Chapter one 12 million cake / having problem with new neibor

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Hey good morning guys it's gail I'm in a happy mood today John and I were refreshing our subscribers and we hit and I want John to say it to we hit 12 million subscribers oh my gosh I'm so happy so John and I are making a cake

Gabriella we hit 12 million subscribers( great mom)  oh that right when gabby first wakes up she a little grumpy so we will tell her in a few minutes I'm sorry mom I woke up grumpy because oh that dog next door  I didn't sleep

That right our neighbor has a dog that bark right when John and I are going to bed I'm like one of these days I'm gonna tell off our neighbors I think Diane and Michael are getting really mad also

I had it with our neighbor John I'm gonna go straight over there and tell them I wouldn't gail Michaela is a little witch when it comes to telling her thing I'm not sure about Paul but Michaela a witch I don't care John 

We got new neighbor next to us it's Michaela  and Paul Raheb I made friend with Paul not with Michaela we have  Michelle  next to us on this side it's Michelle and Jospeh dysart and both Michelle and Michaela  don't get along because of the dog

Ding dong I wonder who That can be hi Michelle hi gail I had it with Michaela gail me to Michelle she such a witch hey John hi Michelle  y'all having problems with Paul and Michaela also huh yup

Where Jospeh at Michelle he's at work I don't know why Diane doesn't tell michaela stuff gail I. Know I was just saying that right now

I don't know how Paul is gail but I know what kind of person Michaela is she let's her dog poop in my front yard Gail oh my gosh

I know geez what were you saying before I came well John and I started a YouTube channel like a few months ago and now we are having a party tonight to celebrate

Hey you should teach Michaela a lesson Gail hey that a great idea Michelle thank we will have the music on really loud tonight so michaela and Paul can't go to sleep like John and I and the kids can't sleep either

Well I'll see y'all later Gail ok Michelle bye did you hear that sayer family we are gonna have the music on really loud not to loud so John and I need to go to the store to get the stuff we order the cake and all that

Let's go ok morning mom morning gabby now I'm fully up I need to wash my face and did you say you hit 12 million subscribers yes wow that crazy mom I know Mrs dysart alway gives outs the best advice I know

Get dress ok mom

6 hours later

We are at the store we need a lot of stuff for our party tonight it's gonna be so much fun John and I never thought we will ever hit 12 million subscribers let's see how many people follow us on instagram gail ok oh my gosh

12,000 people followed us and look who followed us Jhouse vlog if you Guy don't know who Jhouse  vlog , Jhouse vlog is created by Jeremy and Kendra Johnston from San Juan Puerto Rico

They were here like a month ago we met then at vid con they have 5 little kids Caleb , Laura , janae , issac and little miss Elise I think Elise has been on our vlog a couple of times

I can't believe the followed us John let's see if any of the comment are from them

Aww gail faith look so happy with John can't wait to spend all summer with y'all at vid con loves 💕Kendra

That right we are going back to vid con this year and we are meeting up with Kendra and Jeremy once again

We are alway happy to be with them John hold the camera I want to take a picture of all this stuff I mean wow

This is a lot of stuff it sure is Gabriella get close to the cart ok mom say sayer party

Gail insta post

Shopping with this little girl for our 12 million subscribers party tonight , she is so much fun to shop with

Sayer family Insta  post

Gail and I shopping with this little princess for our 12 million (wow wee )

Johns Insta post

I don't like shopping but shopping with this little girl and Gail is the best thing I can do

4 hours later

We just got home from shopping wow what a morning so far

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