Chapter five john first day at work again

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Good morning it's Gail and John is getting ready for his first day at work again I remember it was October 5, 2005

We moved here to New York and John was looking for a job so he found the jail and he became a chaplain for the jail

You know John has been doing this for nearly 13 year now he's been in jail for that long has a chaplain I meant to say

I remember John being so nervous about his new job that he locked him self in the room I had to open the door and get him out of the house so I can clean up the house

Before I head to work has a teacher aide for special ed kids I have been doing this for nearly 23 year that even more then John had been in the jail as a chaplain I have been in school for 23 year as a teacher aide

They have me work extra hours I have to support my family John and the kids

Let's me take a flashback to my first day of the job and then I'll tell you Johns as he leaving for work

Flash black August ,14, 2005

Gail come on your gonna be late ! I'm coming John oh my gosh I can't believe I'm working as a teacher aide I alway want to do this

Here your lunch honey thanks John I hope Diane shows up today I bet she will gail come on get out of here

You have your diary with ya Gail yes John I'll come and see you after work gail ok John

Bye Nicholas "mom do you have to go ?" Yes baby I have to who gonna take care of me

when dad leave mrs Johnston from across the street is coming to check up on you don't worry you'll be fine come on Kendra

Your gonna be late on your first day of high school I'm coming mom see ya monkey mom tell Kendra to stop calling me monkey that wasn't nice of you to say that Kendra I'm sorry mom

Bye sweetheart bye dad have fun at school Kendra ok dad be good for mrs Johnston nick ok mom

Come on John now I have to tell ya to hurry I'm coming gail I'll see you when everyone leave at work

Have fun at school Kendra ok dad hi gail ,hi John , hi Kendra where mr nick he's in the house um mom nick ! What on earth are you doing up there I'm coming with you nick come down from there

Honey your gonna be just fine you and Kendra are gonna have fun nick I'm running late John talk to your son

I'll tell the story later on nick was about 3 when I start working at the school and Kendra around 6 or 7 he didn't want me to leave so I told John to take the day off from work to stay with nick

Now I have to be honest with all of you John has left the kids are at school I'm with baby faith is a sleep it's pitch quiet now

Now for John story it's a whole different then mine is he's is a little bit funny

Flashbacks October 7 , 2005

John are you ready for your first day of work no not really gail what wrong John I'm nervous I don't know anyone at the jail what about Tom John well yea Tom it's Because of Diane gail

Oh come on John her ready I am gail ok I'll drive you to work ok gail so how work for ya Gail I love it Manuel is great we'd work together before we sure Gail

Today is nick first day of day care and Kendra from across the street is doing I'm gonna walk nick across the street to Kendra house can you drop of Kendra on your way work

I have to met Diane and Daniel at McDonald's so we can think about fun thing with the kids for our first field trip of the year

I know Daniel is gonna disagree of what ever Diane and I have to say he alway do this he disagrees what shirt we were we gonna wear at the last meeting we have with Manuel

Me ,Manuel ,and Diane want to do princess and prince theme but Daniel disagree with us so we went with this oh my gosh I know huh so this is our shirts

It's Superman oh my gosh and yea he also disagree we want to name the club blazer parter but Daniel want blazer kids and I said no no no I came up they all call me the creative sayer

I know that Gail you are one of them in this house so I told Manuel to name it blazer buddies and Daniel say "Manuel don't listen to gail !," she still new here

Me and Diane just look at each other Manuel said Diane do you think Daniel is making Gail feel like she doesn't fit with us

It's true Daniel your making Gail feel like she a outsider go ahead gail and what do you think our club should be called

I like the idea of blazer buddies Gail so do i you are the creative sayer thanks Manuel we will have another meeting again Daniel you are dismissed from this meeting and you can't make no more idea for us I'm sorry we will have to let you go

"You all will regret, now what well we will have to get another person to replace Daniel ,"said Gail that same night

I got a phone called from a nice name Marisa stair hello are you gail sayer yes well I'm Marisa stair and I have been told by Manuel Silva that your looking for another aide to replace your other aide yes we are we are having a meeting at McDonald's downtown of New York I'll give you the address ok

The next day !!!!

Good morning dear "where are you going this early ?" Manuel Diane and I are having a meeting today I heard about Daniel I know we had to let him go

We are meeting up with our new aide I got a phone called last night and her name is Marisa stair so we are meeting her today to get to know her

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