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Mayneck, Tallie, Lando and I watched as Caesar went over the scores. Lando got a solid 6, which wasn't surprising to anyone, but also not too terrible. He looked more pleased with himself than I thought he'd be. "Good job." I complimented him, helping build his confidence, as he was going to need it. It wasn't a great score but for district 6, it certainly was. He smiled at me in response, while staring at the television.

"And our girl from the Capitol who has volunteered for district 6, Arizona Stark," Caesar began and my nerves skyrocketed, yet again. That seemed to happen quite a lot. I knew I was good, but with Crane and my history and with other tributes probably being much better, and more skilled than I, I wasn't expecting too much out of myself. "With a score of an 11." My heart stopped for a moment as Mayneck, Tallie and Lando jumped up in excitement and cheers.

"Oh my goodness!" Tallie exclaimed, hugging me as Caesar continued to go over scores. I recieved an eleven, somehow. I was good at what I did, but a part of me felt like Seneca had unmentioned motives with that score. So I was hesitant to be too happy.

"Peeta Mellark from district 12, with a score of 8." Caesar informed the viewers. I smiled to myself, knowing he did good. "And Katniss Everdeen, with a score of," I waited. She had to have done better than me. She was brilliant at archery. I knew that from watching her practice. The bow always looked so percise in her hands, like it fit her just right. "An 11." His voice broke my train of thought. How the hell did we tie? I'd wished this was a good thing, but I knew this gave her an excuse to hate me more than she already did, so great. Lando looked over at me, knowing of the tension between her and I.

The three of them began to celebrate by eating when I heard a knock on the door. They were preoccupied with their celebration to bother with it. "Alright, guess that's me." I sighed, as I stood to my feet and walked over, opening it.

"Hey." Peeta smiled.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." I popped my hip, placing my hand on it and welcoming him in. The others looked over to us but I led him to the bedroom for privacy purposes, knowing they'd listen in if we stayed nearby. We sat at the table near the giant window overlooking the city six stories down. "Good job on that score." I smiled to him.

"You too." He smiled back.

"Katniss pissed?" I asked, knowing full well, she was, but he didn't say anything. Just continued to stare aimlessly out the window.

"So, we have those live interviews with Caesar tomorrow." He informed me and I nodded, knowingly.

"Can't wait to be questioned on why I volunteered." I rolled my eyes. "I think I'll just tell him I was bored of being rich." Peeta chuckled slightly when I said that.

"I had a question for you." He spoke up, as I popped an almond from the crystal dish in front of me, into my mouth. "We're allies, right?" He asked.

"That depends," I leaned back. "Do you like foosball?" I smirked at him and we both looked to the foosball table on the opposite side of my room. "You win, and we can be allies." I stood up as he followed me over to it.

"And if you win?" He asked, genuinely. I stared over at him as he watched my hands place themselves on the handles of the golden figures.

"We can still be allies and you have to keep me company tonight." I smiled. He was my only hope of making it through this miserable game. And if he stayed up here, I could get to know him on a more personal level. I wanted him to know the full extent as to why I was here and doing what I was doing. But I also felt inclined to learn of his life. District 12 and the Capitol were very different places to grow up in. And I wanted to tie us together.

I looked over to him, as we hit the ball back and forth with the little men on sticks. He seemed to actually be enjoying himself and I couldn't help but smile to him. I watched his eyes dart back and forth and as I hit that final ball into his goal, he looked up to me, still with that cheeky, yet charming, grin upon his face.
"Looks like I'll be staying up here for a bit." He stated.

"As if you weren't going to anyways." I rolled my eyes, joking back with him.

Doe In The Meadow | Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now