Back to school

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-Percy Jackson age 16-

It was a day after winter break, and I was (unfortunately) getting ready

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got ready, had breakfast, said goodbye to my mom and then left

"Bye mom," I said

"Bye Perce, tell Zo I said hi," my mom said

"Will do," I told her

I then left and started heading towards Zoë's apartment

Once I got there I knocked on the door

Zoë's mom answered it

"Oh hello, Percy!" She said

"Good morning Mrs. Nightshade," I said

"Oh percy how many times do I have to tell you, you can call me by my first name," said Zoe's mom

"ok," I said

"come on in Zoe's almost ready," she said

I walked in not feeling like anything really

it was so far pretty much like this every day and it has been for years

I walked into Zoe's room

and before you say anything I can do this because I've been doing this every day at this exact time for years

I walked in on Zoe sitting down in front of her mirror doing her hair which was almost finished (and was in a long braid straight down her back

her backpack was hanging from the chair she was sitting on

her room was neat (the total opposite of my room) and all her stuff was neatly placed

"come on Zoe its time to go" I reminded Zoe

"can thou shut up?" Zoe said

I laughed

Zoe liked using Shakespearean language because she said its cool and funny

"come on let's go," I said as Zoe was finishing up the last of her braid

she stopped grabbed her backpack and left

right after she gave her mom a kiss and said by to her oldest sister (she has 4)

"come on then LET'S GO TO SCHOOL," Zoe said

she's the only person I know who's ever said that

As my best friend becomes love ( a perzoe fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now