Marshalls POV: Say You Wont Let Go

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The door opened and all of us looked up from the movie and saw Felicity standing in the doorway. Her face suddenly lost all color and she looked like she was about to have a panic attack. I started to get up to go to her and she darts to the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it behind her. Mark was left, standing in the doorway.
"What the hell happened?" Margo and Lee said in unison. Mark squirmed a little, his face blushing.
"Uh well ya see," he stuttered scratching the back of his head.
"Spit it out, what happened?" I glared at him and he sighed.
"I cant say." He looked to the floor.
"What do you mean you cant say?"
"She is having a very hectic day, if you want to know ask her yourself. I on the other hand know nothing and if i did its not my place to say." He held his hands up as if surrendering and walked out the door. I looked at Lee who just shrugged.
"Did you talk to her yet?" Margo asked me crossing her arms and setting her legs on Lee.
"No I haven't had the chance to. She left before I could see her this morning and this is the first time I've seen her all day." I say back into the couch propping the footrest up.
"You could go now." Lee said pointing to the room.
"Nope, she locked it, and Yaz already has it out for me. When the doors locked, you leave us alone. Its our signal to each other so we know not to bother them at the moment." I picked up my beer, taking back the entire thing. Margo stood up and glared at me.
"Fine, you be a scaredy cat putting your relationship on the line because you dont have the balls to fix the situation. I'm gonna go comfort my best friend." I growled at her insult and she walked passed me, swatting the back of my head.
"The hell you think you are?" I growled as she walked down the hall. I heard her pick the lock and open the door, locking it behind her.
"She has a point. You are avoiding her. There was no reason for you to stay at the pack house yesterday, or for you to be there till noon today." I sighed.
"Okay you got me, I'm planning a date to apologize and talk to her. I just had to finish the final touches this morning. I haven't slept." Just then Margo came out of the room. "Well?" I asked looking at her.
"She's not there." She said. I got up and rushed back to the bedroom, the window was open and there were drawers open. She left. I felt my heart break.
"This is all my fault." I sat on the bed with tears streaming down my face. Lee sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm not gonna tell you its not your fault, because if partially is, however her leaving was very wrong." I wiped my face and stood up.
"I have to go make this right."
Blake, your sister left. I need you to help me find her.
No need, Shes in my bed right now. Don't come get her yet! Let her cool down. She has had a very eventful day.
I growled as Lee and Margo stepped back confused.
"Shes with Blake and he told me to wait here." I punched the wall, leaving a hole.
"Well, he is her twin. If anyone can talk her into coming back its him." I followed them out of the room. I went to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of jack, and going back to the living room. I down half the bottle while watching the hunger games before letting sleep over come me.

