Even though i love this, we need to save our energy for the fight. Do you like burgers and fries?"
"Do i like burgers and fries? Is that even a question?" I scoffed pretending to be offended as she rolled her eyes and began cooking. She turned her iPod on and started dancing around the kitchen to The Greatest Showman sound track. I chuckled as i watched her sashay around the kitchen. I heard the beginning of Rewrite the stars start. I grabbed her hand as she jumped from my abrupt touch, i pulled her into my chest and began dancing with her.
"Marshall what is this?" She asked giggling as i dipped her and twirled her around the kitchen.
"I'm rewriting the stars, isn't it obvious?" She laughed at me.
"I guess so. Who knows if we will ever be able to do this again anyways."
"Princess, I promise you after this war is over, I'm going to treat you like the queen you are. I'm going to give you the life you and that beautiful boy deserve." She stopped staring into my eyes with those big beautiful pools. I plant a soft kiss on her lips as i pull away and let her finish dinner. If we live through this, I'm going to make that woman my wife.

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