Felicity POV: She Will Be Loved

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I sat in the closet. Hiding. I never felt more ashamed of my actions in my life. I cant get his face out of my head, when he asked me i didn't know what to say. I couldn't lie to him. This is supposed too be one of the happiest moments in a couples life, yet i screwed it up. Now he's running to god knows where to blow off steam, and I'm hiding in my closet crying to myself. I heard Margo come in, but she left once she saw I wasn't in my bed. Lee did too. I pulled out my phone and texted mark.

Mark, he knows I'm pregnant. Ive never seen him so hurt before.
What happened?
Idk. He just found out, and asked me about it. I was so shocked my reaction kind of gave it away. Now he's gone off to blow off steam.
It'll be okay babe. Remember, your baby-daddy is always here for you ;)
I chuckled to myself. He's been calling himself my baby-daddy ever since he told the doctors he was the father.
Come over?
Already on my way sweetstuff, see you soon.
I closed my eye leaning against a bad of sweaters i was supposed to donate like a month ago. Suddenly darkness closed in around me and i drifted off to sleep.

"Felicity." I stirred and swatted at the finger poking my nose. I opened my eyes and there were a bunch of people in my closet. I shot up. Before the faces registered. Mark, Allen and Margo all stood in my closet as mark poked my face.
"What?" I sat up in my little corner.
"Why are you in the closet?" Allen asked as he popped a squat next to me. Mark and Margo sitting with me.
"I was having a nervous breakdown. And i was embarrassed so i hid myself here." I felt m face turning red as Mark laughed. He leaned back and closed the door with all of us just sitting in my closet.
"Fair enough. Guess we will hangout in the closet then." I smiled and leaned my head on Allen's shoulder. He put his arm around me.
"So, to change the subject, who is in charge of the baby shower?" Margo asked and Mark shot his hand in the air.
"As the baby-daddy, i feel it is my duty to plan the shower. I'm team girls by the way."
"Girls? Plural?" Allen looked at me.
"Yeah its kind of twins."
"Does Marshall know?"
"No. But if he forgives me and still decides to marry me, I'm gonna surprise him with it as a gift after words." I smiled slightly before feeling sad again. I missed him and hurt that i hurt him.
"Is that even a question. He adores you. And you have been awful lately." I looked over at margo and glared. "What? You yelled at him for shutting the door and blowing wind at you. Like seriously your emotions have been like a roller coaster." I sighed. I know shes right. Tears filled my eyes again.
"Well. How's wedding planning?" Allen asked changing the subject.
"So far so good. Everything's going as planned. T minus 5 days till the big day."
"Where do you want to get ready?" Margo asked.
"We are splitting the pack house. The half on the left of the living area is designated bridal party, the right is the groom and groomsmen." I shrugged. I though of the easiest thing to do. "Parents will be in the living area along with all members of the bridal party that are finished. Making sure Marshall doesn't see me until the times right."
"Wow, everything is down to a T huh?" I smiled.
"Yeah not much is happening. Everything is already at the pack house. We are having the wedding and reception in the back yard. Someone is coming tomorrow to build a dance floor/ patio area out there. Marshall is setting everything up with the hopes of no one falling for the trap we are setting. No children or elderly guests are coming. Just warriors and people who can hold there own if a fight breaks out." I sighed. I wished it could be just a free day for us to spend together celebrating the life we are starting. "My son cant even be here to see mommy get married. He loves Marshall." A tear slipped down  my cheek. Allen wiped it away.
"Don't worry, i think we can come up with something." I smiled. We sat here and talked for hours. Just the four of us, we haven't hung out in ages. Since before my coma. Margo and i eventually managed to fall asleep. I remember being picked up and put in bed before I gave in and let sleep over come me.

Kisses filled my face, causing me to swat them away. Suddenly I was lifted up causing me to shoot my eyes open and my lips found Marshalls. I pulled away as tears started falling. Man i am always crying.
"I'm sorry baby. I love you so much and I'm so excited about this." He kissed my forehead and i blushed He then got up and laid on his stomach, prettying his face against mine.
"Hello little infiltrator." He spoke and I laughed. He kissed my belly and came back and kissed my lips.
"How far along are you?" his hand never leaving my small bloat of a baby bump.
"About 10 weeks now." I smiled putting my hand over his.
"Only 10 weeks? You look bigger then Margo did." I had to quickly think of something to save the twins surprise.
"She was also a human." He looked at me strangely and then nodded. God i hate this. 5 days.
He pulled us to him and I got butterflies as my body met his. He put in a movie and we sat there enjoying each others presence.
"I'm gonna be a daddy." He blurted out randomly. I giggled and nodded, as a huge toothy grin filled his face. Suddenly he wraps me up in his arms swinging us around. "I'm gonna be a daddy!" I laugh and kissed him. It was so passionate, i felt like he was kissing me with all he had. I pulled away and a tear slipped down his cheek. "You are magnificent my love. I'm so lucky." His hand finding my stomach again. He rubbed it and kneeled down in front of me, pressing his face against my small bump. I ran my fingers through my hair smiling like a fool at this large man completely losing himself.

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