Chapter seventeen family hike

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John That was a night wasn't it , it was gail your sister Jenny came up to me John and said Gail I know we had our conflict with each other but can we be sister in law again I said of course

Family hike

Good morning it's Gail , and look who came over it's my sister in law Jenny I know we didn't get along when John and I were married but I forgive her because I didn't hold a grudge well maybe I did but I'm so glad we are sisters in law again Jenny

So am I gail , your brother John and I were talking last night and since we are leaving In a couple of day we want to take a hike up the mountain and Jenny here is a expert of hiking up hill

Well I wouldn't say that Gail  John my  brother is a expert of hiking and so is my sister in law gail yes I am said Gail for some reason John told me that y'all have another sister yes

I alway though it was you and me who were fighting Jenny no it John younger sister younger then Jenny who I don't get along with and it's funny John sibling all start with j

John ,Joann , Jackie , Jenny ,Jennifer is John younger sister that I won't get along with Jennifer and I never got along and we never will see eye to eye 

I mean wow so yea that what we are gonna do today we are gonna go on a hiking trip with my sister in law Jenny

I love you guys Gail  we love you too Jenny said John come on gabby let's go ok mom

3 hours later

Hey guys it's Gail , and John we are climbing up the mountain there something I alway want to try since we are here in Texas and already going home in a couple of day

There my mom and dad climbing up the mountain my aunt Jenny told me ... what did you tell me aunt Jenny ?? Your mother alway want to climb up a mountain a scream her head off so that what my mom gonna do

Gail !! What Jenny you look amazing up there thanks gabby you got your camera ready I sure do mom

This might take us a couple of minutes to climb but we are gonna do it

Ding ding hold up mom

Huh gabby what wrong mom , John we will back right now ok Gail

I have no love in my self mom don't say that gabby I don't care mom Gabriella! You go ahead gail I'll talk to her  ok John

Gabby hold up what do you know about  breakups dad I know a lot about it  I see it every day when I go to work at the school

Girl meets boy boy and girl love each other , girl boy date , boy breaks up with girl  , girl is upset with boy , a month later girl meet another boy to make her ex jealous  I see it every day gabby I don't want that to happen to my only daughter hey I'm your only daughter dad that what I mean

Give it time gabby your right dad
I see it everyday too come on ok I'm breaking up with you !!! ....... I never. Want to speak to you ever again

Come on gabby ok how is she ok gail you really did help her so well what was that for gab thanks dad your the best dad ever

You are the best dad ever John thank gail your a pretty good mom your self come on wife let's go ok John

40 minutes later

We made it up guys I alway want to do this ... and I want gabby and John to do it with me

Ready John yes I am gail .... SAYER FAMILY WE MADE IT !!!!!!!
We did it now John get a good look at this view oh my gosh

How about to here ?, their stoping right there , yea maybe that far as we go , yea and see I'm not to trill about going to close to the edge , well , I'm so adventurous ?, John don't step forward , ok

I'm doing a chaplain John  right now

Hey guys it's chaplain John and we are hiking up what this mountain called Jenny mount John yes mount John and my camera man is my sister Jenny   say hi camera guy

And me ,my  wife Gail , our daughter gabby and my sister Jenny ate climbing up mount John  and Gail what do you think about this view I love it John

Jenny can we get a quick scam of the mountain top

Gail this is how I sign off chaplain John I'm gonna say I want to thank you guys for watching

And Gail you say chaplain chat  but not yet

Hey I want to thank you guys for watch and Gail I want to thank you for being on chaplain chat and cut That was my first chaplain chat ever


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