Chapter nineteen grandma and grandpa 50 anniverty party

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John I don't know if we should go to my parent anniversary party tonight why not gail my dad is just gonna make a joke out of it like he alway does He's not gail trust me

Grandma and grandpa 50 anniversary party

Good morning it's Gail we are in Texas we are in a hotel and we are heading to my parent house for their 50th anniversary party  tonight and I know my dad is just gonna make me feel bad like he alway does like I shared yesterday

Oh come on gail he is not gonna be anger at you your the one who anger is causing all this
John don't you dare say that

Hey I'm just saying I don't like seeing my wife getting mad I don't either John but  it just happens ok

We still love each other gail we sure do can I still share the story to let go of my anger John you sure can gail go ahead

Flashback February 15,1945 

Gail come down here plz Gail what is this , what are you talking about dad your grade Gail that what I'm talking about

Uncle Thomas  I got an A in math aww that great Whitney , why can't you be like Whitney Gail she has a great job and wonderful husband

Now go do your homework Gail , Gail ? Thomas what did you tell Gail  she didn't do good in economics it's because of that boy John

Thomas That not the reason , hey John my dad got mad at me for getting bad grades I'm not gonna be able to come to the dance with you aww man Gail I know

What are you gonna do , I'm going to that dance John you just said ..... oh ok park in the back of our neighborhood and stay there I'll climb out the window some how

*Door open *John  my parent are coming Gail  give that phone your not gonna be using it Thomas fine

Gail it's your turn to set the table dad I did it yesterday I don't care gail go set the table why doesn't Whitney do anything because she got better grades then you gail

Thomas I can't believe you just say that to gail uncle Thomas can I say something what is it I didn't get good grade Gail did Abigail come here plz yes dad

You don't have to do that table your cousin Whitney does I'm sorry if I ever doubt you well dad don't push it gail

Thank you so much dad

Current time

Wow gail it turn out I didn't have bad grades after all it's was my cousin Whitney so why is your dad so anger with you gail still to this day

That what I'm getting to John when I went to the dance with you I came home late because remember you said that you were invite to a party and I came with you

Flashback February 15 ,1945

Hey Gail I'm invite to a party and there gonna be people there of course John want to come sure John Come on let's go

An hour later

John you said this was a normal party it is joe can we use your room sure come on gail ok can we kiss gail sure I have never been to this kind of party before John I have gail

No wonder why we kiss you do it so good later on let's go to my place and do this ok

Oh John you kiss so good hey Gail your dad is here gail oh my gosh it's my dad what the hell his he doing here

Abigail carol what in the real is this your not wearing anything I don't care dad I'm an young adult now I don't need you to baby me

Sir  she doesn't need you to tell you what do to dad don't dare hurt John like that I love him so much  Thomas did you go in the room when gail was in there I sure did she don't need you for you to do that

Mom ? Mom ? Call the ambulance my mother is hurt I'm on it gail thank Diane 911  what your emergency One of my friend mother is on the ground and she hurt  where the address

John what the address i don't  know ask Michael  mike what the address of ours house it's 1245 north John ave seriously no John look see oh

Ok we will sent a ambulance over there right away ok thanks so much  , John I think your sister is here which one Jennifer oh my gosh Johnny Nelson what until mom hear about this what the heck Jennifer why are you here

Current year

Hey guys it's John gail is such a story teller and we are at gail parent house and we are having some what is this Gloria

Chicken dumplings 🥟 if you didn't know by now gail family is half Italian and Chinese we sure are said Gail my mom is  Italian and my dad is Chinese

And this is the appetizer John said Gloria (gail sister ) ma and pop have a whole dinner plan for us John

Where my daughter at hi mom hi dad hi gail said dad it's lovely to see your wonderful beautiful face again welcome home John thank Thomas oh plz call me dad John so where my granddaughter gabby

Here I am grandma welcome back home gabby thanks grandma tell grandma Denise about thing that are happening back home in New York

Well I'm trying out for the musical which musical gabby said grandpa Thomas high school musical

Hello mom hi Linda hi gail John you got a new hat I'm waiting for a hello from you linda welcome back John thanks linda where Todd at linda his in the car with the kids

Hi gabby hi aunt Linda you just brought gabby Gail no I brought baby faith with us go get her John ok

Faith want to say hi to your family come on here she is hi faith she look like you gail I'm sorry John everyone tells me that

Hi John hi Todd how are you sister In law Gail I'm fine Todd  you know you could've said how are you sister gail

Michael say hi to your aunt gail and uncle John um  hi aunt gail uncle John hi michael hi aunt gail oh my gosh Olivia it's been a long time you grown up so fast hi uncle John hi Olivia

Your cousin Whitney hi  John you know the plan already John ok hi aunt Denise hi Whitney oh no it's my cousin gail carol sayer how do you know I'm married my aunt told me gail so who he

His name is John , John get in here welcome to the family John I'm your cousin in law , Gail carol newton Perez how are you oh my gosh josh John this is josh , josh this is my husband John welcome to the family Josh

How are you mama Denise I'm fine josh sit sit ooh that looks good mom thanks gail  oh dad you look so handsome thank gail ugh gail alway want to be the best well maybe I am Whitney

Oh boy so John me and Denise have been listening to your podcast and boy are you amazing well thank papa Thomas me and Gail recently start like a month ago

Gail I was talking to Manuel the other day and he got you promoted to be a teacher he did mom yes wow gail congrat thank josh don't talk to her

Jealous enough Whitney , so how long have this been happening for Gail  what do you mean ? Josh with you and John well I don't like to brag about John but we have been married for 38 year , big whoop gail  big detail

Don't start Whitney said Denise so John I heard from Todd your doing a great job over at the jail said Linda I sure am I'm doing my 14th year has a chaplain in the jail

At which jail John said josh why do want to know for josh don't be rude Whitney

I work in the New York jail but gail want to movie to Los Angeles if she gets the roles in grease you audition for grease Gail I sure did

Wow that amazing gail so did I oh really josh yes but I don't think they want me in the cast

Ring ring hello this is her , I what oh my gosh that wonderful I would love to tell thank you so much

Who was that Gail , guys you are never guess who I got off the phone with who gail it was the producer of grease they want me to play sandy and John they want you to play danny and josh your one of the t bird oh my .... I'm so speechless

They are sending over the script to our house John oh my gosh it's our first movie together

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