planet her >>

596 10 23

"Moommmm," I called as I walked into the apartment and took off my shoes, "I'm home!"

"In the kitchen!" She called.

I headed to where she was and greeted her with a hug and a kiss. on the cheek,

"How was school?" She asked curiously.

"It was cool, Paul told us that we're going on a field trip to meet the author of one of the books we read as an assignment once."

"Ooh, how exciting!" she smiled, "But I hope you know you're not going anywhere without cleaning your room first," she told me with an eyebrow raised.

I sighed, sulking about the fact that i immediately had to start cleaning.

"On it," I told her as I made my way to my room, dropping my bag once I made it inside.

I checked the time; 2:57. 'I could start at 3.' I told myself as I opened me and my friends' groupchat to see what the were up to.

Milf Supremacy 🗣

Lester Valdez 🤓
Tell me Keith from Voltron
isn't literally the hottest
Person in the show 😐

Keith from Voltron isn't
the hottest person in the show

Lester Valdez 🤓
If not him then who 🤨⁉️

Peter Pan 🧐 Peter Piper 🤨

She's literally a milf

Annabeth 😜☝️
She's got ME questioning my
sexuality good golly

Piper don't tho 💀

ZoZo <3

Lester Valdez 🤓Good golly 🤓☝🏽

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Lester Valdez 🤓
Good golly 🤓☝🏽

Don't you guys have homework
to do

Lester Valdez 🤓
Silence Junior 🤨 don't you
got college to worry about 🧐
Stay out young people's
Business 😹

This is why your girlfriend
doesn't love you

ZoZo <3 (1 second later)
She doesn't

Lester Valdez 🤓

Maybe checking on my friends wasn't the best course of action. I'll need to remember that for the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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