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I stared into the mirror at the reflection of myself. The black dress draped down my legs and to the floor. Lace was wrapped around my torso, revealing the olive skin of my abdomen. Sid placed the small golden crown on top of my head. It was subtle for a crown. The design looked like antlers and it wasn't anything extreme. The black made a statement to my mother, and I knew she would resent me for it, as I'm sure she already resented me enough.

"Stunning, absolutely stunning. Like a doe in the meadow of flowers." Sid smiled, pleased with his work. I turned to him as he led me out the door where Lando stood in an all black suit and gold thorn crown, and we made our way down the narrow hallway. I could hear the clamor of the tributes behind the door ahead of me, and anxiety began to course through my body. "Now, you two will need to wear these." He handed us both a golden cuff for our set of wrists. "Final touches are crucial. This is your first real impression on sponsors so please, look as best as you can. Stay fierce and strong." He continued to look at me. "Good luck."

He then opened the door, where all tributes eyes averted towards us. Everyone seemed to already be here. I noticed a line of chariots behind the lot of them. I suppose those were our rides.

Lando and I walked forward as the door closed behind us. Some tributes seemed to already be making allies. I looked around at all their faces, memorizing as much detail as I could. As I continued to walk, not realizing where I was headed while the boy from district 2, Cato, stared over at me. I locked eyes with his, refusing to give in, when I felt myself crash into something. I nearly lost all balance when two hands grabbed onto my sides and helped me back to my feet. I looked up to see a boy looking back down at me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, helping me straighten up. I brushed my hair back and adjusted the head gear.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Sorry, I can be kind of oblivious to my surroundings." I apologized, feeling stupid.

"No, you're fine. We're all overwhelmed, so I get it." He smiled faintly at me. I felt my lips curl upwards, realizing his hands were still holding onto me.

"They sure like to make us look like prizes, for people sending us off to the slaughterhouse." I muttered to him, leaning a little closer. He smirked at my comment.

"Yeah, it's sick." He said in response, scratching at his head. "Peeta Mellark." He extended his hand outward in my direction.

"Arizona Stark." I latched on and shook it. His eyes widened a little and I knew he knew who I was.

"Right, you're from the Capitol." He informed me, as if I hadn't already known of my descent.

"I am. But I'm also on a mission to take down said Capitol." I whispered, smirking. "District 12, right?" I recalled the photos Mayneck had shown us of the other tributes. He nodded as we let go of one another's hands. He eyed me some more and I could sense he didn't completely hate me, as most the tributes seemed to. I felt another pair of eyes burning into my skull as I looked past him to see Katniss Everdeen glaring over at me, as the other tributes were beginning to board their chariots.

"Peeta," Katniss called out to him, trying to divert him away from me. He looked back at her, and then to me once more.

"Well, Peeta Mellark, if you're ever in the mood to become allies, just send a smoke signal." I smiled at him, and walked over to the sixth chariot where Lando awaited me. I climbed up and took my place standing next to him.

"What was that all about?" He asked, looking over toward me, as we stood, waiting for the chariots to move.

"Just making an attempt at friendship." I responded, looking back over to Peeta, as he looked right back at me. "We're gonna need it."

Doe In The Meadow | Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now