twenty three

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I sat on my bed, staring out the window to the lights illuminating the city. The games were tomorrow and I didn't know how much longer I had to live anymore.

Hearing a soft knock, I walked out of my room and to the front door to answer it. I looked around to see no one else had heard, so I unlocked it. When I opened, Peeta was there waiting. I widened the door for him to enter and I tied my robe and led him to my room where we sat on the edge of the bed next to one another. But instead of saying anything, we sat in silence. For at least an hour we just sat there, embracing one anothers company. "Arizona," He finally began through the stillness within the room.

"Don't say anything." I insisted. He looked to me. "I already know." I then leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his head. I burried my face into his neck and his hands found their way to my waist. I pulled back a little and finally, with no hesitation, he pressed his lips against mine harshly, before pulling away.

"I hope this is okay, I'm sorry-,"

"Shh." I whispered, pulling him onto me, as I lay back on the bed and tugged off his shirt.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, breathlessly.

"We don't know what tomorrow will bring, Peeta. Might as well make it last." I nodded, replacing his lips to mine and taking his face within my hands. He helped me take off my shirt and then lifted my hips up, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "I love you." He whispered under the moonlit room. "I love you so much." I could feel a tear soak into my cheek from his and I intertwined my fingers within his hair.

"We may not make it tomorrow, but what we have is tonight. And that's all that matters right now. You and I." I whispered, assuring him.

"It will always be you, Arizona." He said in response, as my hands found their way to his pants and I began to pull them off.


In the morning, I attempted to sneak Peeta out of my room without getting caught, when a voice broke my concentration.

"Long night?" I heard Mayneck ask, with a mouth full of food, and we looked over to see him, Cassian and Tallie seated at the dining table, eating breakfast. "I mean it had to have been since I could hear you." Cassian smirked at this comment.

"Gross." I muttered. "You were listening?"

"The walls are pretty thin, in case you hadn't noticed." Tallie stuck a piece of egg into her mouth and rose an eyebrow, smirking at me, but not in a judgmental way, more of a 'glad you had some fun' type. 

"Sorry about that." Peeta scratched at the back of his head, uncomfortably.

"It's fine, kid. Breakfast?" He offered the boy. But I shook my head to Peeta.

"No, uh, I should probably get back to my floor." Peeta told him.

"Suit yourself." Mayneck toasted his mimosa and took a sip and I followed Peeta to the door.

"I'll see you in a bit?" Peeta asked, already knowing the answer, as if we had a choice. I nodded and he reached forward, placing his hand against my cheek and kissing the top of my head. I shut the door and walked over to the table, seating myself and beginning to stuff my face with all sorts of food. This could be the last time I taste real toast and orange juice, might as well fill up on it as much as I'm able before I'm sent into the slaughterhouse.

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