Marshall POV: Unsteady

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"So, have you heard from dad since he dropped the bomb on us about Marsha?" Max waltzed into my office. I rolled my eyes.
"Knock much? I'm kind of busy." I didn't take my eyes off my computer. Been too busy researching the new information Blake brought me about Mitchell. Apparently, he is working for someone. The man is like 200 years old and he's playing someone's puppet? I wasn't really falling for the crap he was attempting to pull. Not to mention on top of this, i was supposed to go ring hunting with her twin. He was seriously driving me nuts, i actually hid in a closet from him the other day. Me, the alpha, squeezed into a damn broom closet to get away from him.
"I just don't understand." He flipped a chair around in front of my desk so he could sit backwards leaning against it.
"Max, I'm really in the middle of something. By the way I need you to know what you are doing. Are you moving back with Andrew? Are you wanting him to become part of the pack? I am planning a coronation of new pack members in the pack within the next few months. Since Felicity technically isn't a member yet." He sighed dropping his head. I pushed my computer away to look at him. "What?"
"Well its just, Andrews different. He's not really into packs and stuff and I'm not sure if its something I could talk him into. He's in law school right now, got two years left until he graduates and becomes a lawyer. He's extremely independent and it took months to get him to agree to a damn date with me." He rolled his eyes sitting upright. "He's not a wolf Marshall." Interesting.
"What is he?"
"Human." I stiffened a tad.
"You haven't told him yet have you?" I squinted glaring at him. He scratched his head before shaking it no "Damn it Max, you've been together two whole years and you haven't told him?! Do you understand how angry he is going to be at you?"
"He's not. We talked at the beginning, both of us agreeing that we had secrets about ourselves we aren't comfortable talking about. I told him when I felt we were ready I would come clean. As of right now I'm just trying to get him comfortable enough with us to meet my family. I can probably come up with something to talk him into moving here with me after he graduates, but until then there is absolutely no way."
"There might be. What if i got him into the Washington Tech Law school?" I closed my computer folding my hands on my desk. "I have a meeting with the dean tomorrow to discuss my graduation coming up, Felicity is also going to discuss enrollment with her final classes until she graduates. I'm promoting her head of the CSI division once she graduates. The dean owes me a favor, i can get him an acceptance letter if you can get him to apply for a transfer." He looked at me contemplating.
"Whats the catch? What do you want from me?" I laughed sitting back in my chair.
"A distraction. Keep Blake away from he he's driving me crazy."
"Well if you'd just go get her a damn ring it wouldn't be an issue."
"That's the thing though. I want to do it myself." He sighed shaking his head as he stood up and started for the door.
"Fine, Ill call Andrew tonight and surprise him with a trip down here for the weekend. Then I will attempt to talk him into applying for school. No promises. And on the Blake thing, he went back to Zander's to help sort out some business going on there. He's gone for a week. Get off your lazy ass and go get her a damn ring before he gets back." Great, an unwanted trip to the mall. Just what I needed. What the hell does this woman like?
Lee, you busy?
I'm holding my son, whats up?
Whats Margo up to?
Sleeping why?
Well to get Blake off my ass and i need to go find a ring. I have no clue what she likes.
I can help. Send me photos on your phone of any that stand out to you. Personally I don't think price matters just get something you like.

After about two hours walking around different stores i finally picked it out.  I thought it was perfect and sparkled just enough for her. Lee got her size from Blake, who coincidentally got it from her by trying on her tiny rings while annoying her one day. I decided on a small little black box to carry it and stuffed the box in my pocket. For some now that I have the ring all I wanna do is give it to her. Apparently I need to plan something spectacular. I need help. I sit in my car staring at the ceiling for probably close to five minutes before I decide to get on Pinterest and look at what other people do. I have never been more nervous for anything in my life.
Any luck? Oh now he decides to talk to me.
Yeah. Now planning something.
Just take her to the beach or something. I saw someone write it in the sand once.
I'm not  gonna do something that everyone does.
You free to help me? Meet me in my office in 30.
Deal, Margo just woke up so she said I'm cool to go.

"Okay so whats it look like?" Lee practically slammed my door as he rushed into my office.
"Gee let the entire pack know whats happening why dont you." He laughed and lounged in the chair in front of me. I rolled my eyes and pulled the ring out of my pocket and handed it to him.
"Damn. I got to compete with this?! I new i should of went with you." I laughed as i took it back and put it in my pocket. "So how are you going to do it?"
"Well I read there are six basic rules for proposing." He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"You actually googled it?" Suddenly laughing at me, i shot him a glare.
"Basically the Internet says ask for the parents permission or whatever, make it a surprise, Use her full name, get on one knee, have someone capture the moment, and a few said to make sure she had her nails and hair done or something. I'm pretty sure since shes a licensed salon person if i tell her to dress formally for a party, she would go all out."
"Damn, you really did research. You can skip the parents because they have given it to you several times."
"STOP. I know exactly what you are going to do." We turn around as Margo walks into the room with the baby in a stroller.
"Hun, what are you guys doing out?"
"I got bored, he only does so much and right now he's sleeping. Even though I'm supposed to be asleep when he is, I'm not tired since you watched him all day. Anyways i have about a dozen ideas on what you need to do." With that, she pulls a booklet out of the bottom of her stroller and plops down right in Lees lap as he laughs at her.
"Well have a seat."
"Thank you i did. Okay so first idea,  get the cheer squad to do some kind of routine, have them hold up signs saying will you marry me and you can even play the song marry me while they do it!" She squealed and then turned the page "Or, you could send her on a scavenger hunt as like a date night thing, or make her think that, then she could end up in the backyard where we set up lights and balloons and stuff and in lights spell out will you marry me, or you could go to a photo booth and during the photo shoot, pull out the ring and propose right then and there so you get her legit reaction too it. Or you could put Grayson in a shirt that says 'Mommy will you marry Marshall?' Or whatever he calls you. Or you could spell it out on a hot air balloon. Or you could get her a coffee mug and have it printed in the bottom so she drinks it all and see's it"
"Okay okay okay, those are good ideas in all but I'm not so sure any of them scream Felicity. Although, the scavenger hunt sounds like a pretty good idea. I think we have a winner."
"YAY! Okay Lee, here is the book you can choose from these, and you may NOT do the scavenger hunt. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor." She blooped his nose before leaving the room with her son.
"Look what you started. I'm not doing any of these. I'm going to just ask her randomly when she is least expecting it and call it good. Hell maybe in the middle of the grocery store."
"When have you ever stepped foot in a grocery store?"
"Hey i have a son now, kids make you do things."
"We have a specific worker for grocery shopping, you just give them the list." He groaned as he got up and left the room. I pulled out my laptop and began working on the hints for the scavenger hunt.

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