I'm awaken to a commotion in the room. I sit up looking around, no one was there. I get up and walk towards the voices I'm hearing. I'm right outside our bedroom when I hear Blake and Felicity talking to Lee and Margo.
"What do you mean? How did this happen." Margo said in a shocked voice.
"She doesn't know." Blake responded.
"What are you gonna do?" Lee asked.
"Nothing until we know if this plan is going to work or not. We pretend nothing happened."
"You could get hurt!" Margo exclaimed followed by three shhhhhhh's.
"Are you trying to wake Marshall?" Lee asked her. She grumbled something I didn't quite catch.
"Look, I understand this isn't what you guys want to here right now. However, this is a huge advantage. Her powers have tripled in strength to protect them." Her powers are protecting us? "That means, we have twice the strength we originally had. Therefore the likely hood of her getting hurt is slim to none okay guys. But we have to keep this on the down low oaky?" Blake stated as the others agreed.
"YOU OWE ME." Margo whisper screamed at Felicity. She laughed, and my heart skipped a beat. Its the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and every time she laughs I melt a little. I heard someone reach for the doorknob and darted back down the hallway, jumping into the covers pretending to sleep. I heard the door close, and I felt a small body crawl next to me. Instantly I felt the sparks shoot through my skin and I rolled over, grabbing Felicity into my arms.
"I'm so sorry baby girl." I whispered into her hair kissing the top of her head. I felt her sniffle as she moved and looked at me. Her bright green eyes blood shot and tear stains ran down her cheeks, breaking my heart. "I thought you left me." I choked down my own emotions as I pulled her farther into my arms. To my surprise she giggled pulling away.
"You really think i could leave you?" She cocked her head to the side and I pulled her forehead against mine closing my eyes, taking in the contact with her.
"I don't know honestly, I was a huge dick." She laughed and kissed my cheek.
"I wasn't an angel." She spoke softly, intertwining her fingers with my own.  I kissed her hand and pulled her into my arms, she nuzzled into my chest.
"I love you, and nothing will ever change that." I looked down as her eyes met mine. A small smile appearing on her face. I lean down and kiss her, pulling her closer to me. I nibbled her bottom lip asking for access. She denied and pulled away. I pouted and she laughed at me.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not up for this turning into sex right now." I cocked an eyebrow.
"Who says this is going to turn into sex?" I wiggled my eye brows and she laughed smacking my chest. "Ow."
"You had a point when you said i couldn't resist your body last week. Your kinda hot." She blushed and looked down. I pulled her into my chest and kissed her forehead.
"Okay fine, your irresistible. Sue me for thinking my wife is hot." she blushed and looked away.
"We aren't married yet."
"I know, but fiancé is such a bizarre sounding word. Calling you my wife, thats a title fit for a queen." I brushed her hair out of her face as her eyes met mine. "You're the most beautiful woman in the world." Her cheeks turned pink and i pulled my lips back to hers, savoring there softness and not pushing my luck. Her hands trailed up my chest and wrapped around my neck. I pinched her ass causing her to squeak and I infiltrated her mouth as she whimpered into my lips. I separated myself from her lips and trailed down her neck, she rolled her head back giving me full access. I got to my mark and nibbled it, a moan escaping from her tiny body as she grabbed my hair. I chuckled against her skin.
"I smell you princess." I bit her earlobe and she gasped, biting her own lip to muffle her sounds. I went back to her lips, pushing her back against the couch as she wrapped her legs around me. I trailed one hand down grabbing her ass and she groaned against my lips, I felt the lust taking over. I picked her up, my lips never leaving hers and take her to the bedroom. Not about to have a round 2 of last time we almost fucked on the couch.

I rolled over, as I felt myself starting to wake up. I wrapped my arms around Felicity as she groaned rolling into my chest. I opened my eyes and stared at her beauty, She had the blanket tucked up against her bare chest, but open enough that i had a perfect view of her curves. She looks to have put on a bit of weight which I absolutely loved. I couldn't help myself as i kissed her nose, forehead, cheeks, lips. She giggled and stretched herself, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at me.
"Morning." She smiled. I kissed her again.
"Good morning princess, sleep well?"  She giggled and blushed.
"Yeah, I slept better then I have in weeks."
"Me too baby girl. From now on, we never go to bed angry with each other." I poked her nose.
"I dont know, the sex was so good." She laid her forehead on my chest and I laughed.
"Well I need a shower, care to join me?" I kissed her neck and she giggled rolling over, and sitting up. She stood up and i saw her tense as she waddled to the bathroom. "A little sore are we?" I smirked, winking at her as she looked at me.
"Screw you!"
"Well, if you insist." I shot up running over and grabbing her, carrying her into the bathroom as she squealed.

"What happened to your arm baby?" We sat in the bath and I noticed a small cut on the inside of her forearm.
"Oh that, Mark and I were stunting at the gym and his nail scratched me when he popped me down."
"You're cheering again?" I kissed side of her forehead.
"No, I just wanted to see if i still could do it." She sighed resting her head back on me.
"You should do it baby. The squad probably misses you." She tensed up and was silent for a couple minutes.
"I really don't want to baby. I'm focusing on school, you, and our family." I chuckled at her answer and nibbled on her neck.
"Wanna add too it?" I bit her ear, but instead of the shiver I expected, she tensed up and started laughing?
"I actually need to get up and around. Its Saturday after all." She stood up grabbing a towel and getting out of the bathtub. I groaned as she left and started getting dressed.
"Woman, are you trying to kill me?"

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