Chapter two gabby first date

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Good morning it's John Gail and gabby have left to work and I'm home alone well not actually home alone gabby came into our room with a happy smile on her face

Gail ask her who is it this time she said "what do you mean mom ?," Gail said did nick ask you out to dance tonight and gabby said yes "he sure did mom ,?"

Ugh mom she is so cute she said I look at gail and said um Gail I think gabby is taking this a little to fast

And Gail said John she a grown women now she can handle it

I remember when I first met gail we took it nice and slow we first talk and then we got into the more appropriate stuff and I'm not gonna excluding all that In our vlog

And me and Gail told gabby that and she agreed with it which I think she did I remember it like it was yesterday

Flashback December 12 , 1979

Hey Gail you forget your book at my house oh thank Cindy hey I like a boy in our class oh who is it it's John Cindy John sayer I want to ask him to the dance

But I don't know how just say John would you like to go out with me (here he comes ?) hi gail hi John gail there's something I need to tell you since the first day I came here and you were showing me around

I'll be over there gail ok , so do I John come on gail tell him John would you like to go out with me , That actually what I was gonna say gail really yes

So would y'all of course I would I'll pick you up at 5 ok John

A few hours later

We talk for a few minutes so "where do you live at gail ?," Gail made the first move of our date we were on top of gail parent rooftop

Gail you want kiss 💋 sure why  not we kiss for like 30 minutes until gail !! Oops I have to go now John hey don't worry I'll be here tomorrow ok

Gail carol get inside ok dad geez good night John good night come along daughter I want you to stay away from my daughter you hear me !!!!

Dad don't talk to John like that go to bed gail!!! Thomas !!! What did you do to gail I told her to go to bed Clarisa

Hello John hi mrs Perez is gail ok she fine you better getting home John ok mrs Perez good night 💤 good night John

As Gail watch me going  home she head the door open gail sweetheart are you ok ? Dad shouldn't yelled at John like that mom I know sweetheart

I'll have a talk with your father , Thomas your daughter is 17 year old she can date John if she want hes is way to older for her Clarissa what ages difference that it matter Thomas

I met you when I was gail age hey "John what are you doing here ?," if my father find out your here he's gonna kill me

Don't worry I'll find a way to get you out of here I heard John voice I told you to stay away from my daughter John sayer

Shh John where is he who ? Dad don't who dad me gail John I don't know Thomas !! I'm leaving come along gail yes mother you listen to me gail if you go with John you will never be allowed back in this house again I can  make my own choice dad

It's not up to you , don't you ever talk to your daughter like that again Thomas let's go to grandmas house Gail for the night

You can sleep in the floor if you want Thomas I'm taking the sheets with me to my mother house or sleep without no sheets

You listen to me Clarisa I make the choice for Gail it's not up to her or you oh so your saying I'm a bad mother it's sound like it

Dad don't ever talk to mom like that again shut up and push me to the ground

I  was watching this the whole time what was that for said a boy voice John , "what are you doing in there ?," recording your husband the whole time mrs Perez

From him yelling at you and Gail to when he push her are you ok gail I think so John

He's a very abused father and husband to both  of you

Current year

And that why I alway tell the story theres a good part to it gail dad actually changes his mind about me and Gail seeing each other

He accepted it after being in jail for abused Gail and her mother

I think gail and gabby are home I'll end here with this

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