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We sat on the tram as it sped through all the districts. Lando was seated beside me, with Tallie and Mayneck across on the opposing couch. It was eery and quiet, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere around us all. "So, tell me about District 6." I finally said, reaching the coffee mug to my lips and taking a sip.

"What do you want to know?" Mayneck asked in response. I shrugged. "Most of us are addicted to morphling. Previous champions are and that's why they chose me as a mentor." He informed me.

"You're not?" I asked, curiously but a little sarcastically as well. His facial expression dropped.

"We're a transportation district." He continued on, ignoring my sly comment. I nodded, realizing he had run out of things to say, because there's not much to be said about the district. One thing I knew, was the Capitol despised district six. They were the most rebellious of the districts in the past, causing the most issues for Panem. Part of the reason I chose it, I knew they'd back me when they would see my cause.

"Titus." The boy next to me finally spit out and we all turned to him.

"Lando," Mayneck protested, trying to keep him from saying anything more, while Lando shot a glare at him and reluctantly quieted down.

"Who's Titus?" I asked, looking between them all. But no one responded. The silence was nearly deadly as Tallie looked down at her coffee mug, trying to ignore the conversation. "Seriously, who is Titus?" I grew louder, demanding an answer.

"Titus was from the 48th games. Basically, they drove him to the point of insanity. He kept seeing things that weren't there and the hunger was taking over." Lando began. I pictured a boy in the games. I pictured him scared and out of his mind, running through the forest of the arena. "So one day, after he killed a boy from district 3, he decided to take it a step further." Lando explained, but stopped himself, looking to the floor. Tallie was staring at the ground now, looking disgusted, but also a glimmer of sadness in her eyes.

"Titus ate the boy. And after that, he resorted to cannabilism and began eating other tributes... alive." Mayneck finished the story. "The gamemakers were fearful of an insane person winning, so they created an avalanche, killing him off." He finished the story. It was almost as if I could now hear the screams of the children being devoured by this boy.

"Christ." I muttered. "Well, that I'm sure made for an interesting event." I leaned back.

"Why are you even here?" Lando snapped, looking to me. I couldn't tell if he was angry or just confused by my motives. "I mean, no one wants to be in these games. And you've been privileged and pardoned in the Capitol. So why are you here?" I stopped for a moment, catching my breath, trying to figure out what how to word my intentions.

"Well, honestly," I began, trying to think of how to explain my aspirations. Mayneck and Tallie stared at me, in wonder as well. "Fuck the Capitol. I'm here to make a point." I finally stated, simply.

"And what point is that?" Mayneck asked of me, leaning forward on his knees.

"The injustice of our society. I'm here to show that there will never be equality if we force children into this. We sit around and watch loved ones kill each other for entertainment. It's messed up." I half explained my thoughts as the three of them just continued to stare at me.

"A tribute with a purpose. How original." Mayneck mocked. I shot a glare at him as he smirked and lifted his glass, taking a sip.

"That's very noble of you." Tallie finally spoke up through the dead air surrounding us. I realized that even she didn't like the games, as I could hear it in her voice.

"You're not going to kill people then, I take it?" Mayneck asked me.

"No, I have a point to make. And killing these kids is not one of them." I told them, leaning back in the seat.

"You won't make it very far, with that ideology." Mayneck informed me, with a smug smirk smeared across his face, still. I felt anger boil up inside of me. The heat rose into my cheeks.

"We'll see." I mumbled quietly, looking down at the deep brown color in my mug. I was irritated at his little faith he had in me, but I got over it. I looked to the window to see us passing through the final district. We were almost to the Capitol for our preparation.


Arriving back at the Capitol was an odd experience, to say the least. "May the odds be ever in your favor." I mocked quietly to Lando as he smirked slightly in my direction.

We were led into separate rooms, where they stripped me of my clothing and hosed me down, twice. I was shaved, bathed and handed a robe. A woman then led me into another room where I was greated by a man, who stared, smiling over at me.

"Sid Everest." He shook his head happily, shaking my hand with enthusiasm. "I am so pleased to finally meet you. You are gorgeous!" He exclaimed, walking around me in a circle. "Oh, yes, I can work with this!" He seemed thrilled. "And must I say, what you're doing, is ingenius."I looked to him, confused. "Mayneck and Tallie informed me of your intentions. Great respect." He whispered close to my ear.

Okay, so I know now that I can trust my stylist, at least.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Now, let us get started on your look. What were you thinking of for your color?" He asked, clapping his hands together. I thought back to my mother. Weakness, poor. Looking back up toward him, with a slight smirk, I told him my idea.

"Let's do black."

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