Chapter twenty one Sayer family dinner date

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Gabby you are gonna look so cute with your glasses on you sure are gabby aww thank mom and dad but I don't know what would Anahi and them would say she would make fun of me oh gabby don't worry

They wouldn't make fun of you mr Silva won't of course he won't neither would mrs stair well she never talk um gabby I think you mean mrs a who doesn't talk much mrs stair and I talk all the time at lunch

That right you do when me Diane and mrs stair all have lunch we talk about you father all the time oh really mom yup , gail why ! Why ! Why , why what John Do you have to talk about me with Diane and Marisa because they ask me

Oh well that different well I think we should start our day with gabby starting us off on the vlog ok

Well did you know I talk to Manuel and Todd about you all the time gail well Todd different then Manuel John Todd is family and Manuel is our friend well yea that true gail he is our friend

Sayer family dinner date

Good morning viewer it's gabby my mom and dad are still waking up and look they left me a note on my door and it's ready Gabriella we love you and well we hope you have a great day today and we have a great special for you at the end of the day , wow I wonder what that is

Good morning ma morning gabby so what the special that you and dad have we are gonna tell you when the whole family wake up oh ok mom I see how it is

Good morning dad morning gabby how did you sleep, I a great dream that I was remarried your mother and my sister Jennifer was dress in a ugly bride maid dress well that explain everything mom why are you and aunt Jennifer so mad at each other

Your dad know the whole story to that I sure do

Flashback February 15 ,1945

Hey Gail I'm invite to a party and there gonna be people there of course John want to come sure John Come on let's go

An hour later

John you said this was a normal party it is joe can we use your room sure come on gail ok can we kiss gail sure I have never been to this kind of party before John I have gail

No wonder why we kiss you do it so good later on let's go to my place and do this ok

Oh John you kiss so good hey Gail your dad is here gail oh my gosh it's my dad what the hell his he doing here

Abigail carol what in the real is this your not wearing anything I don't care dad I'm an young adult now I don't need you to baby me

Sir she doesn't need you to tell you what do to dad don't dare hurt John like that I love him so much Thomas did you go in the room when gail was in there I sure did she don't need you for you to do that

Mom ? Mom ? Call the ambulance my mother is hurt I'm on it gail thank Diane 911 what your emergency One of my friend mother is on the ground and she hurt where the address

John what the address i don't know ask Michael mike what the address of ours house it's 1245 north John ave seriously no John look see oh

Ok we will sent a ambulance over there right away ok thanks so much , John I think your sister is here which one Jennifer oh my gosh Johnny Nelson what until mom hear about this what the heck Jennifer why are you here

Who is she John she my step sister Jennifer who is this Johnny his girlfriend gail why do you want to know well I don't care , John you know your not suppose to be with a Perez one of the Perez family

Wow hold up mom

Current time for temporary

Aunt Jennifer didn't want dad to be with you yes now shh


Jennifer I don't care mom said it's ok for me to be with Gail so did dad I'm gonna call them up right now to see go ahead

Mom did you give John the right to date a Perez family member yes Jennifer why are you over at Diane Jones house for huh I can see you for our windows Jennifer leave John and Gail lone

Ugh what ever mom you win this time gail but I'll be back for ya and when I do I'll haunt ya for ever oh no you won't

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