Felicity POV: Bad Girlfriend

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"Come on, we have to get Margo something for her baby shower." I feel like I'm basically dragging Blake around the mall.
"We should go do something after words." He stated as we walked around.
"Like what? There's not much going on here."
"We could go to the club or something. Ive heard good things about it."
"Yeah I guess so. Im gonna get something to wear then while we are here." He groaned and rolled his eyes.
"I really would rather not be here until the baby-shower starts. Its 10 am now and by the time you find something, its going to be like 2. We need to be there by 3."
"You act like I take hours shopping. You do realize we have been in this store almost an hour now, and you still haven't found anything for the baby shower?" I turn as a beanie baby flies past my face.
"Hey now, your gonna get us kicked out of the store buttmunch." I laughed throwing the beanie baby back at him.
"I'm going to get this. And this outfit."
"Blake. There having a boy." He looks at me confused.
"Leopard print isn't for boys?"
"Not with a kitty with a pink bow on it."
"Hey, i think i would rock this." He holds it up against himself. I roll my eyes and hand him another onesie set with soldiers on it. I decided to get her a walker that looked like a pick up truck and some bath toys.
"Why did we wait until now to get her gifts?" He asked me as we left the store.
"Because your a prick and wouldn't come with me. Plus I planned the damn thing, its not like I had a choice." I huffed annoyed by his questions. We went to the food court and got Chinese food before sitting at a table. I pulled my phone out and started scrolling through my facebook.
"BLAKE!" I threw a French fry at him as he jumped from my screaming.
"Oh my god did someone die?"
"There's a Theory of a Deadman concert tonight in the small theater on the strip mall! We have to go."
"Yeah sounds better then the club. I'm in when does it start?"
"8pm, Ill meet you at my house. If Marshall is there I'll invite him too."

"Felicity!" I turn around and look down, nearly falling off the chair I'm standing on.
"Yes Lee?"
"She's in a mood today. Just make sure nothing is out of place and absolutely NO orange. I put on an orange shirt this morning and I barely made it out alive." He said panting as I heard his name being screamed from the kitchen as he flinches and hides behind me. "SHHH Shes coming! Don't anger it!" I hopped off the chair as Lee ran out of the dining area, right as Margo appeared in the room waddling with a force.
"Have you seen my Neanderthal of a mate?!" She growled stopping to sit in a chair. As she winced.
"No, he was a helping me set up the dining room i sent him for decorations. Everything okay?"
"NO. Everything is NOT okay. I had an outfit set out for this stupid babyshower, but Lee sat on it when he got out of the shower and now its all wet. So i picked out a different outfit and then found out it doesn't fit me anymore because it apparently isn't made for someone who is 8 and a half months FUCKING PREGNANT." She screamed at me wincing again. "And to top it all off, I have an annoying ass stomach ache that I can't get to stop." She started sobbing with her head in her hands.
"Margo, we can get you a new out fit, and wait here. I had really bad gas around this time in my pregnancy, Let me go get you something." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some Gas-X, which is something i lived on during the end of my pregnancy and started to walk out of the kitchen when I ran into a wall falling on my ass.
"Well then, hey princess." I looked up seeing Marshall leaning against a wall with his sexy ass smirk on his face.
"Hey, watch where your standing, I'm on a mission and if you get in my way i will end you." I growled getting back up only to be pulled into his embrace.
"Easy there tiger, whats the rush?"
"ANNIEEEEEEE" Margo screamed causing me to jump.
"That. That's the rush! Let me go before she kills us all. I ran into the dining room to get Margo her medicine.
"Here take this." I start to hand it to her when something hit me. "Hey how often are these stomachs aches happening?"
"I-I-I I dont know, like every five minutes or so."
"Margo, dont freak out but I think your in labor sweet heart. We need to get you to the doctors now." She got a panicked look on her face as she tried to stand up, a rush of water falling onto the floor. She was starting to panic even more now
"Come on sweet heart." I Grabbed her hand as we went towards the hospital wing as quickly as possible.

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