twenty seven

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It was dark. The fallen tributes flashed amongst the sky again and we continued through the forest until we reached the lightning tree.

Beetee wrapped coil around the base of the trunk, so we could perfect our plan. I glared over at Johanna, still despising her and hating that she was even in our alliance now, but I had to put my personal feelings aside for the time being. She looked over to me, noticing my glare and smirked, causing me to roll my eyes as my grip tightened on the katanas handle.

"Katniss and Johanna, take this down to the beach and then meet at the soot before." Beetee informed them. Katniss looked weary at the idea of just her and Johanna taking the spool of coil to the water, but she obliged anyways as the two girls left, leaving Finn, Peeta, Beetee and I here to continue setting up and wait a little while.

"I'm going to get water." I informed Peeta, kissing his cheek.

"Want me to come with you?" He asked, already beginning to stand to his feet.

"The streams only just through there. I'll be fine." I assured him, knowing he needed to rest and I needed to not pass out again from dehydration.


"Peeta, it's literally right there." I laughed a little. "I'll be fine."

"I need you real quick, Peeta!" Beetee called out to him. I nodded him over there and with one last glance at each other, I walked down the path ahead of me to the stream of water.

I crouched down and placed my hands in it, splashing it across my face. I then cupped some of the water into the palms of my hands and drank a little. Looking past my skin, I noticed my reflection in the clearness of the water before me. Blood stained my face, evil lurked within my eyes. I quickly splashed more water across myself, and that altered image of myself was gone. I was back to reality.

That's when the sound of something crashing, startled me. I stood up, holding the katana out in front of my view and looked up to see the sky beginning to storm. I began to walk forward a little more, concerned for the safety of myself and the others.

"Katniss, get away from that tree!" I heard Finnick shout. I looked over and then before I knew it, I felt myself lifted into the air swiftly, and then I felt my body drop to the ground, blacking out.

"You need to focus in there. Don't let people get to you and do not trust anyone." Mayneck informed me.

"What?" I asked.

"Just don't! I know you care about these people but right now, their priority is Katniss. She is the Mockingjay and they are going to protect her over anyone else so please, take care of yourself." He begged, looking and sounding worried.

"I don't und-"

"You don't need to understand. Just trust me. I'll make sure they get you, alright?" He said but I just grew even more confused at this statement and nodded.

Doe In The Meadow | Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now