Chaptertwenty three gail goes to jail

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John why don't you ever take me to your work , I don't know gail oh what your excuse for not taking me to the jail , you want the honest reason why gail

Why John , why it's because I didn't want the other chaplain to meet you but I'm gonna make it up to you I'm bring you and gabby to the jail with me alright John and promise one thing what don't embarrass me

I won't promise that John  ,oh boy ! Come on let's get dress help me with the bed ok I'm super excited to go to jail with you John I'm excited too gail

I'm the second one who bringing their wife to work let me guess Todd brought Linda and don't worry gail the inmate I had a talk with them they wouldn't say mean thing to you

Ok John already oh boy I have to make gabby lunch for that this is her second day missing school and my second day missing work oh well

Gabby get dress for what mom , we are going to dad work mom I missed one day mr Silva is wondering where I am you don't seem so happy about going to dad work mom I didn't say that I am happy see

It just I hate not being here with you and dad I hardly see you and dad that much what do you mean gabby you see me ... that right John she don't get to see me every day

I leave to the school early I barely get to say good morning to you and then you leave mom and then dad leaves to work and there no one here but me

I know it's hard gabby but you have to understand why your father and I leave we work I know that mom and I appreciate it

We will make it up to you bumble bee tomorrow after lunch you and I are gonna have the best day ever and gabby said John I'll make sure to clear my schedule to have some time with you and mom thank dad

Already it's settle let's go and one more thing dad you can pick me up during 4 period you do not want to see me in economics and civic come here you my children I love you bumble bee I love you both dad

Let go now I want to intro you both to some of the inmate in the cells that I do a bible study ok and be honest with me gail how great is to have a chaplain has a husband

Well John to be honest I think I'm one of the lucky person in the world to have a husband like you

I want you to teach my bible study just this one time gail if you like it you can come back more and more with me it's a detail John

Great well here we are get the camera ready

Gail goes to jail

Good morning it's John and look who came with me to work my wife Gail and daughter gabby  this is both of their first time I think gail and gabby are excited then I am

Like you all know I do a bible study here at the jail instead of me doing the Bible study my wife Gail is gonna do it she excited to do this and great new she got a part time job here as well on Gail's day off she will come with me to the jail on Wednesday

And doing a bible study with me it's a blessed to have my wife and daughter with me now we are gonna have a bible study during my time right now chaplain Todd gail brother in law is doing a bible study with the inmate pretty soon I I mean gail will do a bible study with the inmate she has a whole thing plan for them

Hi Jospeh you remember my wife Gail hello again gail and welcome aboard here you official chaplain Gail tag aww thank Joseph your office when you do come will be the empty one by your husband

But for today hang out let me intro you to the other chaplain in the jail there is no female chaplain your the first one ever to be in the jail as a female chaplain oh well they all think oh boy it's a man job but you came out of your conforms zone Mrs Gail

I mean chaplain Gail thank Jospeh well have fun today chaplain Gail thanks once again Jospeh

Well John I mean chaplain John how do I look you look like your self chaplain Gail mom yes gabby do I have to call you chaplain Gail of course not gabby

Just call me mom at home mrs sayer at school , and when you come to visit with me it's chaplain  mom

Oh ok chaplain mom what time are we having lunch pretty soon now I think Todd is done with his bible study let's go

It's down the hall oh this is excited
Chaplain John welcome back !!! We miss you !!! I miss you all too!!! Have a seat Gail ? Well guys today I'm not gonna do a bible study , what why ? , because my wife Gail the newest and only female chaplain in this jail will be doing it

Give a welcome to my wife Gail since this is gail first time we are gonna go easy on her today , we agree guys

Agree Chaplain John , and Gail has some great thing to share as she gets a little experience with this , but today gail want to talk to you about her self for the next week

And Gail go ahead and tell the inmate about your self well hello everyone thank you for that lovely intro chaplain John well I am gail sayer I'm a teacher aide at golden west high school and a really good cook I brought some cookie I made them last night

And no John never help me , yes why doesn't chaplain John ever help you gail we tell him everyday to help out his wife and I wonder if he every does

Well he doesn't help me at all my daughter Gabriella helps me out say hi to everyone gabby hi she a little shy

I want to make a slideshow which I did this last night as well of what chaplain John and I do during our free time

I want you to watch ever closely

2 hour later

It's was really nice meeting you can't wait to actually work here I had a lot of fun with all of you we had a lot of fun with you too chaplain Gail plz call me gail I haven't official started working here

Bye see you all next week bye chaplain John and chaplain Gail and hey thank for the cookie Chaplain gail your very welcome y'all

That was so much fun now what John we just stay in the office and then we go to lunch I usually go out with the other chaplain but I have told him that you were coming with me so we are gonna have a picnic outside of the jail

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