Chapter fourtheen valantine day in sayer house

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Before vlogging

John I have a special surprise for y'all happy valentine day I think we should get up right now


Good morning it's John it's valentine day yesterday me and Gail had a valentine eve dinner but today at the jail all of the chaplain at the jail

Are having a valentine dinner and I'm bringing Gail and gabby it's a wife and daughter dinner and so gail will get meet the other chaplain wife at the jail and gabby will get to meet new friend

I want to continue to share the story when I first started at the school but I will share it all day long while I am work with the kids since it's the next generation of kids

Good morning class good morning mr Silva mrs sayer has a story to share did you know this was the day her and mrs Jones started working here she wasn't the way she is now no she was really shy she sure was said John

Flashback February 14,1989

Welcome to golden west mrs gail thanks mr Jonas oh gail plz call me jerry ok jerry oh Manuel this is your new aide Gail sayers welcome gail we have been waiting for your arrival

This is the classroom Daniel this is gail sayer hello I'm Daniel Trevino but the kid call me mr t we are waiting for our other aide your lunch would be at 12:30 let me show you what your gonna be doing for the whole year

Ok the kid all have disabilities some can't walk and some have a hard time with math and they should be arriving soon here your
Desk and your very own name tag

Hello John long time no see hello Manuel , hey Gail you forget your lunch bag oh thanks John your welcome gail I'll see you at home ok hi Diane hi John

Hi you must be Diane , Manuel I think the kid cam... Diane hello gail it been a long time since we last saw each other so you know each other are you kidding we are best  friend since high school she the one who got me and John together

What are you doing here ? I heard by Michael that golden west was looking for a aide for blazer buddies so I came

Well I'm glad your here , and Diane your lunch is at the same time as Gail ok Manuel the kids are so blast you have both of you two

Gail you will be getting the kids from the bus every morning and Diane will take them out to get breakfast

And you and Diane while I go to lunch will seat in the cafeteria  with the kids and then after they eat you will go back to class and Daniel will be in the classroom having his lunch and I'll come in and you gail will leave at 2:30 home ok and Diane when the kid go home but since it your first day gail

You can stay until the kid go home for the first week and then you will have days off yes jerry told me I will be having days off on Thursday and Diane on Tuesday

And your sub Gail will be Denise Gomez and you're Diane will be John sayer wait my husband yes
Gail good morning say good morning to mrs sayer

She our new aide I think I remember some of these from my old work that I used to work at you did this before gail I have too Manuel in Washington before John and I came to California

I remember her hi Ashley   oh mrs sayer I didn't reorganize you how John your husband he's doing great Ashley he will be here on Tuesday oh really he's is

Hi Matthew , mrs sayer it's been a long time it has is John still working with you he sure is Matthew he's gonna be here every Tuesday now come inside and I'll explain why ok

Hi mr t , mrs Jones what are you doing here I'm working here too Ashley it's been a long time , hi mrs Jones Matthew oh my gosh it's been a long time see I told you you would see someone familiar Matthew I sure did mrs sayer

That why John would be here mrs Jones will be taking day off , mrs sayer oh my ... Denise it's been a long time how are you  mrs Jones oh my goodness Denise it's been a long time since we last saw you

How you been I have been good Denise it seems like you know three of your student Gail I sure do Manuel it's turning out to be a great day

2 hours later

Gail and Diane it's time for your lunch ok let have it outside Diane ok you have a 15 minute break you can do what ever you want after ok we can go for a walk like we used to when we were back in Washington ok Diane

Hey Diane remember the time me you and Michael and John all went to Disneyland yup and John was scare of goofy I don't know who was more scare John or goofy 

They had a great laugh while they are eating, what have you and John been doing well John got a part time job at the jail has a chaplain

Let's go for a walk when did you come to New York gail right after John and I got married me and Michael recently came we found a rental house just north of New York gail its not that good

Oh really me and John think of adopting a kid in the future Diane you should do it gail That what John was saying Diane I mean yea we alright have a picture of what our adopted daughter would look like Diane oh really yup

Me and John were talking about it after we couldn't have anymore kids after nick you can't gail oh my gosh I'm so sorry about that Gail I am too I don't know why god isn't opening up to both me and John

The lord would open up to you and John gail don't worry it will  ring ring hi John excuse me Diane sure gail hi honey how your first day going so far it's going great hey guess what Ashley, Matthew and Denise are in the class that I'm in oh my gosh really gail

Hey i got a called right now from the orphanage and they have a kid for us oh my gosh John That great I'm gonna go get her right after work oh ok her name is gabby and she is a 10 year old kid nick and Demi Lovato didn't want her no more so they took her to the orphanage

I can't wait to meet her John I know well I better let your go gail ok , what happen gail what did John want he said he got a phone called  from the orphanage and we got a kid oh my gosh gail

See I told you that god would open up for you and John with a kid I'm so happy

3 hours later

Guys mrs sayer want to tell you a little bit about her self well right before I came to New York I was a teacher aide in walla walla Washington  and I can see I remember some of you from there

I got married to my husband John in Los Angeles California we lived there for the first few month of our marriage we had our first child Kendra in Los Angeles and then we went back to Washington for the first few year of Kendra birth we had our second kid nick and lived in Washington for nick few years of birth

And then we moved here New York and we stood here every since then and we will stay John and I have been married for 10 year now it's been the best 10 year of my life and we are having a adopted kid starting today

That great gail thank Manuel I can't wait for her to start school with these kids in this class so tell us about what's John does Gail said Manuel well you know what he does Manuel you know us since  our wedding oh that right

So your husband Gail said Daniel oh thanks Daniel well my husband John is a chaplain in the jail he has been doing this for 10 years also he started before I did here oh wow really gail yes

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