Chapter nine day three in hawaii

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Day three in Hawaii

Good morning it's John, Gail And gabby for some reason. We are all waking up at the same time I have no idea why

Today is our last day in Hawaii we are flying home tomorrow we have one more adventure to do while we are here

We had so much here we had gail surprise party like you know I'm not that big with party said John expect for John 47 birthday !!!loudly said Gail we know gail  don't yell I am not John I love you 😘 I love you too gail

What are we going do we can have our dinner here and in New York gail oh ok I'm gonna call Kendra and tell her we are coming back tomorrow John ok we do this every morning when I go to work

Kendra it's mom hi mom how does it feel to be 47 it feel great Kendra hey we are flying back to New York tomorrow oh mom I'm back in Texas now I leave nick with grandma Denise and grandpa Paul oh ok Kendra

When did you leave to Texas yesterday now we can go back to what we do best where Olivia she found a house downtown New York mom oh in Brooklyn it's a good part of it oh ok Kendra

Well we will see you soon Kendra oh ok mom we love you 😘 kendra I love y'all to mom bye well let's get going John we have a long day ahead of us

Oh no what it's raining hard that impossible gail it's can't be John !! Look oh my gosh your right gail well we have to have our dinner here in the rental house

Oh ok gail there something I need to tell ya what John would you like to be my valentine again oh John it's not even valentine day yet oh that explain it mom dad how do I look you look just like you mother when she was your age really dad

She told us the same thing when she was I'd said the same thing to your mother Right here I do remember that John

Flash-back   January 12, 2003

Gail there something I need to tell ya what is it John would you like to be my valentine oh John it's not even valentine day yet oh that's explain it well Gail what do you think you look wonderful Miranda why thank you John you remember me of when gail was your age

"Is that true Gail's ?"it sure is Miranda

Current year

January 12 ,2017

Come here gabby I want to make you beautiful for tonight ok mom honey yes John I got you present 💝 "what it is John ?," come here ok close your eyes

Oh John "what is it ?," shh gabby ok dad come on mom ooh your hand cold gabby I know mom stay right here gail oh come on John show me it

Open your eyes ,oh my gosh it's a new scarf no not just that Gail look oh my gosh a locket I had a picture of it in it alright me and gabby pick it out oh it's wonderful John

Here let me help you that beautiful mom thank gabby I forgot to give to you yesterday wait mom I have one more present for ya it's from mr Silva

My goodness it's a box of chocolates I'm gonna call him right now there one more present for ya oh John what it is look outside oh my gosh it's a car I had it shipped over here I'll have it to shipped to New York's

Oh John let's give it a ride ok John come on gabby let's go ok mom oh my goodness John go slow in this car already get a video of this gabby ok mom

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