Felicity POV: This is me

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"Hey gorgeous!" I smile as I run over to Mark. Since Allen and Margo quit cheer, Mark and I teamed up.
"Hey Marky Mark. You ready for this?"
"Are you kidding? I live for this." I laugh as he opens his arms spinning. I needed to clear my head. Marshall up and left yesterday while we were discussing pack matters, instead of manning up and facing his problems he bailed. Leaving me utterly pissed off. So this morning i dropped Grayson off with Gabriel for his month and went to the gym with Mark. Just to do some stunting, tumbling, and dancing. Hoping to get back in with the team in a couple weeks, or if not just to spend the day full of adrenaline. I sit there in the middle of the gym stretching. Right split, left split, center split. I was not ready for this. I groan and Mark laughs at me.
"Maybe if you wouldn't get kidnapped and put into a coma, you wouldn't be sore." He cracks up laughing at his own joke. I roll my eyes but cant help but chuckle. He has a terrible sense of humor, but a laugh so contagious no matter what he says you cant help but laugh with him.
"I try." I flip my hair as he laughs even harder. I pull out my stunting stand and start stretching my heel stretch and scorpions on both legs. I step down and do a couple back walk overs before throwing a couple hand springs. My arm slipped out from under me and i completely crashed on my face. Mark laughed so hard i thought he was going to pass out.
"SHIT!" He screamed from laughing "I should of just brought my camera!" He bent over catching his breath and i threw my shoe at him.
"Shut up." I glare as he composes himself. I then run at him catching him by surprise as he barely catches me throwing me up into a extension.
"Wow girl, warming next time. I think i just pulled a muscle in my wrist!"I laughed and shifted my weight to my left leg pulling my heel stretch. Man I'm out of shape.
"Wow i think I'm straighter then that was." I snap my leg down squashing his hand, "Ouch! Watch it or ill drop you." I laugh and he pops me down. My adrenaline was pumping, grabbed his hands as he popped me up into a handstand. I was looking down at him waiting for his count to flip me onto my feet. Like on cue he pops me up and I land as we wobble a tad. I signal for him to spin me and he does, i then pull my scale into a scorpion. Trying for my needle but only making it into a hyperextended scorpion. I groan when my leg starts to hurt and drop it into an arabesque. He pops me down and I go back to attempting to tumble. I fall two or three times before i finally get all my passes under control.
"Felicity," I look over at Mark, "Everything okay? Your acting like your running from something." I shake my head.
"No i just need to find something new to do. I'm getting restless." He chuckled and led me over to a bill board in the gym. There were tons of classes being offered.
"Lets see, there's the silks, hip hop, Zumba, OH POLE DANCING!" He threw his head back laughing, "That sounds like the perfect class for you!" I laugh at his enthusiasm
"I've taken them already. Don't tell Marshall." He looked at me confused.
"When the hell have you taken them?"
"Hey I'm not always busy. I have gotten bored before." He laughed again.
"Yeah okay. Whats going on with you and Marshall anyways? I sense tension there." I sighed.
"He's been a prick lately. He wants to use the money his mom left him for our wedding. I just dont want to have a wedding. Its something that will draw attention to the pack house. Everyone will be off guard and its the perfect time to be attacked. Until we find out what Mitchell knows, I'm not doing anything. Not to mention, he's pissed because I haven't planned anything for the wedding besides the venue and anytime he gets pissed off he just leaves. Like a child." Mark chuckled. "I cant be responsible for anyone else's deaths. I'm not strong enough." I looked at my feet as tears began to swell in my eyes. Mark came over and pulled me into his arms and I lost it, letting all the tears fall.
"So why don't you team up with him to interrogate the prisoner? You do realize Marshall never keeps prisoners and this is killing him right? He interrogates, get what he wants, and kills them. Or he doesn't get what he wants and he kills them. There is no grey area."
"That's the thing though. This guy is using dark magic and i cant risk him coming back to life. We don't know what he is capable of. He let us take him in way to easy, and he has given us no information to go off of. I have no idea what he is planning." I groaned suddenly getting angry. I could really use a moment to go down there and use him as my own personal punching bag. Or use Marshall as one. I felt Yaz trying to get out and run from the anger and adrenaline so i dropped to the floor and started to meditate.
No you are not coming out right now, I'm spending time with mark and you are going to do something stupid.
WAIT! I have an idea. We don't need Mitchell, what if we planned the wedding IN HOPES of getting attacked?
"That's it!" I jumped up and turned to Mark as he looks at me confused. "I have a plan, meet me in the conference room of the pack house and bring Allen and Jake. Marshall is keeping me out of his plans I'm keeping him out of mine. I gotta go put clothes on. Get the others and meet me in the conference room in 1 hour!" I run out of the gym and head to the pack house. We have a room here with clothes and belongings so if we needed to change we could. I was only in a sports bra and matching spandex as I ran into the house full speed. My adrenaline was going crazy. I turn the corner running passed Blake, Marshall and Lee chilling in the living room.
"Whoa hot rod, where's the fire?" Blake stated laughing as i charged up the stairs.
"CANT TALK HAVE A MEETING." I run down the hall and close my bedroom door locking it behind me so no one can come in. This plan was BRILLIANT. I decide to dress up fancy for it, I hop in the shower washing myself of the stink of my workout. I dry my hair, and throw in some loose curls at the bottom. I apply a Smokey eye, lashes, and some deep red lipstick. I walk into my closet and grab a fitted black dress that stops mid thigh, but has a silky high low over skirt. I grab some tall black pumps and put on some jewelry to add some sparkle. I look at my appearance and I'm impressed. Marshall eat your heart out. I smirk and leave the room heading back down the way I came. I got to the stairs and the guys are still sitting in the living area, looking up at me as my heels click against the stairs. Marshalls eyes hit mine and darkened as he looked away, mumbling something under his breath. I smirked.
"Damn girl, what you up too?"
"I have a meeting with some of the pack, I'd tell you but since you guys like to think I'm stupid and do things behind my back, this is my time to show you how it feels." I finish as Jake, Mark, Allen, Tianna,  and Rory walk in. "Great, if you all will follow me into the conference room ill start the meeting." I look back at the guys from the corner of my eyes and they were all glaring at me. I smirked and entered the room.
"Very mature Felicity." Lee yelled down the hall towards me as the door closed behind me. I locked it and walked to the front.
"Don't worry, Alpha isnt going to have anyone imprisoned for meeting with me." they chuckled as i smiled, "We are fighting at the moment and he thinks I'm going to cave and apologize first and well, I dont lose. Anyways there all going to be in this after this meeting anyways. Also i would like to apologize in advance, Yaz is going to be conducting this meeting. I close my eyes letting her take over.

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