Chapter twenty two gabby new glasses

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Gabby you are gonna look so cute with your glasses on you sure are gabby aww thank mom and dad but I don't know what would Anahi and them would say she would make fun of me oh gabby don't worry

They wouldn't make fun of you mr Silva won't of course he won't neither would mrs stair well she never talk um gabby I think you mean mrs a who doesn't talk much mrs stair and I talk all the time at lunch

That right you do when me Diane and mrs stair all have lunch we talk about you father all the time gail why ! Why ! Why , why what John Do you have to talk about me with Diane and Marisa because they ask me

Oh well that different Gail so gabby are you nervous about getting your new glasses nope I think oh don't worry gabby that what I said to your mother when she got her glasses

Really dad yup

Flash black February 18,1969
A week later

Gail  go get your glasses from the eyes doctor they called I told Manuel you would be a little late to work ok John ooh I can't wait to see my wife in her new glasses I wonder what Diane and Manuel would say when I go  to work John they know you wear glasses already gail

Remember we told them yesterday and they agree not to treat you special because no one is special Im not don't say that John your pretty darn special to me yeah because your my wife that way gail  oh yea we did huh

Ugh what wrong John the darn car is getting fix I'll drop you off at work since we are at the same job today oh that right we are

I want to see what my wife look in her new glasses ok John don't over react

Gabby new glasses

Good morning it's Gail and gabby John is still a sleep I'm taking gabby to her new glasses I'm super excited to see what they looked like so do I mom

I love you gabby I love you too mom John honey wake up is it early gail no John it's 8:00 oh my gosh I'm late John don't worry I'll drop you off on my  way to take gabby to go get her glasses  John

Gail I'm already as late as I can be so I have no time for breakfast I'll see you later after work ok bye gabby bye dad bye John you forgot your .... glasses your father does this every time he wake up late and doesn't have time for anything I know why mom

Why because he didn't put on his alarm last night oh that why yes


Good morning John , morning  Joseph how are you I'm late what I am I leaved without saying good bye to gail my wife

You never talk about your wife Gail has much John I know I don't ,anything new Jospeh no not really John but the good news is I got promoted to be a chaplain oh wow

Congrats well I'll see you later ok John here we go my office Jospeh can you open my office door ok John

My office how I miss you for a whole month ok let's see what I need to catch up on

Meanwhile at the eye doctor

Ring ring tell me  if they call you gabs ok mom hello gail It's Todd did John go into work Today he did Todd well I'm Right by his office and he's not opening the door I usually go into his office

Oh funny hold on Todd I think John is calling hello I'm sorry if I walk out of the house without of the house John where are you ? What are you saying Gail I'm at the jail

Oh Todd who on the other line gail Todd is Todd John is at the jail well tell him to open the door John Todd said to open your office

Ok I don't see him gail , John it's because your in the wrong office oh my gosh gail I'll have to call you back

Todd I'm so dumb first I wake up late , I didn't have time to say good bye to gail  what you almost never forget to say good bye to gail John I know

And then I was in the wrong  office .... John !I forget to say good bye to my .... John!!  do you forget to say good bye to ..... John !!!!!!!!!

What is it Todd did you forget your glasses again no that silly oh my gosh , can you excuse me for a sec John sure Todd

Gail guess who forgot his glasses again , let me guess John we'll me and gabby are just coming out of the eye doctor to pick up gabby glasses I can't wait to seem them gail

And we have John lunch bag too I'm gonna call John right now ok I'll see you the next time your ever in la ok Todd

Meanwhile in John work

Ring ring hello John  me and gabby are gonna drop off your lunch bag and glasses ok gail just leave it in the front office and I'll tell Jospeh the officer to bring it to me ok John

And I am bringing breakfast for you ok gail we will see you after work oh gail I'd told Todd I'm leaving early so we can spend the whole day with you and gabby since all I do I work work work ok

Ok i will be there soon I'm gonna drop off gabby at school ok no wait I'm not gonna take gabby to school all right mom I'm gonna take her to where we first met and have a little picnic since this is the only time I'm with her on my day off

Well have fun I'll met up with the both of you at the park ok so we can have some with each other just the three off us

I'm gonna tell Jospeh in the front ok I'll see you later ok bye John

Jospeh yes John my wife Gail is gonna bring my glasses and lunch bag and breakfast finally I get to met your wife John I know huh she never step into this jail before I don't think so

She will be here any minute, ok I'll be waiting for her to come

12 minutes later

Hi this is for my husband John sayer wow this is my first time in dad work mom it's mine two your gail sayer right John has told me zero thing about you he never spoke about his wife before I told him

Well now he will tell you a little about me ,have a nice day gail thank you 😊 come on gabby ok mom

Back in Johns office

Come in your wife just came why didn't you ever tell me what your wife does John , she work my with wife Marisa stair , well I didn't wow Marisa is your wife Jospeh ya you never told me

Hey why don't you ever bring your wife to work John well sometime Jospeh she can be a little loud I didn't want the other chaplain to know her

I met Todd wife I had no idea linda even had a sister name gail Jospeh Gail is Todd sister In law wow what see that my wife with Linda and Todd on their wedding day

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