Chapter ten gail and gabby and john home sweet home

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Welcome back gail and John !!!!

Good morning it's John it's clearly 4:59 almost five , Gail and gabby are fast a sleep I'm heading to the jail now we flew in late last night and Gail fell a sleep on the couch and I told her to come back to the bed

So I'm quietly walking out of the house without walking up gail and later on today we are having my boss  for dinner from the jail Gail and I aren't really that big at making dinner

Gail will be making the food when she gets up well I'm on my way to the jail we are making a green bean casserole since it's Gail day off

We will be having guest over back to back from the school also it's Linda Nickel the one gail is working with since we lost Manuel Silva Rest In Peace

I know John don't vlog and drive at the same time so I'm gonna pull of to one of my favorite spots on my way to the jail

3 minutes later
Gail cam

Good morning it's Gail John it's at the jail and I'm getting dinner ready for us I hope John mention that we aren't big of making dinner only when we have guest over

Like today and tomorrow we are having guest over we are having johns boss and then Linda Nickels from the school 

I'm gonna go drop of gabby at school and then come home to get started with the dinner Gabriella come on we are going to be late for school I'm coming mom

Me and our daughter Kendra alway talk every morning since I'm not going to work today I'm still gonna call her here I go

Hello Kendra it's mom ,hi mom I though you were at the school no today my day off i know that mom

What knew for today Kendra ?, well Abigail started to talk mom "where is she ?" She right here mom Abby grandma Gail on the phone

Hi Abby hi grandma gail where grandpa John he's at works abby how are you Abby I'm doing great grandma tell grandpa I said hi I will Abby

I have go grandma I go bathroom ok Abby bye grandma I love you Grammy I love you too abby well "what are you doing today ma ?,"

Well I'm gonna drop off gabby and then going back home to make dinner oh so where dad he's at work Kendra oh you and dad really work hard don't you yup

Well honey what going on In your life Kendra nothing really ma me Josh are planning to go to California for the week to spend time with his family since we spend Like a whole month with you and dad

Well I better go ma josh is home from the store ok honey luv ya ma luv ya too Kendra

That what we do everyday , have fun at school gabby Dad gonna go pick you up ok mom after lunch don't forget to give this to mr Silva here your lunch honey my very own camera mom yup me and your dad

Want you to join in with us in the vlog thanks mom used it when your on field trip with mr Silva ok and everyday we want to see what our daughter is doing in her everyday life at school

Thanks ma luv ya , now I'm gonna go back home to get started on our dinner for tonight with John boss from the jail 

Gabby cam

Hey guys it's gabby here if you all don't know my mom and dad want me to join in with the vlog so I am I will have my own YouTube channel starting today I'm in my all day blazer buddies class here mr Silva

Geez gabby your just like mrs sayer  really mr Silva yes she does this every morning well anyway I'm in mr Silva class Monday, Thursday and Friday ,Tuesday  and Wednesday I'm in choir  with mr sayer my father of course when he's at the school

Well since today is Monday I'm in here , tomorrow my dad will be back to be a sub aide for mrs Jones and then after lunch he's in my mother old classroom where we do choir our accompanist is Mrs Swanson from the science building she really nice

Usually today my mother is here but today is her day off the only time i see her is Monday and Friday because Thursday I'm in dance class with mrs Jones gabby I think you need a break

Can I put the camera In the back mr Silva sure gabby this is from mrs sayer she want to thank you for the present you gave her aww

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