Chapters six gail day off / little trip to hawaii

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Good morning it's John and Gail  yes I and Gail it's clearly 8:09 am oh my gosh usually Gail and I wake up at 5:00 gail and I woke up at the same time usually I wake up before John said Gail another time I wake up before Gail so I can get to work early I have the keys to the jail

But mostly Gail gets up before I do and the reason why we both got up at the same time is because gail and gabby are going on a little trip to Hawaii to spend time with Gail side of the family Gail just heard That her grandfather is in the hospital so keep Gail in your prayer

Gail will have her camera with her so she will be blogging while she is there and I'm going to work and our niece Olivia is here to take care of faith and nick

She gonna stay there for three day and she gonna be there with family and we found out that Gail other sister Gloria daughter Whitney just had another  baby and Gail is gonna be there also

She will tell ya all about are you my little cupcake I sure am John ok my mom dad my grandpa had a heart attack it's runs in my moms family and

they are counting on me to go take care of my grandmother while he's in the hospital I have three sister my sister Linda in Texas , my sister Gloria in California  and my other sister well my half sister Giselle in Colorado so they too far away from Hawaii

So they want me and John to take care of my grandmother but John has to stay home to take care of the kids

And I didn't want to fly everyone to Hawaii so I'm just bringing this little girl with me

Hi viewer we are gonna have some fun together are we gabby sure are mom I love ya dad

Well we are  leaving now John have Fun my beautiful angel from heaven

Ok my lord and angel I love you be safe ok John I will you got your backpack ready gabby yup mom and we are off

Hawaii here we come !! Um Gail you forget something oh yes I love you John Nelson I love you more gail carol

36  hours later

We are in New Mexico and it's clearly 4:03 pm already in New York John will be up pretty soon it's 2:05 here in Arizona we are boarding a bus to get to California

We are gonna be so tired when we get there so I'll end it here good night John and Gail out

12 hrs later

Gabriella wake up we are in la oh my gosh wow la looks so beautiful it's 1:07 here in la we have to catch the next plane to Hawaii  we were 2,467 mi away from Hawaii gabby

5 hours later

It's clearly 11:10 let's get some sleep gabby ok mom good night my little sweetheart good night mom

To be continued..........................................................

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