Chapter twenty gail and family back home

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John I did have a lot of fun at my parent anniversary party dinner and I love seeing my cousin Whitney cleaning up the house after all these year gail I know I sure do too gail

Gail and family back home

Good morning it's John we are back home in New York for like a week and then we are heading out to la for our new life's we got a our and this movie is a hit because they have John Travolta in it gail is a huge John Travolta fan I have not seen any of his movie

Oh John you must see one of his movies before we go to Los Angeles ok I will gail and Olivia Newton -John  will be in it John has a huge crush on Olivia I do not Gail

Oh John admit it you do have a crush on Olivia Newton John ok gail I have to admit it I do have a crush on Olivia Newton -john ha see I told you John John and I just saw her documentary and reading one of her book that my friend Diane gave us said Gail

Well let's get comfortable in our New York house for a week and then our new life will start in Los Angeles in a couple of months

And we are really grateful for our family I mean John  and I are extremely busy all day long with our five kids and then our work schedule but we alway have time to have one by one dates with our kids like today we are taking baby faith and gabby with us shopping

For new clothes and gabby says she need glasses so we are taking her to go get some this is her first time in the eye doctor  I remember my first time to the eye doctor I was already with John and I can't see far John has the same problems as I am

And I was extremely nervous I don't know why

Flashback February 18,1969

Hello can I help you yes my wife Gail has problems seeing far and she say John what does this say and we alright have a appointment already have a seat and we will call her right in ok

Come on gail oh John I'm so nervous don't be gail it's gonna be fine

27 minutes later

Gail sayer !?come on let's go ok date of birth  miss gail 9/21/1949 ok come in and sit I'll wait right here gail ok John so you can see far miss gail that correct

We are just gonna check your eye vision ok , ok already your doing fine miss gail

Look forward for me gail ok oh boy that pretty bright I know we are gonna die-light your eye gail so you can pick out your glasses and you will on your way home ok

Your a very strong person Gail that great and blink how long will they come in like a week miss gail

It's depend on what kind of Len they are oh your all set mrs gail let's go get your glasses and your all set ok thanks

John let's go get my glasses they gave me these for the mean time  but let's go check them out ok

Ooh gail look at these wow they are so many to choose from it's like choice nick over Kendra or Kendra over nick John

I do like does John what do you think I love the red frame I do too I think I'm gonna choice these ok

We have choice the glasses ok we will have them here in a week have a nice day miss gail

What do you think of me wearing glasses John ? I think I'm gonna look dorky don't say that Gail your making your self look bad

Let's go eat lunch ok but let me put on these sun protection glasses ok gail

A week later

Gail  go get your glasses from the eyes doctor they called I told Manuel you would be a little late to work ok John ooh I can't wait to see my wife in her new glasses I wonder what Diane and Manuel would say when I go  to work John they know you wear glasses already gail

Remember we told them yesterday and they agree not to treat you special because no one is special Im not don't say that John your pretty darn special to me yeah because your my wife that way gail  oh yea we did huh

Ugh what wrong John the darn car is getting fix I'll drop you off at work since we are at the same job today oh that right we are

I want to see what my wife look in her new glasses ok John don't over react

Current time February 18,2019

Hey y'all it's Gail we are at the eye doctor with gabby and she a bit nervous then I am when I was at the eye doctor last

I'm gonna share that story when
gabby gets her glasses ugh what a great first time at the eye doctor for me

I'm sitting here with John once again John how does it feel to be back here in the eye doctor it's brings a lot of great memories gail

Few hours later

We came out of the eye doctor and we have a picture of what gabby new glasses would look like here they are

This is what gabby glasses look like she would get them in a week oh my gosh I can't wait to see what she look likes in them so do I gail

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This is what gabby glasses look like she would get them in a week oh my gosh I can't wait to see what she look likes in them so do I gail

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