Chapter eight hawaii day two

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Day two in Hawaii / Gail birthday 💕💕

We still need a lot more thing for Gail but we will do them after she leaves the house , ok dad we have this whole day plan for her

Good morning viewer it's John Gabby and I are making a cake for Gail it's her 47 birthday my wife is getting younger and younger then I am

We are making a special breakfast for her and gabby and I did a little shopping last night we put up the string in our room here at the rental house

Gail should be waking up in three .. two .. one ... morning John morning Gabriella happy birthday gail , thanks John happy birthday mom thank Gabs

I just got off the phone with Diane right now Diane forgot that it was my birthday she was like Gail it's something special today I said yes

I said Diane it's my birthday and she like oh anyway happy birthday gail I said thanks Diane

Ring ring hello happy birthday gail , thanks nick how are you feeling from Alice dying I'm feeling a whole lot better from 9/11 happening

That great nick thanks gail so is John planning something special for ya Gail I don't know nick he won't tell me

Tell him to do something very special ok nick I'll try ok bye nick bye gail

Wow mom it's only 5:56 am and you got two phone called isn't grandma Carolina gonna call oh she never does we lost connection since I married your father she will never call don't give you hopes up mom

Sit down birthday girl , every time one of us has a birthday we go around and tell them what makes them special since it's just me and gabby here with Gail we are gonna go 4 time telling gail what we loves about her

What I love about Gail is her love for god and the kids at the school she works at

What I love about my mom is that she not afraid to embarrass my dad in front of the camera and off camera

I'm calling our kids in New York and telling them. What they love about their mother and our niece Olivia

Hello Kendra hi dad I'm here in Hawaii with your mother oh put mom in the the phone Ok

Gail your daughter want to talk to ya ok hi Kendra hi ma happy birthday thanks Kendra , Kendra tell the viewer and your mother what your love about your mother

What I love about my mother is that her love and faith for the Kids at the school and her faith and joy for her own kids

Nick want to talk to ya mom ok hi Nicholas hi mom happy birthday thanks nick when are you coming home Saturday night nick you know it's take a long time for us to get to New York from Hawaii ok mom

Nicholas what do you love about your mother

What I love about my mother is she loves her children more then everything when she see other children down the street without no family she helped she a really funny lady to be with and I love to call her my mother

Where Olivia at Nick she still not even up yet oh ok nick we will see you we will call a little later on nick ok dad

There you go comment down below what you love about gail ok now birthday girl eat your special breakfast that gabby and I made for ya ok John

Can I have some privacy John sure what are your plans for today gail ? I think im gonna call up Abigail and tell her to take me around town since it's our last two days here in Hawaii

Oh ok honk honk I think that her well have fun gail remember John I don't like party we promise gail we behave John make sure your father be good today ok mom

See ya honey ok gail , we sit up this date with gail sister to keep her out of the house so we can have a surprise party for Gail when we get back to New York we plans this dinner for Gail me and Gail were talking about it so we made it happen

But she doesn't know about the special party we are planning here so I'd called up Abigail Gail's twin sister to take Gail out of the house

5 hours later

Guys I just heard Gail's twin sister car drove in Gail is coming in

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